Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day twenty seven.

Somewhere you went.

I went to the rally to try to save the barbering and cosmetology program :) it was FREEZING, but it was pretty cool :) and there were some really cute signs :)

Day twenty six.

Black and white.

Day twenty five.

Looking down.

So I'm kinda afraid of heights. But this whole month I knew exactly where I was going to take this picture and I'm like 'it's not that high, it will be easy as pie' WRONG. I took Eric with me when I took it and I told him he would have to hold me so I don't fall over and die/break my camera. And I warned him not to do that classic boy trick where they pretend to let you fall, because if he did that then I would overcorrect and then die/break my camera and I would be pissed. Turns out to give me a scare he didn't have to do anything. I was scared enough on my own. I put one leg over the edge and decided that nope, that was just too high and I wouldn't be able to do that. He slowly coaxed me to get a little more on at a time, but trying to pick up the pace a bit, he gave me a slight shove. Not big, it was barely a tap but I was TERRIFIED. So I started screaming and hollering and the majority of what I was screaming was 'Don't push me!!' So people below stopped and stared because they probably thought he was trying to kill me. Poor kid looked like a murderer even though he was just trying to get me to do what I needed to do.

Day twenty four.

Something you are grateful for.

Day twenty three

Onions are a vegetable. Fried onions are still a vegetable. Onion rings are a vegetable.

Friday, April 27, 2012



Thursday, April 26, 2012


Sometimes when your purse just gets too heavy, you've gotta hand it over to a boy.

Someone had RAGE in the bathroom. Tore the whole handle off.

Finally got Ky's wedding invitation. GET MARRIED ALL READY! I CAN'T WAIT.

Mine and Katie's junior high spanish dictionary :)

I hate when boys on facebook are like 'Titanic 3d was pretty cool. NO HOMO' You just watched boobs in 3d... obviously you're no homo. God.

But baby ain't that the way that loves supposed to be?

Two years ago I went to a soccer game. And two years ago I came home, running inside to tell my mom that a boy named Eric asked me for my number. Two years ago, that boy named Eric texted me and we stayed up late into the night talking about mountains and kids. Two years ago I met someone that would become my best friend. Someone that would break my heart into pieces so that I could become a stronger, better person. I met someone that made me feel every emotion in the book; from happy to sad to angry. But mostly happy. At an insignificant soccer game two years ago I met someone that would change my life and would ultimately change me. It was a surprise to get roses at school today and even more of a surprise that he would remember. Even my client felt special that it was her hairdresser that got the roses. All day people told me how pretty they were and how lucky I was that someone cares about me. And I know that I am; they're the most gorgeous flowers I've ever gotten. So leave it to me to drop them in the parking lot. Yup, my hands were full and my car was super far away, so when I put them on top of my car I thought they were finally safe. Then a HUGE GUST OF WIND blew them down! Surprisingly the vase didn't break and the flowers were only slightly tormented, but still beautiful. And some still looked perfect. So yes in my pictures they look a bit frazzled, but now you know why. And isn't that just the way it is sometimes though?
That was his 'ready' face. heh heh heh. ;)

Monday, April 23, 2012

I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.

I just may have found my wedding dress today. It's lacy and gorgeous. It's my ring ceremony in a field wedding dress. My mom: 'It's ivory.' I think it's gorgeous. It would look perfect on the titanic staircase as well. It fits both of my wedding needs.
I was host today in cosmo. Worst. day. ever. to be host. Normally I thoroughly enjoy being able to sit out there and not do anything. Today was not like that. Because today a muslim woman was getting her hair done. No biggie right? WRONG. It starts off with my instructor getting pissed at me for letting a boy come in. How the FUCK am I supposed to know it's against their religion to let guys see their hair? Seriously, why would I know that. So why am I getting in trouble for it. I was pissed. But then this muslim woman just leaves her two kids out there in the hall with me. And her friend left her two kids. Three of them were under four years old and screamed a lot. The sixth grader refused to even try to control them because 'she wasn't a baby sitter.' Well neither am I, bitch, so take care of your sister... I had a MASSIVE headache and got to listen to a one year old scream for three hours. Yes, three hours. And the sixth grader kept asking 'Can't I go in there?' FIFTY times AT LEAST. And at first I was like no, that's dangerous and against the rules. Near the end I was like NO THERE IS CLEARLY A SIGN YOU LITTLE BITCH. And then my teacher comes out and is like 'no you can't go in, it's dangerous, your mom is almost done' The girl comes back to me 'Your teacher said I could go in, but I decided I didn't want to' I wanted to slap a hoe. I HATE KIDS. And I got in trouble again when Brandon went in the room to get something out of dispense. What am I supposed to say? No you can't get a product for your client because there's a muslim in there?... And I'm so used to Brandon being able to go in there that I didn't even think twice, so then I got in trouble again. Not to be racist, but isn't there a special salon she can go to that accommodates her needs better?... And can't she hire a baby sitter instead of taking her child out of school to watch her baby? I hate people. So much. GRUMPY.
Just a slight variation :)

How 'bout them pictures I've been meaning to post forever...

My cute little R2D2 cake for my birthday :)

Birthday Balloons from Eric :)

Open Ben's math book and you'll find... condoms? 

My adequate meal of strictly bacon at Eric's house :)

I didn't know people still cared about Kony, so I thought this was funny

We throw bread outside for the birds, it always ends up in Tank's belly instead...

My super sweet Titanic whistle. COME BACKK, COME BACKKKK

Game Night
Should probably put some makeup on once in a while instead of looking like a beast

Coltyn's first haircut :)

Puppy love.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day twenty two.

The last thing you bought.

Technically Eric bought it, but I was there and it's at my house so it counts :)

Day twenty one.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Day Twenty.

Something you drew.

Day Nineteen.


Day Eighteen.


It's a hard life when you can't just choose one...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So today in cosmo I was elected to choose a cd, and I chose a modest one claiming to be clean hits. I assumed this meant like edited top ten songs kind of thing. Nope, apparently it means that there will be Zelda and Pokemon songs. The girls loved it (pah) My music choices are good. Reallll popular. I miss Britany at school already :(
Hardest choice of my day is whether Tank should sleep with me or not.

Day seventeen.

Something you don't like.