Sunday, February 20, 2011

'That's the price you've gotta pay to get sleazy, my friend.'

Overcoming my illness :)
Ke$ha <3

I know it has been a very long time, but it's hard to get the energy to blog when you have the flu! That's right, the flu has infected my body. It started on tuesday in cosmetology. I'd been given a client. And I was doing pretty good until all the sudden I just started blacking out and getting super dizzy. So I put down my shears and try to act like nothing is wrong. Then I go and cry (not literally, but almost) like a little baby to Julie. She went and finished up the haircut for me, but I was still expected to blowdry and flatiron the woman's hair. It was hell. And at this point all I wanted to do was go home, but I wanted to stay and speak at the lunch side like I had promised I would. So I went to seminary and I let brother sullivan know that I was having a pretty hard time. Then Eric came and surprised me with this gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers :) I swear he just knew I was having an awful day and needed something cheery :) but so then the lunch side thing started and they had Thane speak first and he did really good :) I was so proud of him :) I'm really thankful that I asked him to speak. Then I went to speak. And I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to because I didn't feel well, but I felt fine the whole time. I don't really remember anything that I said, but I'm really glad that I spoke because everyone told me that I did really well. I hope I did. But after I spoke I just couldn't take it anymore, so I went home. I felt like jizzzzz! But that didn't stop me from having to babysit ziggy. But luckily I have the best mom in the world and she stayed and helped me the entire night :) :) :) when I got home, I was just ready to shoot myself though. I really wanted to go to school the next day though, because we had this thing due in English (which they didn't even do...) and I wanted to talk to Nik and see if he was ok. I still feel like a dick when I think about that. I don't think I ever blogged about that though. But on valentines day I texted him and told him what we had done in English that day. And I told him that he better have done something special for his girlfriend. He then informed me that she had broken up with him. The day before. I'm an asshole.
Anyyyyways, I didn't make it to school the next day. Because at this time the flu had now completely taken over my body! I took like a thousand baths, but it did no good! This gave me way to much time to examine my body and well I'm pretty sure that my left side is significantly smaller than my right!!! Except my boobs, they're luckily the same. Either way though, I'm a freak!!! That's seriously all I can really say about wednesday. I couldn't do anything, because everything hurt. Thursday was a little better. I watched back to the future because I was feeling a little nerdy. But that's all. I then went back to feeling like shit. I couldn't eat, my fever wouldn't leave me alone, and everyone was too afraid to catch my disease to visit me. Then that night, just to put the icing on the cake of a terrible day, someone wrote all over my car windows. Like a child. I don't even know what it really said though because my mom was sweet enough to clean it off for me. She's so good to me :) I love her. And I love Kercee :) It was so cute :) every morning I woke up to a text from her telling me that she loves me :) and I love her :) :)
Friday. I have mixed feelings about friday. All day I was trying my very hardest to get better, and I did get a lot lot loooot better, but not as much as I would have liked. Taya was going to go to Ke$ha with us, but she got sick too and decided she would be too miserable :( So I invited Eric instead and I'm way glad he came. Because all night I was having trouble even standing and he let me lean on him and because I had a wayy bad craving for french fries and he brought me some :) It was amazing though. Ke$ha is beautiful. She's crazy! My favorite was grow a pear when an actual pear was on the stage :) there were some pretty trashy girls there. One was seriously just wearing lingerie. I thought I was cold outside standing in line, I couldn't imagine being her! There were gay guys everywhere too. There was one that was such a dick though... he full on yelled at the girl that was standing in front of me. I don't know what it is about gay guys, but why do they always feel the need to say 'hunny' when they're yelling at someone? Bugs me so hardcore... Back on topic though. I feel like we got pretty close to the stage :) not like insanely close, but pretty close. But I got really sick with all the jumping and grinding everyone was doing. And someone threw alcohol all over and it got on me. And there was glitter everywhere. That pretty much sums up the night I guess. We spent an hour just trying to get out of the parking lot. But Eric got sick by the time we got home :| hopefully he just got a cold and not the full on flu that I had...
Yesterday I was feeling even a little more better, but still not one hundred percent. And I had to watch Ziggy again. But this time, we didn't just stay at his house. We went to a baby shower for one of my Aunts (or is she a cousin? I really have no idea) it was fun though. And I discovered that this girl Mariah is in my family now. I'm pretty sure she went to junior high with me. And that she's a beazy. I guess she just showed up at my aunts house and told her that her husband was her dad (my aunts husband, not Mariah's) I would be pissed if that ever happened to me. But Ziggy was a pretty good kid the whole time, but then we had to go back to his house. Luckily he was super tired from not having a nap so he slept the whole time :) :) :) so I just got to sit and read :) and Pocahontas even came home early because she wasn't feeling well. That's not happy for her, but it was absolutely fantastic for me because it took two hours away :) on the way home I saw a massive accident on the freeway and it freaked me out like crazy. The roads were pretty bad, so it's just one more reason why I'm happy she came home early. So they couldn't get any worse. 
Today I'm feeling a little bit better :) It's mostly just down to a bad cough and blowing my nose a ton. I still can't eat very much though. I've lost a ton of weight. Seriously at least three or four pounds. And my mom advised me to try to keep it off. She told me this sickness was a gift. I can see where she's coming from and I really am going to try. I hope it's easy.
I've been so lazy today :) all I've done is read and rest. I'm reading nineteen minutes again because I'm obviously pretty much unable to do anything still. It's not as amazing as I remember it being. Maybe I just can't relate to it in the same way that I used to. Or maybe it's because I can relate to it a little too much now.
I never really blogged about sweethearts. It was alright. I felt so bad for Robin all night because of her crappy date. I felt like my dress wasn't enough. Tina's was insanely over the top making me feel even more underdressed. I got to change my earrings for the first time though. Well Eric did it for me because my nails were too long, but still. My date was just so quiet and so shy. He was alright though. At least he wasn't a douche to me. I'm really glad that Ben got to finally to to sweethearts even if it was a little late :)
I hope I get better before tuesday! I'm starting to actually miss school... or at least the people there.

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