Thursday, April 26, 2012

But baby ain't that the way that loves supposed to be?

Two years ago I went to a soccer game. And two years ago I came home, running inside to tell my mom that a boy named Eric asked me for my number. Two years ago, that boy named Eric texted me and we stayed up late into the night talking about mountains and kids. Two years ago I met someone that would become my best friend. Someone that would break my heart into pieces so that I could become a stronger, better person. I met someone that made me feel every emotion in the book; from happy to sad to angry. But mostly happy. At an insignificant soccer game two years ago I met someone that would change my life and would ultimately change me. It was a surprise to get roses at school today and even more of a surprise that he would remember. Even my client felt special that it was her hairdresser that got the roses. All day people told me how pretty they were and how lucky I was that someone cares about me. And I know that I am; they're the most gorgeous flowers I've ever gotten. So leave it to me to drop them in the parking lot. Yup, my hands were full and my car was super far away, so when I put them on top of my car I thought they were finally safe. Then a HUGE GUST OF WIND blew them down! Surprisingly the vase didn't break and the flowers were only slightly tormented, but still beautiful. And some still looked perfect. So yes in my pictures they look a bit frazzled, but now you know why. And isn't that just the way it is sometimes though?
That was his 'ready' face. heh heh heh. ;)

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