Monday, August 30, 2010

Hollywoods' not America.

There's a lot of things I could write about myself. I could talk of my wishes, of my dreams. Of my achievements, failures. All of my ups and downs. My smiles and tears. I could show you who I truly am, but then, it would just have no meaning to me. Opening my heart and sole to strangers has always resulted in a bad way. Of course. Bad in what way? I get screwed.

Time and experience has thought me how superficial you truly are. All those pretty faces, hiding behind makeup. I'm truly not interested in your masks. It makes you fake. What impresses me is your mind. Your intelligence. The only things no one will ever take away from you. As you age, you change. It's what makes us so human. Unstable. Timed-bombs. But once you have yourself, your character, Its what stays here. It makes you for you. There's no plastic surgery to fix you if you are a piece of worthlessness.

I'm different. I'm not special. I don't ask for a special treatment. I am who I want to be. Not who you want me to be. I'm not a plastic doll. I wont let you use me and throw me away. I am vengeful. I forgive. I don't let go. I just forget. I love beauty. Its what makes me enthusiastic. I love having that cocktail of emotions. When I can feel neurotic, nostalgic, egocentric, narcissistic and all of the worst characteristics, and say : "I don't give a care!" 

I get what I want. I play by my rules. My only satisfaction is perfection. If something is not the way I want it, I tend not to deal with it. Not leave it aside though. Just not care. 

My mind is not like an open book. But yours is. I can extract your thoughts and emotions. I read your eyes. You can't hide them away from me. I don't look people in the eye. I admit I get scared. Your shallowness is what frightens me. I learned of life and love trough my own. Although I never felt either. Only a glimpse of both. Not enough to know what it really means. I am so young. I feel like a child sometimes. In a big grown-up world, where everything is about ignoring the present and thinking of the future. 

I live for today, and today only. I live knowing I'll never regret my actions, or take my words back. Life is about imagination. Mine is perfect. You should do something about yours.

I'm cruel, stubborn, self sufficient, and I'm always right. My flaws only reflect the person I used to be. People change, with time as the only known factor. But I changed thanks to the experiences I had, and 'nightmares' that plagued my young life. Think about it. You may be just like me. Or ad least a lot like me. See we really are not that different, you and I. The only difference is: I like me. You can either hate or love me. Your pick. Just don't pick the wrong one.

I'm proud of the person I turned up to be. I'm a tough person to be around because I'm so full of life. Sorry if that intimidates you.

Allow. Allow. Allow.

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