Saturday, June 23, 2012

If you walk through hell, you climb your way to paradise.

Day twenty: favourite photo you've ever taken.
I am politically opposed to this statement. I love all my photographs equally!!! Unless I hate them, but then I delete them and then they are no longer in existence. Thus, I love all my images equally. So, here's just another, run of the mill photograph that I love just as much as all of my others. Not more, not less.

I didn't even have to edit these ones, the lighting was so perfect :)
Day twenty one: where you slept
My bed.... obviously. I considered lying and saying I slept somewhere interesting like a playground with other hobos, but the truth will set you free.

Stop sleeping with books, Adri. Woof. I'm such a loser.
Day twenty two: from a high angle
Day twenty three: movement
Clearly, the cars are moving... movement... duhhh

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