Thursday, June 2, 2011

And don't worry what the bitter hearts are gonna say.

So last night <3 another late night texty text from him ;) once again he told me to come over, but he was pretty smart about it, he was like 'say your friend is having her baby' whoa, you listen to me? But I was completely honest with him. I was like 'my mom isn't stupid!' Because she isn't, she knows I would be going to see him! Bahh, but he said that 'we had a good chance' god. why did I have a boyfriend in the beginning of this year?! GOD! I sure did screw myself over with that one didn't I. Maybe in the future though. Is it weird that I have a feeling that in the future we really will? And he even said it too, it's weird. Idk. All the good ones have freaking girlfriends :(
Ha year book day was a joke. I got that little mothertrucker and I was out of there. No signatures in my book, nosiree. 'Ha, there would be a picture of you and your ex.' HE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE!!!
Happy birthday, jammin. I love you with my entire being :))

'You've never had a relationship last longer than a couple of months. At this point, it's time to look at yourself and wonder what the fuck is wrong with you.' -Mumma Trover

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