Thursday, June 14, 2012

Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new

Ok, talk now, pictures later :) I absolutely promise :)
Alright, so a lot lot LOT has happened the last couple of weeks. It hasn't been the best though. Ben moved to Idaho last week. And I've been devastated. I honestly didn't think I would be. On the Sunday that he moved out, I was GRUMPY. I wanted to get in the shower and then Ben got in and I was mad. And then he just kept getting in the way and I couldn't do my hair and stuff and I was upset. So I just started yelling that I couldn't wait for him to leave. But then two minutes later when it came down to him actually leaving, I started crying so hard. And then my mom was crying and then even my dad cried. And it was awful. But for the first week he moved, my mom went too so that she could teach him how to do some stuff and that made it even HARDER. Because then not only was I missing my brother, but I was missing my mom! And I know I should be over it by now because this is his second week not being here, but yesterday I literally cried like seven times because I miss my brother so much. I go to school for five hours surrounded by people and I still just feel lonely. And it used to be that home was the one place I was never lonely because I was lucky enough to have my best friend be here. And now he just isn't and it's really difficult for me to get used to. I used to always say that I was so happy my brother never went on a mission because I couldn't imagine two years without him here, but now he's gone for life and that's way worse. Bah, I need to just get over it and stop crying (yes, I'm crying right now too) TOO EMOTIONAL.
Anyways, well in school I'm learning so much. I've had everything waxed and we've started facials and back facials. And I actually really love esthetics, but I don't get on too well with the girls. The clogger bugs me and she isn't my biggest fan, so her and Tessie clicked and I'm just like '.....' It's awful. But last week when Jessica was in disney world, it was great. We had a nice even number, and it was just good. But now she's back and she really just looks down on me like I'm a bug or something. I think it's stupid.
Wellllll, other than that I guess there really isn't that much to tell. Yesterday me and Eric went downtown and took pictures and stuff and it was really fun :) but he's a loser because he's watch me take a picture then come take the EXACT SAME ONE. That is just RUDE ;)
Now time to edit pictures and off to school :)

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