Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Exploring the madness.

Cosmetology is nom nom nom :) we didn't find out the winners of skills, but we will tomorrow :) We talked about great things today :) and jersey shore girl had some gossip about Clayton, the guy that Kercee talked to. But I know she'll make the right decision and that she won't get hurt :)
So I'm soaking my feet right now :) then I saw my phone clear across the room :| 'Mom mleh mleh mleh!!!' 'You know you're just a brat!'

me (crying): 'my life sucks'
Eric: 'There are people worse off then you out there'
'I don't care about them! I care about me!!!'
'You're a selfish bitch!' Made me laugh so hard :)

Me and Tina and Ashley went to lunch today at einsteins. And I got distracted by the hott bagle guy ;) bahaha :)
Mason's gone. Eric was sad. I know I'm a douche, but I don't care that he's gone :) I just care that Eric was sad. 
In english we were supposed to write poems.... no.... then we watched a way sad movie about the civil war and stuff. The saddest thing was just seeing the grown man cry. That's always so sad to me :/ When I saw my dad cry it broke my whole heart in two. When they cry that's when you know it must be really bad. By the way I DID come home and start right my poetry! I just couldn't write the one about looking up at something tall and talking to it... That's much much to embarrassing. Maybe later. Yeah right.
Eric came over see me tonight :) it was fun :) we didn't really do anything, but it just felt nice to sit with him. Tomorrow he's going to bring me a surprise for lunch :) :) :) so so so excited :)
I know I'm missing something about my day, but I can't think of it :) ohh well :)
Horse came over. She's obviously the reacher and Ben's the settler :| my poor brother. He needs to stop throwing her the hook too btw...
Happy. Happy. Happy.

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