Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What exactly I would do for a klondike bar:

1. Eat a rock 2. Kill a bug 3. Math homework 4. An embarrassing dance 5. Hug a penguin 6. Trip my best friend. 7. Tell a stranger I love them 8. Cross the street without looking both ways 9. Read half a textbook 10. Color a pretty picture 11. Wear my hair in am embarrassing fashion 12. Give a random person a hug 13. Run for an hour 14. Steal one 15. Sing in a mall 16. Kiss somebody's foot 17. Decorate for halloween on Christmas 18. Burn twenty candles at once 19. Watch the clock 20. Cook pancakes 21. Eat a bug 22. Make my whole outfit clash 23. Spend the night at Walmart 24. Hide in Ikea 25. Use a fake British accent for a whole day 26. Leave my zipper down 27. Dye my hair an obnoxious green 28. Tell everybody I'm Asian 29. Get a tattoo of Peewee herman on my leg 30. Be on an episode of Barney 31. Watch the six hour Pride and Prejudice 32. Go streaking 33. The polar bear plunge 34. Egg the principles car 35. Sit through a metallica concert 36. Wrestle an alligator 37. Explore the plains of Africa 38. Run around in my underwear at the superbowl 39. Eat an onion like an apple 40. Write a gooey love note to a team coach 41. Take up the art of tai chi 42. Never touch mcdonalds again 43. Break all my mother's fine china 44. Cut my foot off 45. Have a slumber party with a bear 46. Go to prom with my father 47. Go by the name of 'Peggy' 48. Do nothing but boil water all day 49. Run over my brother with the lawnmower 50. Go to Walmart and actually buy one for $1.99 (plus tax)

Today was good :)

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