Monday, August 16, 2010

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer..

"Wait! There... is an infection." "What infection?" "..Rage"
There's a rage!!! Ahhh! Naked rage!!! 'I will give you to rage!' "Shut up hannah, or I'll let rage get you!"
Hello. It's supposed to say help you stupid woman!!!
You just got to bang the ice off of the pizza [flick flick] :) mmm pizza :)
Lets see how much jello we can eat without chewing!!
I want chocolate! I want vanilla! Mmm.. tapioca! 'If this is good can we name it Adri.......and Mitchell'
Chocvantap :) Lets eat it with ladles :) now lets go throw some chocvantap at houses! (on the truck) 'Wow that really does look like someone just took a dump on it!'
Arthurs on!!!! I love D.W. I hope I get a daughter just like her :) D.W: 'Uuuuhummm! Uhhhummm!' Arthur chasing D.W. with a book :)
"Two people..." 'Wait what?' (Pause) 'What?' :) :) :)
If I get cancer lets make it a huge joke! I'll let you draw on my bald head and we'll make public scenes :) 'You're always tired! You used to be fun!!!' I would expect my mother to shave her head along with me. :)
Extensions sewn in. Ohhh yes!!! <3
Very good day :)

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