Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You traded in your cross for a chance to dance with the stars

My beautiful blue-haired Brittany. I love her. I am impossibly sad to see her graduating and leaving this week. She changed my life and she not only made me a better barber, she made me a better person. She strengthened my work ethic, made me think about and consider everyone around me, and made me want to be better to all those other people. Brittany might look more like a devil (and she'll tell you that she is one), but this girl is an angel. She is heaven sent. If you let her, she will make you more of a woman than you ever could have been otherwise. She would drop everything and anything for her friends, and you'll never catch her putting herself first. She swears like a sailor and smells like cigarettes, but she is amazing and completely special. The most special person I've ever met. God knew what he was doing when he brought her my way. Even if she doesn't make millions of dollars, she will always be rich. She will always have made a difference and she'll always be one of my heros. She's one of the unsung heros of this generation. I pray that she goes far. 

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