Monday, February 7, 2011

This is our fate, I'm yours.

Today has been so hectic. So much has gone on. I got my bangs cut :) megan did a fabulous job if I must say so :) I'm very proud of her :) Seminary was really awesome today :) I just love that class :) it makes me just happy :) I learned a lot today, but I'm way to tired to recall :| water aerobics today... I'm terrified for my feet :| please please pleaseee don't get any worse! I babysat for pocahontas today :) I'm officially her son's nanny :) his name is Ziggie :) he's two and he's pretty adorable. In his world saying phooey means food and climbing on my lap is completely acceptable :) for a non-relative kid he's pretty alright :) I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of him apparently :) then I came home, leaving one cuddly kid just for another. Freaking tank bombarded me with snuggles :) it was one of those days that I really needed that :) I haven't been this tired in so long :)
In the locker room while I was changing into my bikini, a heavenly messenger made my day I swear :) 'Adri, you have the most perfect body' no joke. full stop that's what she said. I needed that more than anything. I feel like she had that sense to tell me. I've been getting pretty sketchy about everything lately, but I'll try to check into reality now.
'My bottoms keep falling off!
Good thing there are no guys in this class.
Umm yehh there are...
Ok, no real guys'
in any other situation I would have quickly come to defense. In this situation though, I just let them laugh and I went on with my aerobicizing.
I'm just way too tired to even type right now.

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