Monday, April 23, 2012

I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.

I just may have found my wedding dress today. It's lacy and gorgeous. It's my ring ceremony in a field wedding dress. My mom: 'It's ivory.' I think it's gorgeous. It would look perfect on the titanic staircase as well. It fits both of my wedding needs.
I was host today in cosmo. Worst. day. ever. to be host. Normally I thoroughly enjoy being able to sit out there and not do anything. Today was not like that. Because today a muslim woman was getting her hair done. No biggie right? WRONG. It starts off with my instructor getting pissed at me for letting a boy come in. How the FUCK am I supposed to know it's against their religion to let guys see their hair? Seriously, why would I know that. So why am I getting in trouble for it. I was pissed. But then this muslim woman just leaves her two kids out there in the hall with me. And her friend left her two kids. Three of them were under four years old and screamed a lot. The sixth grader refused to even try to control them because 'she wasn't a baby sitter.' Well neither am I, bitch, so take care of your sister... I had a MASSIVE headache and got to listen to a one year old scream for three hours. Yes, three hours. And the sixth grader kept asking 'Can't I go in there?' FIFTY times AT LEAST. And at first I was like no, that's dangerous and against the rules. Near the end I was like NO THERE IS CLEARLY A SIGN YOU LITTLE BITCH. And then my teacher comes out and is like 'no you can't go in, it's dangerous, your mom is almost done' The girl comes back to me 'Your teacher said I could go in, but I decided I didn't want to' I wanted to slap a hoe. I HATE KIDS. And I got in trouble again when Brandon went in the room to get something out of dispense. What am I supposed to say? No you can't get a product for your client because there's a muslim in there?... And I'm so used to Brandon being able to go in there that I didn't even think twice, so then I got in trouble again. Not to be racist, but isn't there a special salon she can go to that accommodates her needs better?... And can't she hire a baby sitter instead of taking her child out of school to watch her baby? I hate people. So much. GRUMPY.
Just a slight variation :)

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