Thursday, November 11, 2010

Try not to think about the poodles.

I finally asked mitchell to sadies :) even though it was fairly lame, I feel quite accomplished. And I heard a little rumor that he's answering me on tuesday and it's something to look forward to most definitely :)
Me and Ashley Romero bonded over pearl harbor today :) and I almost cried when danny died :( The test was impossibly hard, but I don't mind because there is an extra credit opportunity tomorrow :0
Lunch made me feel amazing :) Random girl: 'I love the way you dress! So so much!' Random girl two: 'You're amazing for walking in those heels!' Hot English kid: 'You're effing tall today!' In my mind I substituted 'tall' with 'hott' ;) Overall I got quite a few compliments that made me feel good :)
Me and Mitchell want to grow up to be bus drivers ;)
Dear aviators, I enjoy flirting with you. And very much enjoy you flirting back. But there is no chance for you. I very much just like the attention. And I love being liked.
I hope baby is ok :( And I hope he didn't get his heart broken too hard. I'll be there for him though..
Drowsy Chaperone. O.M.G. AHHHH!!!! I love it!!!! I was in love with the gangsters immediately :) And I just wanted to give man in the chair a huge big hug because of his awkwardness :) And Aldolpho is my dream man ;) I just love this show :) Future self: You need to rent this movie or something, because it's pretty much a classic :) I love it!!!!
Today was pretty swell :)

'Antartica? Oh please!'
'Who are you? Who am I? And why is this cake on fire?'
'Are you surprised I've been married? you shouldn't make assumptions about people!'
"Live/leave while you can'
'Why are asians... so obsessed with caucasians?!"
I love the way Aldolpho says 'Whaaaat???'
'Love isn't lovely. It usually ends in divorce!'
Monkey monkey monkeeeey!

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