Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

If you have a dream, then it's time to take hold of it. I don't know why they would tell you to put it on a shooting star, because that would include letting go of it. And what's the point of letting go of it? That defeats the purpose. I think I'll just keep my dreams in my heart. Not in my pocket because that's where my styling tools will be, not in my hands because they'll need to be free to work, and not on my feet because they're too clumsy :) I'm going to be what I set out to be. With out a doubt. Undoubtably.
I feel different. Grateful. Happy. Loved. If I want to dance, I'm going to dance. Even if it's in the middle of everything. If I want to sing, I'm going to sing even though the 'money on lessons was wasted' :) I'm going to do what I want and be what I want. I don't care anymore. I'm free.
Senior year: prepare yourself. Adri Perschon is on her way.
Felicity, thank you for being the friend that gives the good advice without realizing it. Thank you for the inspiration and for the smile that you bring to my face. At the beginning of school last year I was completely alone, but you were there and I felt like you believed in me. And now I believe in myself. You helped to build me into the person that I am today. You're going to change so many lives. You already changed and saved mine. Please don't let the world tell you who you are. Everyone on formspring that ever insulted your image was lying. You're beautiful! Everyone that told you not to get your heart broken are too afraid to live. The heartbreaks are worth it.  People that told you that your boyfriend is no good are just jealous. They just wish they could be you. Everyone that told you that your dreams will fail, are clearly just idiots. You will be a dancer. A famous one. Everyone is going to know your name. And you'll live your entire life dancing just like the way you dreamed you would. I look up to you in so many ways. And I honestly wasn't joking when I told you that I want you to come to my wedding. I truly consider you one of my best friends even though I've never met you. And I know I am who I am because of you. I owe you so much. I know it sounds crazy, but I pray for you everyday. Just little things like that you'll have a good day or find something to make you smile. But I pray for you. And when you audition again, I'll be wishing right along with you. I know that you can do it. Thank you for everything, Felicity. I hope I get to meet you one day. Love forever, Adri.

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