Friday, August 6, 2010

Pretty boy swag :)

Pretty boy swag. Pretty boy swag. Pretty boy swag.
Monty: 'I was poppin one for you and you know it"
In my head (Poppin one what?!) So I text Drake
"A boner duh. God. Or wait he's poppin one or he's poppin you?"
Oh gross :) And yeah I know I shouldn't like it but I love the attention of being told I have a nice body. Thanks sweetie ;) it must have been because I was sitting so sexily while I was trying to dry off ;)
I will succeed in getting another shirt from Travis because some beazy won't give the other one back.
My dad is basically a bear fighter. Good thing he scared it away before it got to my room! And thank heavens Lucy is such a brave dog that she scared it away too! I hate hearing scary sounds at night and not knowing the story until the morning :| It sounded like a ghost ok?!
Staying up pretty much all of last night just reading old texts :) those were the good ol days ;)
I have the best brother in the world :) What kind of shopping mall doesn't have tampon dispensers in the bathroom?! (cough couch, gateway!) Luckily I have the heroic kind of brother that takes me to the fancy riteaid to get tampons (of course Hannah knows where it is :) 'It's a California thing, ok?!') Most stupid brothers wouldn't do that, but mine did. Even though the cashier was someone he knew from high school. He's just that amazing to me. I love you, Jammin.
But anyways, if you're at gateway and in need of a tampon, don't listen to the stupid information lady, there aren't any in that little travel store.
Me to the cashier at the souvenir shop: 'Where are the tampons?'
'Over there.' (giggles)
So I look. Those are pads, sweetie, not tampons and there is a hugeee difference!
Hannah was like my little doll today :) letting me dress her up and put makeup on her and telling her how her hair should be :)
I'm so excited to sew in my extensions :)
Ben finally has summer :) it's going to get good now :)
"You're going to the temple instead of warped tour?! What happened to the bamf Adri in library aid who wanted to mosh??" 'Oh I'm still bamf. I'm cooler than cool.. I'm Mormon :)'
'To my doodle bug:

I miss you so much, Adri. Can I just come and see you when the sun is down and it gets dark outside? When all you want to do is lie down in the grass, hold hands, and watch the stars. Can we do that tonight? Because you're one of the most true friends I have ever had and I want to feel the love you have right now. I miss the anticipation of when our lips were about to meet and I guess I kind of miss the way your lips felt against mine. But only a little ;) Can we hang out and just hold hands all day? I'm babbling. What I'm trying to say is that I miss you and love you. And you need to come see me play next weekend because I'm dedicating something special to you.
-Moon Pie'

My day was definitely better perfect after reading that :)
I think I'm going to make a book out of all the cute conversations I've had, but I'll make up the ending to make it actually happily ever after. <3

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