Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tell me something sweet to get me by.

'Oh honey you must be eating again because you're starting to get fat.' I have those words memorized because they were so random. And they were exactly what I've been thinking all week. I'll never forget the way that Kercee and Megan rushed to my side to embrace me. The way that Sarah wiped my tears and Jasmine threatened to jump him. The way that Mitchell automatically knew that something was wrong. But I'm going to be grateful for this in the end. Because it's only going to make me stronger and it reaffirmed to Mitchell that he's too good for Dylann. I'm grateful, but the sound is still ringing in my ears.
'You're so pretty! I love your style and you're seriously like a barbie! You're the prettiest girl! Seriously!' I don't know you, but I memorized your words too. You were an answer to my prayers and you were exactly what I needed. I'm never going to forget you.
Mitchell answered me to sadies today :) and hott english kid visibly checked me out :)
In third we got tomato soup and we stole some pie :) bahaha
I got tickets to Ke$ha, bitch.

'When you text me do you feel like god tells you to?
I know he does
I really needed someone to text me.
I always hear a "you should text Adri" and if I don't right away then it's all I can think about until I do'
Geoff. Thank you for always listening to the spirit and giving good advice. Thank you.

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