Tuesday, August 31, 2010


In memory of Mitchell :)

'Dragon flies are the worst bugs out there!
What about bees???
Lets not get crazy now!!!'

'I'm so nervous for school to start!
Why? Look what we're rolling up in!'

'Ok class we're creating pictures of ourselves.
I'm gonna wear a speedo in mine!!'


The Dream of the infamous Drakee Poo Throte.

So there I was third party-ing it up.
Drake (to Mike) "Last night I had a dream.."
Mike: "Well so did MLK and he got shot."
Drake: "Stfu. Adri was my girlfriend and at work I was telling some chick how my baby don't mess around and I know this for sure. Then I turned around and she was flirting was some dude. How true to life."
Mike: "Cool beans, MLK..."

I. Love. My best friends.

What exactly I would do for a klondike bar:

1. Eat a rock 2. Kill a bug 3. Math homework 4. An embarrassing dance 5. Hug a penguin 6. Trip my best friend. 7. Tell a stranger I love them 8. Cross the street without looking both ways 9. Read half a textbook 10. Color a pretty picture 11. Wear my hair in am embarrassing fashion 12. Give a random person a hug 13. Run for an hour 14. Steal one 15. Sing in a mall 16. Kiss somebody's foot 17. Decorate for halloween on Christmas 18. Burn twenty candles at once 19. Watch the clock 20. Cook pancakes 21. Eat a bug 22. Make my whole outfit clash 23. Spend the night at Walmart 24. Hide in Ikea 25. Use a fake British accent for a whole day 26. Leave my zipper down 27. Dye my hair an obnoxious green 28. Tell everybody I'm Asian 29. Get a tattoo of Peewee herman on my leg 30. Be on an episode of Barney 31. Watch the six hour Pride and Prejudice 32. Go streaking 33. The polar bear plunge 34. Egg the principles car 35. Sit through a metallica concert 36. Wrestle an alligator 37. Explore the plains of Africa 38. Run around in my underwear at the superbowl 39. Eat an onion like an apple 40. Write a gooey love note to a team coach 41. Take up the art of tai chi 42. Never touch mcdonalds again 43. Break all my mother's fine china 44. Cut my foot off 45. Have a slumber party with a bear 46. Go to prom with my father 47. Go by the name of 'Peggy' 48. Do nothing but boil water all day 49. Run over my brother with the lawnmower 50. Go to Walmart and actually buy one for $1.99 (plus tax)

Today was good :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

I need you so much closer.

Fall has grown inside my heart :) and has become my new favorite season. But it's more than a season, it's like a feeling. It all feels familiar even though it's completely different. It feels familiar. Like the winter sweater that is always buried in the back of my closet. It's been gone for so long and I have a hard time remembering it, but when it comes down to it.. it's the same. It feels like an old book that I've read a million times. And the ending still takes me by surprise, making my heart leap. Autumn reminds me of a new beginning. Shedding your old leaves and preparing yourself to bring on the new. Forget your problems, go through a little stormy cold weather, and blossom into the spring. It's a never ending cycle, but it's the exact same thing as life. Sometimes you just need to hug a warm puppy to make your insides feel well again. There's nothing wrong with just curling up in a blanket, looking out the window, and thinking romantic thoughts. I want to hear something romantic right now. See a beautiful picture. Fall makes me feel inspired, feel wiser, and feel comfier. Homecoming is coming and that always takes me back. Back to my first date when everything gave me butterflies and everything in highschool was a new experience. Now it's going to be my last experience. And normally that would make me feel sad, but I feel comfortable with the idea. Fall takes me back to a peaceful frame of mine. Fall is peace. Fall is the cliche. It makes me think of all the things they do in the movies that never happens in real life. Maybe that's why I like it so much. It's like an un-lived, lived thing.

My heart feels stronger.

Hollywoods' not America.

There's a lot of things I could write about myself. I could talk of my wishes, of my dreams. Of my achievements, failures. All of my ups and downs. My smiles and tears. I could show you who I truly am, but then, it would just have no meaning to me. Opening my heart and sole to strangers has always resulted in a bad way. Of course. Bad in what way? I get screwed.

Time and experience has thought me how superficial you truly are. All those pretty faces, hiding behind makeup. I'm truly not interested in your masks. It makes you fake. What impresses me is your mind. Your intelligence. The only things no one will ever take away from you. As you age, you change. It's what makes us so human. Unstable. Timed-bombs. But once you have yourself, your character, Its what stays here. It makes you for you. There's no plastic surgery to fix you if you are a piece of worthlessness.

I'm different. I'm not special. I don't ask for a special treatment. I am who I want to be. Not who you want me to be. I'm not a plastic doll. I wont let you use me and throw me away. I am vengeful. I forgive. I don't let go. I just forget. I love beauty. Its what makes me enthusiastic. I love having that cocktail of emotions. When I can feel neurotic, nostalgic, egocentric, narcissistic and all of the worst characteristics, and say : "I don't give a care!" 

I get what I want. I play by my rules. My only satisfaction is perfection. If something is not the way I want it, I tend not to deal with it. Not leave it aside though. Just not care. 

My mind is not like an open book. But yours is. I can extract your thoughts and emotions. I read your eyes. You can't hide them away from me. I don't look people in the eye. I admit I get scared. Your shallowness is what frightens me. I learned of life and love trough my own. Although I never felt either. Only a glimpse of both. Not enough to know what it really means. I am so young. I feel like a child sometimes. In a big grown-up world, where everything is about ignoring the present and thinking of the future. 

I live for today, and today only. I live knowing I'll never regret my actions, or take my words back. Life is about imagination. Mine is perfect. You should do something about yours.

I'm cruel, stubborn, self sufficient, and I'm always right. My flaws only reflect the person I used to be. People change, with time as the only known factor. But I changed thanks to the experiences I had, and 'nightmares' that plagued my young life. Think about it. You may be just like me. Or ad least a lot like me. See we really are not that different, you and I. The only difference is: I like me. You can either hate or love me. Your pick. Just don't pick the wrong one.

I'm proud of the person I turned up to be. I'm a tough person to be around because I'm so full of life. Sorry if that intimidates you.

Allow. Allow. Allow.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Take my lips and make them yours

Photoshoot today :) I feel quite accomplished because a few of them turned out quite nicely :)
I hung out with Dylan again today :) he's just such a chill kid :)
Why does everybody want to take one of my bracelets?!
The cd that Dylan made me- nom nom nom
His parents found out and I know that his heart hurts. And I'll still always be there for him. When I was going to see him at work and ke$ha came on, I took that as a sign. I love him and I'll do anything in the world for him.
I tried to fix things with dylann today. I want things to work out.

In some ways people sicken me. You don't stare at people and wonder why they are at church just because they look different. You accept the fact that they are there and you should even be happy that they are trying to change.
I think someone is about to tell me bad news and I'm afraid for that most definitely.
I don't know what to say about today anymore.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I want a gremlin for a car :p

Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up happy?

The hott kid on the bus asked for my number :) even in scrubs I got it goin on ;)
"What's your name?" Adri. "What's your last name?" Perschon. (Facebooks me) :) Dylan nom nom nom
Geoff was being so nice to me today. He gave me advice in ways that I needed and he told me things that I needed to hear. I'm grateful for a kid that I don't even know. I'm so obnoxiously lame that even I would want to shoot me!
Today I saw my best friend turn green. And when I ran after him he told me how much it hurt. And it made my stomach hurt. I could feel the heartbreak inside myself. As if it was my own. And after I saw him cry, I had to come home and have a breakdown of my own. I wonder if that's what jesus felt like for us. I just want him to feel the same happiness and love that I'm feeling. But as long as he is sad, I'm going to go through it with him. Because I don't think anybody should have to weather the storm alone.
Senior year is going to get better. I believe in happiness and love.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Remember when we used to dance, everyone wanted to be you and me

I made a new friend in cosmetology named Lundon. I can tell that she doesn't care what anybody thinks and I admire that. The scene girl and the fun hair gay boy aren't in my class. I bet they'll still be friends.
I have no idea what I'm wearing tomorrow and usually that would stress me out, but if worst came to worst, I would just stay in my scrubs because I can't be bothered with it all anymore. People can look at me and think 'wow what a slob' but I can smugly look back at them and think 'wow they look uncomfortable' :) I can tell that I'm going to love gti even if they give us homework. I love what I'm about to get myself into.
I feel like girls in seminary admire me. Even though I'm not perfect. Even though I make mistakes. And even though I'm not the best example. The love they show me helps me remember the love my savior has for me. I know this is a blessing from my father in heaven. I always wanted people to reach out and now I get to be the one who does that.  I feel loved.
Robbin is back and I'm so glad that she is. Because she's my hero and just seeing her gives me hope and strength. Look at her. She's fighting this battle and she's doing it with complete faith. She isn't afraid. She knows that fate will make what is supposed to happen happen. And she is going through all of this with a smile on her face. She never fails to be happy. With all of her own problems, she still looks outside of herself, towards others and encourages everybody. It is the unbiased, unconditional love that she has that I am striving to achieve. I want to become as compassionate as she is, as life loving as she is, and strong as she is. In her weakness, she is still made strong. I'll always look to her with admiration in my eyes. Thank you for all the years in aerobics. You're one of the best teachers that I've had.
I'm the girl with stars in her eyes. Again. xxxxxx

There's something about love that breaks your heart. It sets you free.

You're going to remember this heartbreak forever. Because this is what is going to mold you into who you are. This will teach you love. If you never had your heart broken then how would you know who your real friends are? The ones that help put it back together. If you never had a broken heart how would you know what a full heart is? I don't think you would ever know. But I also think that what you learn from this is something that you most definitely need to know. Don't get discouraged. Take my hand and we can learn about love together. What better way to find out than with your best friend your senior year of high school?  We're going to conquer what love means.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

You're the one thing I miss that I never did have.

So last night the bees lost and the fireworks were amazing.
What are the chances of sitting next to Aaron Hart?
Missing three of the innings trying to get food :)
[Toss my hair] man in front of me: 'Will you just stop playing games with me?!' I'm sorry....
The guys spent the last part of the game playing games on phones. Well. I didn't understand a single inning of last night :)
The snowcone man had skill :)
I l<3ve you too ;)

[Drake really did leave work to go watch pretty little liars]

Merrily we fall out of line, out of line. I'd fall anywhere with you

I feel sad right now. Maybe it's because summer is going to end and I don't want to go to school and not see some people there. Because when I think about school I think of them. But they're gone now. And I feel like I'm not going to be me without them. Or maybe it's just because I'm thinking about the things I won't be able to do anymore because summer is over. I'm going to miss my morning bathroom dance parties. I'm going to miss staying up late and sleeping until I want. I'm going to miss wearing my bikini all day and never putting on real clothes. I'm going to miss not being able to just not put makeup on. I'm going to miss never having to plan around homework and just being able to go out when I want. I'm going to miss being able to go to the bathroom whenever I want. I miss not stressing about anything.
I already miss summer. Today sucked.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello my name is Adri and I have a new dog named poop Tank :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer..

"Wait! There... is an infection." "What infection?" "..Rage"
There's a rage!!! Ahhh! Naked rage!!! 'I will give you to rage!' "Shut up hannah, or I'll let rage get you!"
Hello. It's supposed to say help you stupid woman!!!
You just got to bang the ice off of the pizza [flick flick] :) mmm pizza :)
Lets see how much jello we can eat without chewing!!
I want chocolate! I want vanilla! Mmm.. tapioca! 'If this is good can we name it Adri.......and Mitchell'
Chocvantap :) Lets eat it with ladles :) now lets go throw some chocvantap at houses! (on the truck) 'Wow that really does look like someone just took a dump on it!'
Arthurs on!!!! I love D.W. I hope I get a daughter just like her :) D.W: 'Uuuuhummm! Uhhhummm!' Arthur chasing D.W. with a book :)
"Two people..." 'Wait what?' (Pause) 'What?' :) :) :)
If I get cancer lets make it a huge joke! I'll let you draw on my bald head and we'll make public scenes :) 'You're always tired! You used to be fun!!!' I would expect my mother to shave her head along with me. :)
Extensions sewn in. Ohhh yes!!! <3
Very good day :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

If silence keeps you, I will break it for you

That concert last night.
He used the playlist that I made him when I was in california. I should have been there. I was supposed to be there. When Drake called me and Terance was saying that it was for me, I could feel his head turning around looking for me. "I was really hoping she was going to be here." I could here the tears in his throat. It wasn't anything against you, sweetie, I wasn't ditching it on purpose. I would have much rather seen you than have watched five hours of disney channel.
I swear this time I mean it.
I'll follow you into the dark.
With you.
Call it love.
The most recent song he wrote.

Sweetheart, I'm sorry I wasn't there. But I was listening to every word. You went on pretty late. I'm almost positive that you were the grand finale. You were, weren't you? I still love you. But I don't want to be that girl after Zarahemla. All of her friends would do the exact same thing mine did "She looks just like you. Quick cheap replacement that one." I'm not going back to that. I love you in the way that wasn't like before. I love you in the way that makes me never want to break your heart or ever make you cry. The love that makes me hug you out of loneliness, you know what I mean. The feeling that I'm completely alone until we are combined together like that. But not in the way that makes my heart feel empty when you're with somebody else. It doesn't feel empty if you don't call. I love you in the caring way. The I would die for you way. Because I love you for your individuality on this earth. If we kissed again I don't think our worlds would spin anymore, it would just feel like skin touching. I think you just want that high back. But I don't think you would get it back from me. We had our movie, but it ended with heartbreak and friendship. We aren't AdriAndTerance anymore. We're Adri and Terance. Joined at the hip, but separated. Our hearts intertwined in a different way. But don't worry, they're still intwertwined. And they always will be. Your hurt is still my hurt, but I don't feel it anymore. I don't think we have the same heartbeat anymore, but you dance to the same beat. On some levels we're off, but on others we are still exactly the same. I will always love you.
But I'm nervous for highschool to start. I hate knowing that there are people that already hate me. At least Rachel won't try to talk to me or confront me, but I know Dylann would. And I know he would win and I even already know that he would make me cry. I trusted him with too much and too fast. I feel like he would bring me down in a second and wouldn't even care. What will I do without  Triton there to save me again? Alot of my friends graduated and it's like a form of protection that is gone. And I'm starting to feel that.
"Zak will you come to Taylorsville so I can say goodbye to you before you go to college? Because that's what they do in the movies.." What I didn't add is that I can see us not ever talking again. And that I'm really going to miss you. Because so much of me is from you. I'm going to talk about you my whole life though. My grandkids will know about Zak with a k.
I don't know why I'm feeling so emotional. But it feels like the goodbyes I said at graduation are happening all over again. But I swear to god this year will be the best one yet and nothing is going to stop that. I'm going to all the home football games, every single dance, all the swim meets, join the ffa, go up on stage at the choir concert, and not care about what anybody says about anything. Please help me. Mitchell, don't ever leave my side. To be honest I hate that because of Dylann I'm afraid to start my senior year! This is it! I can't be afraid anymore! For eleven years I was afraid, but not this time! This time I will not be afraid, my dreams will come to a start, and yes, I'll laugh even louder. It's going to happen.
Senior year.
So Mitchell's parents are out of town and it's gonna be a fricken party :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

If you have a dream, then it's time to take hold of it. I don't know why they would tell you to put it on a shooting star, because that would include letting go of it. And what's the point of letting go of it? That defeats the purpose. I think I'll just keep my dreams in my heart. Not in my pocket because that's where my styling tools will be, not in my hands because they'll need to be free to work, and not on my feet because they're too clumsy :) I'm going to be what I set out to be. With out a doubt. Undoubtably.
I feel different. Grateful. Happy. Loved. If I want to dance, I'm going to dance. Even if it's in the middle of everything. If I want to sing, I'm going to sing even though the 'money on lessons was wasted' :) I'm going to do what I want and be what I want. I don't care anymore. I'm free.
Senior year: prepare yourself. Adri Perschon is on her way.
Felicity, thank you for being the friend that gives the good advice without realizing it. Thank you for the inspiration and for the smile that you bring to my face. At the beginning of school last year I was completely alone, but you were there and I felt like you believed in me. And now I believe in myself. You helped to build me into the person that I am today. You're going to change so many lives. You already changed and saved mine. Please don't let the world tell you who you are. Everyone on formspring that ever insulted your image was lying. You're beautiful! Everyone that told you not to get your heart broken are too afraid to live. The heartbreaks are worth it.  People that told you that your boyfriend is no good are just jealous. They just wish they could be you. Everyone that told you that your dreams will fail, are clearly just idiots. You will be a dancer. A famous one. Everyone is going to know your name. And you'll live your entire life dancing just like the way you dreamed you would. I look up to you in so many ways. And I honestly wasn't joking when I told you that I want you to come to my wedding. I truly consider you one of my best friends even though I've never met you. And I know I am who I am because of you. I owe you so much. I know it sounds crazy, but I pray for you everyday. Just little things like that you'll have a good day or find something to make you smile. But I pray for you. And when you audition again, I'll be wishing right along with you. I know that you can do it. Thank you for everything, Felicity. I hope I get to meet you one day. Love forever, Adri.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pretty boy swag :)

Pretty boy swag. Pretty boy swag. Pretty boy swag.
Monty: 'I was poppin one for you and you know it"
In my head (Poppin one what?!) So I text Drake
"A boner duh. God. Or wait he's poppin one or he's poppin you?"
Oh gross :) And yeah I know I shouldn't like it but I love the attention of being told I have a nice body. Thanks sweetie ;) it must have been because I was sitting so sexily while I was trying to dry off ;)
I will succeed in getting another shirt from Travis because some beazy won't give the other one back.
My dad is basically a bear fighter. Good thing he scared it away before it got to my room! And thank heavens Lucy is such a brave dog that she scared it away too! I hate hearing scary sounds at night and not knowing the story until the morning :| It sounded like a ghost ok?!
Staying up pretty much all of last night just reading old texts :) those were the good ol days ;)
I have the best brother in the world :) What kind of shopping mall doesn't have tampon dispensers in the bathroom?! (cough couch, gateway!) Luckily I have the heroic kind of brother that takes me to the fancy riteaid to get tampons (of course Hannah knows where it is :) 'It's a California thing, ok?!') Most stupid brothers wouldn't do that, but mine did. Even though the cashier was someone he knew from high school. He's just that amazing to me. I love you, Jammin.
But anyways, if you're at gateway and in need of a tampon, don't listen to the stupid information lady, there aren't any in that little travel store.
Me to the cashier at the souvenir shop: 'Where are the tampons?'
'Over there.' (giggles)
So I look. Those are pads, sweetie, not tampons and there is a hugeee difference!
Hannah was like my little doll today :) letting me dress her up and put makeup on her and telling her how her hair should be :)
I'm so excited to sew in my extensions :)
Ben finally has summer :) it's going to get good now :)
"You're going to the temple instead of warped tour?! What happened to the bamf Adri in library aid who wanted to mosh??" 'Oh I'm still bamf. I'm cooler than cool.. I'm Mormon :)'
'To my doodle bug:

I miss you so much, Adri. Can I just come and see you when the sun is down and it gets dark outside? When all you want to do is lie down in the grass, hold hands, and watch the stars. Can we do that tonight? Because you're one of the most true friends I have ever had and I want to feel the love you have right now. I miss the anticipation of when our lips were about to meet and I guess I kind of miss the way your lips felt against mine. But only a little ;) Can we hang out and just hold hands all day? I'm babbling. What I'm trying to say is that I miss you and love you. And you need to come see me play next weekend because I'm dedicating something special to you.
-Moon Pie'

My day was definitely better perfect after reading that :)
I think I'm going to make a book out of all the cute conversations I've had, but I'll make up the ending to make it actually happily ever after. <3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer was full of mistakes we wouldn't learn from

Apparently you need an I.D to sell clothes to plato's closet. And apparently my clothes aren't cool enough to get accepted :) but pink and blue zebra stripe pants are :) I got $8.46 :)
I applied for a job :) :) :) I better get it or I will be very angry! I'm gunna get to know the Jazz better than I know myself. Go Jazz :)
Swimming with Monty and.. Damian I think?
"GET IN THE WATER!!!" I just don't wanna get my hair wet... [Dunk..]  :( 'Get in the water again!!' You guys are retarded :( But in the end my hair looked freaking bomb :) so thank you ;) .. and I think 'Dames' went home free ballin :|
*Awkward giggles as he rings out his underwear*
Beef stroganoff :/
Remembering the cute old Eric and Geoff :(
I miss those super cute texts :( school needs to start so I can find an even better guy :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What are we waiting for?

Magic. Magic. Magic. Maaagic!
Ma my my my telephone!
In california we go to riteaid, not walmart. 'I just pictures us saying lets go to the riteaid!'
Our super chill party favor glasses ;)
Hadley. This is Jared, I'm Ashley, and this is Carli. She's adopted. Jared's a little slow. I don't know how to swim.  Do you have a boyfriend, Hadley. (mom comes.) 'Come on honey, we need to go now.'
JEFFF! ---> Victoria, victoria!!
Moooo! Arrrf arrrf arrrf!!!!
Hadley's cool little tongue thing.
Emily do you have otter pops? Great, now everyone has otter pops!
Dylannn was a doucheee bag! Screw him. I'm over it.
Is he dead? Umm no, I think rip eric would be all over facebook if he would have.
Today was good :)
Ashley Celtics. Jared Lakers. Carli Jazz.

Watch it over and over again.

Tobear is in a competition and needs to win. He needs the most views.
Please? Thank you :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You are free.

Today the seminary council went to the temple together :) and it was amazing :) after I actually got in because my bishop neverr signs my recommend! It was so nice though :) the spirit was completely there with us and it made me so incredibly happy that I couldn't stop smiling the entire time. I guess I even came out of the water with a smile on my face.. and I guess I sputter too. Cute.. I loved being about to watch everyone do their baptisms because it feels like you're seeing the real them and they were all beautiful. I hope I looked like that.
Oh ya know we just jam out to songs all the time in the car because we couldn't find daybreak lake. Jessie pretty much looks adorable in Spencer's mom's hat. Austin's rap pretty much made me eligible to die a happy woman. Sorry, I just don't like country.
We finally decided on a theme after many prayers together on our knees and many discussions. And I feel really good about it and I have since the beginning. Doubt not. Fear not.
Maryanne's mom just makes the best food ever and it is always quite appreciated :) Talking about the dumbest things like Mrs. Clark's foam and Mr Good flirtations. It was all just bonding and it was nice. And thank you spencer for backing up my car for me because I probably could not have done that by myself :) I love you guys :)
Cosmetology orientation :) excitement for the program? yes. Love of the people? ...
I would love to be friends with the guy and the really pretty scene girl. I'm gonna make it happen :)
They would not stop talkingggg! Good golly! I understand ok? Stop talking about inside jokes, ten years ago, and going over everything over and over again! Get it over with!!
Swim party that I missed all the way. Oh well. 'Do you really work at best buy?!' Is my name really Travis.. "ooh! who's Travis?' Idk, but he's like super hott in my mind.
Baliey is the perfect child. So dramatic :) (throes ball) 'uhh oh!' So so so cute :)
Good night :) good day :) the end

I rule the world, it won't rule me.

We disturb the peace

Me and Mitchell. And a park. Wait no! Xyra's we mean. To eat all the food of course. We didn't take anything from her home though. Especially not by shoving it down Mitchell's pants. You can never ask about the bottom though.
Sing obnoxiously loud? To justin beiber? Sorry, that wasn't us. And the chill lady in the car next to us did not laugh ;) I just need somebody to LOOOOVE!!!
Seeing a cop and freaking my freak :)
Saying too much else is too much information ;)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Life does get better after all

When people are constantly telling you what you are how do you not become that. Every time they tell you it becomes like a subliminal message and it grows stronger and stronger with every time you hear it. It starts to become your mindset, turning into your thought process, and becoming you. Is it possible that you become your label instead of receiving that label because of what you have always been?
But I'm Adri and from now on people don't tell me what I am, I tell them.
And guess what, sure I had to cheat to pass math and even to get my drivers permit, but I'm pretty sure it took some smarts to figure out all those methods of cheating. Yeah I'm going to go to beauty school, but it's not because I wouldn't be able to get into college. I'm doing it because that's what I want to do and I'm going to be damn good at it. So just back down and stop holding other jobs above mine because I will make just as much impact on this world as some scientist or writer. My dreams are just as good as hers, maybe even better because I've actually thought mine all the way out and is almost on it's way to becoming true.

Secret love, my escape, take me far, far away.

Gratitude that is long past due

Dear Mitchell,
You're the reason that I'm still alive. You've saved me so much and you're the only reason why I am the way that I am. You're always the first person I go to if I need a friend, a good laugh, a good cry, or a shoulder to lean on. Through all the years, even with all the drama, you've always been my best friend and you always will be no matter what happens. I can't even picture my life without you and I know that's because it will never happen. Even when we're like seventy, we'll be the people that are still best friends. You've been nothing but amazing to me and I'm so grateful for that. I owe so much of my life, so many of my experiences and memories, to you. Because of you I feel pretty and like I can walk on this earth being myself. I can laugh my real laugh without embarrassment and I can tell you all of my secrets without worrying. I know you'll keep all of them safe. And I'll always do that exact same thing to you. When I have a son, I dearly pray that he is like you because you're an amazing guy. I hope he has the same confidence that you have and the same passion. If he is even half of the guy that you are, then I will feel like a successful mother. I'm so grateful god let me have you in my life and that you've been there since kindergarten. I hope somebody is smart enough to write a book about us one day, because that would sell millions of copies world wide. I love you with all my heart, Mitchell and I know that I always will.
Love, Adri

Sunday, August 1, 2010

If I am the answer then you're the question.

Today I had some girl time that was long needed. I got to talk about guys, makeup, and tampons that smell good. We did the cliche 'lets try on prom dresses' thing and we talked about hair of course. I really enjoy having a friend like her. I feel like she's a huge blessing in my life. Everything about her is beautiful. Next time we change together I hope she doesn't feel the need to tell me to turn away because I'm skinnier than her. That doesn't matter to me, we'll be friends no matter what. I already love you so much. Cambry <3
Taya is making some mistakes that I hope get put behind her soon. When you told me you didn't want to get married in the temple, you cried. It makes me think you're lying. You do want to, but you're afraid of losing him. It would be worth it though. Please don't ruin your eternity for this guy. You're worth so much more than that. You don't have to become this to make people accept you. I already did. And you're ruining two friendships here. Don't change his name to ''Bff" he'll always be your hubby. Don't give us up for that. I fasted for you today and you'll always be in my prayers. I know I used to be in yours..
A weekend of learning experiences.
Pray for my sister, for she needs guidance.