Saturday, December 4, 2010

Then you came and set this heart free.

The bird is taking flight.
Yesterday I skipped my seminary council meeting. And not one single text came asking me where I was. I'm not even sure that they noticed I wasn't there. I'll skip next week too I decided. I used to defend seminary council. When someone would say 'they shouldn't be on council' I would tell them they should be because it's gods will. Then I realized that they don't do the same for me. Why should I do it for them then? To be honest, Kristin is a hypocritical judgmental bitch just like everyone says. Austin isn't always appropriate and Nick can come off like an arrogant douche. And they are all the most cliquish people I've ever met. So yeah, it's almost third term and I've decided to give up. Not because of my 'lifestyle' or even because of the judgments I get. But because we aren't even friends. So I don't understand why to keep trying with them. No thanks. I think they should just get rid of seminary council all together it's such an awful program.
Me and Kira taught preschool together :) and that was fun :) Preston and Kaya are officially my favorite.
Yesterday in the preschool we talked about serious things. And I honestly felt close to all of them. Even Tina. In a way I feel sad for Tina because it doesn't seem like she has a real honest to goodness best friend. And that makes me want to be there for her more. Ashley honestly does make me feel safe and good about myself. And I'm never going to forget sitting in the preschool, cutting out paper snowflakes, and talking about love. I'm grateful for my teaching group. Ms. Rockwell really did know what she was doing when she put us together.
Trevor Beesley isn't a virgin. And I am :) Does everyone remember him telling me that Eric will only cause me trouble? He was implying that he would get me into drugs and sex. Well guess what didn't happen to me? And look what did happen to him :) nobody has faith in me, but myself. I am a good person. I don't know what Gabbie implied when she asked about my 'lifestyle' because I've never smoked, I've never drank, and I am a virgin. Yehh I dress immodestly and have been known to swear, but do you know how many times I've reached out to others when they needed someone? Yeah me and Mitchell make fun of other people and laugh loudly at their imperfections but when it comes down to it, we're the two that are most likely to put an arm around you if we see you crying. In the end, we'll be there for you.
You know something sad? I've found myself confiding a lot in Jordan and Nik and Ashley in english. Because I feel like they don't judge me. They find my mishaps funny and actually offer real advice. I know I'm a freak, but it's nice talking to people that don't think less of me afterwards.
Yesterday I did a perm in thirty minutes. Then another with smaller rods in forty five minutes. I'm getting good :) Thank you cosmetology. You're my release. I consider Megan, Kercee, and Lundon some of my best friends. I hope we all go far in life.

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