When words meet heartbeats... "The single word that everyone understands is not a word at all. It's the way that you smile or toss your hair. It's the way you sway your hips and the way you kiss. It's not a word at all, darling. It's the actions of love."
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Autumns yours and mine tonight
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So I sent a strongly worded letter!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Don't wait another day
It's been a good day :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I never meant to fall in love with you
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
your words hit faster than bullets

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Cause baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun
Monday, March 22, 2010
And hey sweetie well I need you here tonight
Some people take my breath away.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Darling, you can't cover up lies with those dark brown eyes
Nude camping and disco dancing :)
You find some crazy stuff when you look through old journals :| "do you think tape bones is hott?" Omg :| So weird! I can't believe I used to be so lame! And mean! Me and Katie were mother trucking douche bags! Those were the days :) I wish the junkmobile was still alive :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
WOOOF. Seriously.
Friday, March 19, 2010
I promise you. And I'll never break that promise.

Er for the first time ever. Iv for the fist time ever. Blood taken for the first time ever. And it made me cry. I cried at the sight of my own blood. I don't know why. I'm just weak I think. And that's really lame. Thomas noticed I wasn't there and acted concerned. I liked that. It made me feel good because not anyone else really did. I missed Xyra's birthday though and I felt bad. I really did dress up for you, sweetie, I just ended up leaving early. They made it sound like I was going to die. I had no idea that anyone could be more
overdramatic than me. I'm tired. I liked that warm blanket literally meant a warm blanket, until it got cold. But my mommy helped me. I love you mumma.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I don't care what they say I'm in love with you
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Anything not pertaining to elephants is IRRELEPHANT!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just when I was starting to trust you again
Monday, March 15, 2010
Just for kicks and giggles, sweetie :)
I swear to god I won't stop until you're shaking
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sputta sputta sputta!!!
Apple Orchard Banana Cat Dance 8663 :]
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Love is my weapon.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Your head is always over your heels, dumbarse
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I want to know how it feels to be altered by life
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
When I was 13 I had my first love :)
Tbh it was a good FANTASTIC day :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Secret love are you there, will you answer my prayer
Saturday, March 6, 2010
You said that you would die for me...

Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Words that actually do rhyme with orange.
Contrary to popular belief, door hinge does NOT rhyme with orange!
- amoreange – an orange you instantly fall in love with
- allegorange – an orange that represents abstract ideas or principles
- borange – an orange so dull you can’t even be bothered finishing it
- corange – the very essence of an orange
- commodorange – an orange that seems to be in control of a large group of other oranges
- doorange – a type of orange used to close off an entrance to a house (these typically grow very large as)
- eeyorange – Winnie-the-Pooh’s favorite type of orange
- elmorange – an orange made out of rags that is controlled by an outside party and is really annoying
- floorange – an orange that has been dropped on the ground, but BEFORE the 5 second rule has expired
- goreange – an orange said to increase martial prowess, favored by soldiers, criminals, and computer game programmers
- krakatorange – an orange that explodes in your face before you even bite into it (see nitroglicerorange)
- lemorange – a gender confused orange
- memorange – an orange that sort of reminds you of another orange that you’ve eaten before
- montessorange – an orange that promotes the development of natural abilities and initiative
- nanorange – a really tiny orange that you can’t even see
- nitroglicerorange – an orange that explodes in your face right after you bite into it (see krakatorange)
- octorange – an orange that squirts ink in your face if pick it up unexpectedly
- pectorange – an orange that looks really tough and beefy, wouldn’t want to eat it without help
- quantorange – an orange that is both here and somewhere else at the same time
- remorange – an orange that you regret eating
- remificorange – word used to describe the consequences of eating too many oranges. Usually remorange and remificorange go hand in hand.
- seismorange – an orange that shakes really hard when you pick it up. Has a chance of becoming either a krakatorange or a nitroglicerorange
- soliloqorange – an orange that reveals all it’s inner thoughts and fears through monologue
- sextorange – an orange that is a natural equivalent of viagra, hexagon shap
- tetrahedrorange – an orange shaped like a pyramid
- testostororange – an orange that is spoiling for a fight
- ubiquitorange – an orange that everyone is using and that seems to be everywhere
- vernaculorange – an orange that is specific to a particular social group or region
- whorange – everybody has had a piece of this orange
- xorange – the executive assistant to the commodorange (see commodorange)
- Yahorange – a billion dollar internet startup based on oranges
- zorrorange – an orange that fights for the rights of all the oppressed oranges everywhere, goes in disguise so you can’t tell him apart from other oranges
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
He grew so silently vibrant...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
i love you.
Pointe Shoes
Shoes shimmering, gorgeous,
Glide across a stage.
Romantic, Beautiful.
Blisters, bruises, blood,
Encased in soft silks and satins.
Hiding what I am under what,
What I pretend I am.
I am a dancer,
In Pointe shoes.
To dance is freedom,
But I am a corpse,
And still eat less,
Because even bones are not fragile,
Not thin,
Not good enough.
Pointe shoes break toes,
Break souls.
I hide my pain under stage makeup,
And costumes,
And plastic smiles.
I’ve worked so hard,
I am so tired,
And broken.
Tell me, please,
Am I beautiful yet?
Show me empathy.
It's time to let go.
2. Friends mean the world to me, and I'm always here for anyone who needs to talk.
3. I never used to be pretty and I was teased a lot.
4. You can't stand on your own two feet with a substance as a crutch.
5. Say what you want, I'm not going to change. I hope.
6. I hate his girlfriend.
7. I usually regret my decisions.
8. My friends that aren't even here mean the most. And know who I really am.
9. I'm a liar (apparently)
10. I hate hurting people. I'd rather be the unhappy one.
11. When I change too fast, I get nervous break downs.
12. I worry about what other people think. All. The. Time.
13. All I want to do is own my own salon.
14. Dreams do come true.
15. I was the weird girl when I was younger.
16. Before I had boobs even my best friend made fun of me.
17. I still watch cartoons on saturday mornings.
18. When I left disneyland I cried.
19. My favorite animals are cows.
20. I pray just to feel love sometimes.
21. I'm done with trying to impress you.
22. I write poems about you.
23. History is important, its what made us how we are.
24. I laugh the hardest when I'm trying not to cry.
25. I like to smile at strangers just to see if they'll smile back.