Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'll be just fine pretending I'm not

My nails are like my strength. Covered with acrylic they were strong and nearly unbreakable. Sure there were a few chips here and there, but overall they held an aura of strength. They were my barrier. But of course there was a weak link. And today it broke, just as I broke. Forcing me to take off all the rest. And now all that's left is the real, weak me, my real nails. And now I'm forced to cover them with polish to hide the fact that they are as weak as they are. I'm forced to hide.
'Adri, I just wanted to call you and tell you that I love you.'
Mike, don't you dare start telling me goodbye. Not yet, not now. There isn't time for that. Only time for bravery. I know you're scared, and to be honest I am too. But let's not give up or give in. I know it's your birthday tomorrow and I know it's the last thing you want to have. I know you don't want to get older, but I think we should celebrate. Lets not think of it as one day closer to the end. But one day farther from the beginning. Kids our age aren't supposed to die. But they do and I'm coming to terms with it. I love you so much, Mike. More than you know. And I'll be here for you. Me and Drake. We'll always be here.

Stop coming in on my passions. You don't even know how much you're hurting me. It's never been a whim for me like it is for you, it's always been my life.
Dear Eric, thank you for letting me cry. I'm sorry I'm stressful and that I'm so much to handle, but thank you for being my friend. I know I say that to you a lot, but it's because I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for allowing me to open up and expose my fears. Thank you for the comfort. I know you don't believe me, but I am listening to your words. It's just going to take some time. I love you.
Clearly from the title, I'm back to my used days. What is happening to me?! Zak corrupted my music taste :/

Even just pretending to be strong is better than being a weakling.

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