Sunday, February 6, 2011

I pray for this heart to be unbroken.

This weekend has been a pretty good one :) Friday night was way fun and saturday was a well deserved day of rest :) Robin and Kira came to try on some dresses :) and I really hope that somehow at least one of them was able to work :)
Today was pretty good :) I went to the mall to look for some new makeup for sweethearts :) silver sparkles is the winner :) I'll have to go back tomorrow to get it :) and Pocahantas messaged me on facebook and I'll be babysitting for her on monday and tuesday :) then I have the cosmetology open house the rest of the week :) I'm pretty excited to be honest :) it will be such a busy week and I love that :) me and Eric went to memory grove today and it was really fun :) we had our very own little picnic and then we just walked around. It was kind of cool seeing all of the names and everything. Then we found this super sketchy dangly thing in a tree. And I took it. At first I didn't think anything of it though. It had a picture of a warrior thing on the front and on the back it said 'we don't need another hero' so I was just like that's weird. Then we went to this platform stage thing that he had told me about. Apparently Kevin Carrington had seen some devil worshippers there before, so I was excited to see it. But then I just got creeped out... because there were like upside down crosses and stars everywhere around there. So then I looked at that dangly tree thing (which for some stupid reason I had decided to put on my wrist) and it suddenly seemed demonic! 'We don't need another hero'?! Wtf does that mean??? But of course I still had to take it so I can do research on it! :) so then I officially got creeped out and automatically started thinking about getting possessed and I decided that it was too cold and I wanted to leave :) and on the way back to the car we saw a stick figure person in the rocks :| This of course reminded me of the blair witch project :| this grove thing was just a little too sketch for me. I want to go back when it's warm though and hopefully when my feet feel better so I can actually hike some of the trails and look at all the plaques and stuff. I'm a little nerdy for even saying how much I want to read the plaques... But I do! Anyways, so far I'm not possessed and I hope it stays that way! I wouldn't even know how to go about getting rid of a demon :| It's too close to bed time to even think about this :|
I can't wait for the week to begin :) bring it on :) I hope I can find time to get my nails done...
'Even though sometimes your bff makes you say wtf, they always make you feel richer than ever' <3 Drake :)

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