Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heaven beside you, Hell within.

Today I was supposed to have a shampoo set right? And I'm stressing and stressing because I've only done them on mannequins and I'm super nervous. That bitch doesn't show up. Pah. Night of stress sleep all for NOTHING. NOTHINGGGG.
I NEVER BLOGGED ABOUT THE DRUNK MAN! Ohmygoddd! So we're all just sitting outside in cosmetology or whatever and Liz is talking about the D.I. when this crazy old man comes along! 'Did I hear someone say the D.I.?? I got tazered there once..." Bright orange shirt, one pointy tooth, pink shoe laces CRAZY OLD MAN. And he goes on and on and onnn and onn about Rodney King and how he hates police and then at the end (after VERY animated sequences) 'I shouldn't tell you guys this, but I'm in a rehab center, but I've clearly been drinking' GET AWAY YOU CRAZY. All in all, best moment of my college life.
Well, best is actually rivaling today. There are these signs all around campus for STI checks only five dollars. Today I saw a guy copying down the information. Almost laughed my head off because I'm a rude, ignorant, judgmental girl. :)
Today I went to Eric's and we jumped on the tramp until our legs hurt and we couldn't breath anymore. I had four pieces of bacon for dinner. And I didn't give a damn about everything else that had bothered me that day.
Happy birthday, Mitchell. You're always my best friend and I'll always love you. Even when you don't love me. I hope everyone made you feel special today. I miss you.
Two years, Kaitlyn. Think of you all the time. I wish you could respond to my facebook messages.

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