Friday, June 15, 2012

Photo diary.

Let me just start out by saying that I hope you appreciate this because it took way too long and I'm grumpy because it shouldn't have taken this long. kjahsgkjadfhgkjsdfhg.
Day two: empty
Baby Birds empty bed :( gone

Gas tank. Always.
Day three: on your plate

Get it? The GRAPHIC on my plate. heh heh heh
Day four: close up
Alright so I did a few different images for this because my model was a flake so I started something else, but then he came through in the end soooo...

From the anatomy test, which I did AWESOME on btw.

Day five: sign

Day six: hat

Day seven: drink

Day eight: six o clock
Sushi dinner :))
Day nine: your view today
Day ten: best bit of your weekend
So the best bit was a rivalry. Between waxing Eric's back, which was pretty funny And Ben coming home and then wearing some of my mom's pants and cowboy boots :)

Day eleven: door
Day twelve: from a low angle

And just for the record, Eric STOLE mine

Day thirteen: art
Some cool graffiti :)
Day fourteen: time

Day fifteen: yellow
Mustard :)

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