Friday, June 1, 2012

And if someone tries to limit you, you've gotta let them go now

Day one- (surprisingly on time too) morning

Roosters remind me of morning :)
Today was nothing special. I went to the doctors this morning (super early and that was a nightmare) and found out I have allergies. No surprises there. Then I went to school and had my eyebrows designed and they look very good :) very clean :) during my skin analysis I was declared as 'little miss perfect skin' and that made me smile, but the they found an open comedone in my nose. IN my nose. Ok so explaining. And open comedone are the zits on your face that look like holes and when you squeeze them a really long snake of 'pus' (it's not really pus, it's old oil, but everyone calls it pus sooo) comes out. And I had one on the inside of me septum! You know how long I've had that there? Over a YEAR. I remember one of the huge reasons I wanted to pierce my septum was because I thought it would hide 'that hole thing' but it didn't because my septum was pierced higher of course. ANYWAYS, so this old oil has been just festering in this comedone for over a year, but my teacher gets out her q tips and just goes at it. Eight minutes later, an entire inch comes out! Now, the extraction part of this wasn't too painful, there was a lot of pressure on my nose and it pinched slightly, but mostly made my eyes water. I thought it was cake. Until after! Now it hurts like a beezy. It's like I just pierced it twenty times and is just super sore and it's swollen and it hurts now. But I'm happy that it's gone :) sadly, that was the most exciting part of my day.
So I've been reading this thing about heart transplants and such and I found the most interesting thing. There was a sixty year old man that received the heart of a sixteen year old girl. Afterward he said this 'I'm not the same you know. I think like her. I look at flowers longer, and I know off the top of my head poems that I never read, and sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to fall in love' I thought this was so amazing because I think that in a way it has the potential of showing that we really do have the ability to think with our hearts as well as our brains. We carry so much of our emotions and thoughts in our hearts even if we don't realize it. The heart is just as powerful as the brain is, even if we don't pay that much attention to it.

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