Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Alright, so we're doing this group project in my communications and it's been like a three or four week project and it sucks ass. On the first day we exchanged phone numbers and stuff, no biggie, right? WRONG. This kid in my group decides to make this learning opportunity into a dating opportunity. Which I think is just totally unprofessional. When you're working on something with a group, you don't date them or whatever until it's done. It's just not professional. But so he asks me on a date and I said no. Not only because it's unprofessional and I'm not attracted to him at all, but because I'm in a relationship. That's a legitimate reason to say no, wouldn't you think. Apparently he doesn't think so because he's still super mad that I said no to him. He's a dick to me and we still have to do this project together. It doesn't help that by the time I meet with my group it becomes a nine hour day so I'm grumpy, but it's awful. Last week Brennen (the kid that asked me on the date) agreed that he would write the paper after we brainstormed about it, he literally fought with Timmy because he really wanted to write it. Well, today he brings the paper. It's in bullet points, so I straight up told him that wasn't right and it's not ok. I was blunt, but seriously, this is my grade I have to be. So he gets defensive and says he's not good at this kind of thing. Then why did he even offer to do it? And I said that to him. "Well, nobody else was offering to" Straight up, Timmy wanted to, why take it if you aren't even good at it.  I was pissed especially because of his little bitch attitude. I didn't go on a date with you, get over it. It's not like I said no because 'my grandma died' it was a real excuse so get over yourself. Even if I wasn't dating someone else, I would never date him. He's chubby, uneducated, and he's 22 years old and working at Kohls. That's minimum wage. He doesn't even have his associates degree. My brother is 22, has his bachelors in engineering and in a wayyyy better job than Kohls. By the time I'm 22, I'll be done with hairschool and in a big girl job, either done or almost done with fashion school, and on my way to making a name for myself. Ew. And he wears flip flops. HEHL-LECK.
Then in esthetics today I decided I hate life. I'm the outcast! I've never been the outcast before!!! And it's really hard on me. But we waxed half of my legs, which is a waste to me. But we waxed Tessie's full leg. Which I still do not understand. She wears garments, I wear short shorts. Who should have gotten the full leg wax again? Ugh. I'm just super grumpy and bitter about the way my class turned out. I'm left out all the time. When Jessica got back from Disney world, Tessie got a Mickey Mouse rice crispy treat and I didn't get anything. I felt like a fool. But seriously how hard is it to get one more rice crispy treat so I'm not left out? I don't even like her and I'd still give her one because that's POLITE. But these bitches don't know the meaning of polite. So here I am ranting instead. I hate my lifee.

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