Saturday, February 26, 2011

I never thought that I could feel this free

I know I'm really crappy at blogging lately but ohwell :))
Thursday I babysat :) for the final time :)) Ziggy is going to Florida and I don't want to return as his nanny when he gets back. The money was amazing but working was too rough for me :) no more 'phooEEE!' No more 'ahhhhgua!' no more :)) but no more money either... at this point I would normally start complaining about how I want to get a job. But who really wants to get a job?! I just want money..
On Thursday Eric came and visited me at school :) then he decided to come to my english class and ms. aalen said it would be ok. So he sat down in an empty seat. The empty seat right next to where Nik sits. So I'm just like 'ehma.. this is going to be so awkward...' but it wasn't. They were way chill with each other and it was just like whatever. And when class was over Eric informed me that Nik has a goofy face. HE DOES NOT!!!! It was very silly of him to even say that! ;) After school we went to mcdonalds and then he had to leave so I could get ready for work :/
Yesterday was great :) fantastic really :) I went to seminary council and I don't even know why, but it was pretty fun :) I did a perm in cosmetology and we discovered that Jessica has wayy super stretchy skin :) and somehow Julie ended up telling me that if I went out with her son I could come boating with them :) But since caleb doesn't like boating, I'm gonna go after her nine year old son ;)
In seminary we kicked off march madness :) I'm so so sooo excited :)) and Eric wanted to do it with me :) I hope he makes it! But halfway through the lesson, I got called down to the office. So at first I was like oh my councilor wants to talk to me about graduation :) then they said it was to talk to the cop. So my next thought was that it was about Dylann and how he's constantly an ass to me, then I decided against that and thought it was about my car getting vandalized! (it was a pretty long walk...) But then when I got there he was like I'm sure you know what this is about so in my head I'm like 'yeah about my car getting trashed!!!!' but I just shook my head. and he was like 'it's about a stolen sweater' so I thought it was going to be about Kiya stealing my hollister jacket, then it dawned on me what he really meant. He was a way chill guy to me, so I just told him what happened. The only thing that freaked me out was that he had one of my facebook pictures printed. And not like one of my profile pictures either, one of my senior pictures... so they would have had to go through my tagged pictures to find it. Why did they print THAT one anyways??? I was crazy! But we just talked, and I'm glad he was a nice guy. He made me feel pretty comfortable :)
After school was amazing :))) Me and Eric went to iceberg and ultimately pigged out wayy too much and just had a lot of fun :) then we went and saw never say never :) and I totally fell in love with Justin Bieber :) :) :) he's so adorable :) and he made me want to have kids because he was such a cute kid :) even Eric admitted that it was a really good movie :) I was pretty surprised by how good it really was :) the 3D sucked, but other than that it was amazing :) then we went back to my house and we really did just sit and talk to my mom for like five hours. Well, I guess it was mostly just me talking, but they did sometimes too :) it was a good feeling :) yesterday was perfection :)
'Stop talking! you're supposed to be thinking about your fingers!' -aerobics sub :))

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