Friday, September 30, 2011

Washin these dollar bills like they laundry.

Dear Drake and Mike, I love you two :) you're the most amazing friends in the world :)) thank you for everything xxxxxxx
Yes, I'm sure you're all wondering where my blogging skills went, but I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything. ...I'm lazy. 
Nothing super special has happened this week at all. I had Sarah's back and totally hooked her up with a client though ;) Other than that there's been nothing eventful really. Not at all. EXCEPT that this is like national 'I want to get back together with Adri week.' Almost all of my exes have called me/texted me/messaged me implying that they want to get back together. The insanity of it all is enough to drive me up a wall! It's confusing and well, just very confusing :( I'll talk to Ann about it if it's still going on next week. I feel like I can go to Ann with anything. She calls us her girls and we call her our grandma. She seriously has some great advice :) 'We usually hang out at Andy's house. Especially because my parents are out of town this week.' Ann: 'Your parents are out of town and you're hanging out at his house?! That's when you go to YOUR house you ding dong!' :) crazy woman :) I love her though :)
Straw dogs last night. Stupidest movie ever from what I understood... Flowers after work. All my coworkers 'Awwwww' my response 'Don't encourage this!!!!' ;) jay kay I love flowers ;) JUMBO POPCORN. 'It was the biggest they had, I hope that's ok' :))))

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh, hey, I suck at blogging because I'm always busy.
All I do is cut hair, fold panties, take pictures, and hang out with Andy :)
No biggie. My days are so fogged up that it's pathetic.
My mommy is home and I'm a super happy camper now :) Britney makes me completely happy in cosmetology and I'm praying for her a lot lately. I love everything :))
fasdhfiushdfiuhasdfhuasdhfu :)
*said in gay voice* "Andy is heaven sent"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Justin Bieber rented out an entire STADIUM for him and Selena to watch Titanic. Why isn't he MY boyfriend?!?!?!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea, but I'd rather be here than on land

Yes, I know, it's about time that I blog. (Drake, you can stop text nagging me now)
Lets begin on thursday :) Thursday was a really good day :) we took two tests in cosmetology and I did super good :) I only missed two :)) I was super proud of that fact :) so after theory I go to barbering and I'm just chillin like a cool cat and then I get given a client. So I'm like idgaf and I just start doing the haircut. Then Kenzie comes running in and giggling. So I figured there was a hott client outside because that is what we always do around hot guys. Then two seconds later I just hear my name being screamed so everyone's like, 'she's over there!' I turned BRIGHT RED when she found me because there in her arms are some flowers. For me. And everyone is looking at me and my poor client is probably wondering what's going on. And I'm just carrying some flowers. No biggie. And while this is happening Kenzie is screaming, 'I knew it!! I knew it was him! He's so cute!' And I'm just being bright red. The girl that handed me the flowers informs me that there is a card inside. So I read it, and more embarrassingly let the others read it to. 'Bucky, I hope this flower brightens your day like you brighten mine! -princess' This caused a lot of questions. 'Why does he call you bucky?! Why do you call him princess???' Because that's how we do ;) Ann was my favorite part of all because like two weeks ago she was talking to us and I was saying how guys never interest me for very long and how I just need an appreciative guy. Then she sees this! 'Tell him to come in on wednesday or thursday so I can see the boy that makes you all twitterpated!' I love Ann :) So that was my exciting event in class :) then it was eighties night with the girls :) it was super fun :) Rachel is by far my favorite dancer :))) SUPER AWKWARD MOMENT FOR ADRI THOUGH. So I'm dancing just throwing my arms around when this crazy guy starts dancing with me and he's super fun because he's an even crazier eighties dancer than I am and I heard him say his name was peter, but after that I didn't hear anything. So I just keep nodding my head because I thought that was a good idea, but when he walked away JayLynn informed me of what he said. 'He asked for your number! And all you did was nod and keep dancing!' WHY AM I THE MOST EMBARRASSING CREATURE ON EARTH. Either way though, eighties night is my new favorite night :)
Friday was decent :) EXCEPT THAT MY MOM LEFT ME. And I really miss my mom!!! I don't know what I'll ever do without her! But so I was going to have Tori do my nails, but she's SICK so I went somewhere else to get them done and all I can say is what a waste of like forty dollars. I don't like them! I feel like they're crooked. I don't like the color and they're too long. Although when I told Terance I was getting them done he was quite excited. Silly boys. Then I did a little bit of light shopping for my mommy :) Got her some really cute things :) then I went to game night with Andy :) and lets just say I dominate at farkle ;) It was fun :) EVEN THOUGH HE THINKS IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD THAT I LIKE THE UTES. Too bad :) now I just like them more :) And during all of football season I'm going to choose the opposite teams as him :) Take that ;) We were just listening to music last night and during one song I just looked at him and it was like a warm gushy feeling :) and now that song will always make me think of him :)
Sore from sleeping with my bed-hogging puppy

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I don't care about being inappropriate or blunt anymore

Today was super fun :) Terrance came in today to get his hair done and it was just nonsense :) it was so much fun to cut because I could basically just take random wacks at it :) It was super fun and everyone around us just watched him as he did his hair. They all thought he was super cool :)
Maria curled my hair today while Britney painted my nails :) I've never felt like more of a princess in my life :)
Yesterday I went to cafe rio with Andy and it was fun because he got to see a bit of my 'Deep side' or whatever (Before last night, I think he thought I was more shallow than a paper plate) He discovered my blog though, so I have something to say.... ANDY IS PASTY WHITE WITH SQUINTY EYES. How'd you like that princess? ;)
I know I've been super junky at blogging lately. I haven't been anywhere near thought provoking and I'm sorry. Maybe I will be again soon. I JUST HAVEN'T BEEN INSPIRED IN SO LONG. I need to hang out with Mike again, he always inspired me. I don't know what I'm going to do..
This is junky :)

It's pretty cute :) need tanning...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You and me need something more, it's time to spread our wings and go.

Last night I cried. A lot. Saying goodbye just means there's going to be another hello.
I talked to Jourdan last night and finally told her the truth. I'm a bitch. She doesn't deserve how many tears she's cried, she doesn't deserve the hurt she's felt. She doesn't deserve what I did to her :( The hardest part is how nice she is. And how alike we really are :| Nik told me we were alike, but forreal, we really have so much in common that it hurts :( One day I hope she finds the most amazing guy in the world that treats her right and respects her and loves her. Honestly, I would be single forever so she could have a fairy tale. Just because I owe her that and because for no reason at all, I care about her. I'm so stupid. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm feeling restless, but I'm tired. Don't want to leave, but I can't stay.

Yesterday at work we had to do self studies that linked back to the new Gorgeous perfume that we got, part of this study was to try on the gorgeous bra and, well, I've got some exciting news. After bulging out of the C cup, I was advised to try on a different size. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am a 32 D. Some dancing, cheering, and gloating may have been done ;)
I had a little bit of a gossip with Amber :) I hope her and Terrance get married :) :) :) they are just the cutest little couple :)
Tearing off my bandaids this morning almost hurt worse than the piercing :|
I had an amazing client today :) he may have talked me into taking a welding class.
I FUCKING hate tan. She is the biggest bitch I know.
Before watching Contagion: when someone around me was coughing I was like 'idgaf' proceed with hand sanitizer
After Watching Contagion: If somewhere is even 50 feet in my space and they even let out a little sneeze or a sputter of a cough I run away.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The last four days in bullet points:

  • School
  • N64
  • school
  • Sorta ditching Nate because some random guy just felt like sitting with me
  • workkkk
  • homework
  • work
  • pierced my belly button
  • Torbears birthday <3
  • Taya <3

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just had a mini breakdown in the bathroom at work. Only Sarah Tovar noticed.
I'm not happy right now. And I don't know what to even do for myself


'You have utes underwear? DEVIL PANTIES!!!'

'Hows your day sweetheart?'
'Great! I can pee without it hurting!!!'
'Pathetic... YOUR day is even better than mine!'

'If I was a stripper, my name would be Platinum and my pole would be a barber pole!'
'Hahaha... actually that's kind of sexy. Except your name should be Shears!'

'I had a dream you were famous and I begged you to sign my hanes... I wear fruit of the loom!'

Today has been good :) Me and Nate are going to lunch friday and I'm excited because I have so much to tell him :)
Tonight I went on a date with Andy :) we decided that for halloween I'll dress up as woody and he'll be Andy ;) we talked with Pam for a while and talked about his mission and then we went and saw Contagion! Which really wasn't that good, but we stayed and watched anyways. He held my hand and put his arm around me and it was such a crazy feeling because this is ANDY. Childhood Andy that tortured me and laughed at me. It's the weirdest thing ever. I'm still surprised and completely amazed <3 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And with complete horror in his voice, Drake was like 'ADRI, THERE'S A ZEBRA ON YOUR ASS!!!!'

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lets just talk all through the night, there's no need to rush.

So me and Andy have started texting :) and he makes me smile a lot :) it's just so unexpected. I haven't seen him since I was like seven! So it's super weird seeing him and finding attractive and having him find me attractive. I'm sure it's especially weird for him because I'm just 'Ben's little sister' but it's a good weird. It's like I can be comfortable around him immediately because I know him, even though I really don't. It's like he's familiar but new all at once, and I really like that feeling. I like how it's so exciting. We stayed up talking until two-ish in the morning, and it was so unexpected all the butterflies that he gave me. It's almost embarrassing to admit! This boy that tortured me when I was little and terrified me with night creatures is suddenly giving me BUTTERFLIES? Wth?! I guess we'll just have to see what happens with that :)
I was talking to Nik for a little while last night and I always hate when him and Jourdan break up because it makes him so sad :( and I know that in his own way he did love her, to the very best of his ability. It's so sad! He doesn't think that they'll get back together this time either :( Talking to him, I realized how much I really missed him. Not missed his face, not missed being able to touch him, but missed HIM. Just talking to him about everything and having him make fun of me for it. I missed that :) and it's weird that I'd forgotten. 'Tell me you missed my beautiful face!' 'You know me better than that!' After quite some nagging, I got him to say it, in his own way... 'you're pretty, dummy' Close enough ;)
I didn't go to school today because this whole urinary tract infection thing is hell. I have to go to the doctors to have them really see what's up. I'm not gonna lie, it's scary. And it hurts. At least I have Ash Kardash to talk to. I like that I can be close to her and have her be like a second sister to me. I love her <3
Cafe rio and a cuddly puppy <3

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In the promise of another tomorrow, I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart.

It's crazy that on the same day, for the first time, we're single together. For the first time in history. On the same day.
Last night was the worst. Urinary tract infection. Wanted to kill myself.
Andy's homecoming today :) It was fun. He looks completely different, but then kind of exactly how I remember him. 'We used to torture you! I feel bad now!' GOOD ;) because night creatures STILL terrify me! ;) Crazy kid. I'm actually surprised he even remembers me! His mom, Pam is one of the most amazing ladies that I have ever met. I love her :) She was my second mom when I was little and a part of her always will be :) I'm so grateful for the Nixon family :)

Take a chance and don't ever look back.

Nate keeps telling me I did the right thing. But it doesn't always feel like that. He says it will get easier. But I don't know if it will. He says I'll do better. But I don't know if I will. He says to trust him. So I do. And until he proves it to me, I'll just have faith.
Me and Sarah tovar have a new years resolution (crazy I know) by the end of 2011 we will capture hott Rosetta stone boys attention, get his number, and get a date. It's gonna happen for real.
Sarah jungen quit. Anya quit. Pretty much everyone is gone at this point. I'm not sad about Anya though because she was a total bitch. Either way though, the trend is to quit.
Andys homecoming tomorrow :) hopefully singles ward with Sarah from Cosmo. Then it's essay crunch time.
Tonight was homecoming at taylorsville apparently and I couldn't help but reminisce. Back to my sophomore year when I got millions of butterflies from zak asking me. When he put his arm around me and guessed my toe nail polish color. Back to my junior year when I went with Mitchell and I had the best time ever. How our pictures came out perfect and we never ever stopped dancing. Back to my senior year when I looked like ke$ha and Eric looked too proper for me. When I got a watch instead of roses. It's crazy to think about. Exactly a year ago tomorrow, I'll have had that watch on my wrist for the first time. I remember wearing it everywhere and being so proud. God, times change so much. I loved who I was back then and the memories were perfect. But given the choice, I wouldn't go back. I'd just stay right where I am being who I am.
Night lovelies.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I write the most beautiful things about you, I bet you didn't know.

So I was at FYE, just chillin, getting some new music, when this super hott guy just comes up to me and starts looking around the same area as me and he's like 'what are you looking for?' So I told him that I was looking for grieves and he was like 'They don't have it. What'd you get?' So I show him the Wu Tang CD I'd picked out and OMGGG he gives me the sexiest nod of approval I've ever seen!!! He was so effing hott. On a sad note, now I have to just succumb to buying grieves on itunes because I neeeed moreee. I just like having hard copy CDs because I'm retro like that.
I use Omg like a preteen bitch.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I wasn't joking when I said you take my breath away

Bag of nickels client :)

'When I first came to utah I saw a ctr ring and I was like 'oh I love that band!' then they were like 'no it means to choose the right!' 'The right to what? Bear arms?' 'No like right in general' '...I'm not following you...''
I had basically the coolest client EVER yesterday (Actually, my client today was pretty legit, but aaanyways' In the end he payed me all in NICKELS like how legit of a story is that?! He seriously handed me a bag of nickels :) :) :) It was the funniest thing ever :) and me and britney were both just kind of doing his hair, so I was on one side and she was on the other. And we were just chit chatting about absolutely everything, disagreeing on most of it so near the end of his hair cut John, the client, was like 'I feel like I have the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other!' :) I was the angel ;)
I feel super bad about yesterday because Jaylynn met up with this kid anthony, forcing all of us girls to be like six wheels, and I just decided to be a bitch. I was in a very bitch bitch bitch mood and I called him an asshole and all sorts of bad stuff :) oooops.
'I forgot my chapstick!!!' 'Do you want me to bring you some?' '...yes' :)
Today my client was a scout for the JAZZ!!! :) I told him to have ak47 come in some time to see me ;) I would absolutely just DIE if he really does come in :)
Life is so fun :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On Manuela's facebook, she has her job title as 'Catagory Manager' Lets at least get the SPELLING of your job title down, sweetheart. THE INCOMPETENCY.

Just waiting for proof that there's sunsets and silhouette dreams

You wanna hear something absolutely heartbreaking? Almost every person that worked at victorias while I was hired is gone. Karen, Afton, Veronica, Ashley, Jax, Ingrie, Alison, Ish, Shantay, Megan, Hannah, and Ande. They're all gone. Every single one of them. I can't stop thinking about it. Especially Ande. She was just promoted to a manager job. She was getting benefits. But now she's gone. I hate that Sarah Jungen and Sarah Tovar are pretty much the only two that were there when I got hired. And Tiff. Thank god Tiff isn't gone yet. But then as soon as she's done with school, she's off to be a nurse. Then who is there? Nothing but new girls that look at me and think I'm so experienced. Listen to me and wonder 'Who the hell is Ash Kardash? And why is it so funny that you and Tiff would sing?' I don't like thinking about how in just a couple of weeks, nobody will know who I'm talking about.
Last night I had Sarah Seastrand come in to get measured and find a proper bra, because earlier that day she told me she was between a B and a C. NO. So I measured her and I was right :) And she's never had a Victoria's secret bra before, so I bought her this one because I know that they're expensive. It made me so mad though because I was like 'Hey jess, I'm buying this for my friend as a gift, can I get rung up really fast.' 'You aren't going to be reimbursed are you? Because that's shrink.' She seriously accused me of stealing. in front of everyone. I swear to god she accuses me of this SO much. AND I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING.  I think I've bought myself one or two new bras since working there. Other than that, they are all presents for either my mom or my friends. Why is that such a crazy idea?! I just like spoiling people.
Sarah Straley bought me a cookie :) and it was delicious :) I should do go-backs more often ;)
I know you're just afraid of falling for me. And the fact that you're afraid of it proves one thing, that you already are falling. I'm not trying to steal you, I would never want to cause that much pain on anyone, but there's a feeling that I have about you. And it's that I shouldn't give up.
Bahaha Calyn texted me yesterday, and that kid is a freaking hoot. A hoot and a half even. I swear, him and Drake could be brothers. That's why I like talking to him so much, he reminds me of a younger Drake. I say younger because Drake really was different before all this happened. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying that now there's a younger Drake and a more mature Drake. I love mature Drake. But sometimes [very rarely ;)] you've gotta miss that younger obnoxious kid.
School today :) then day off :) thank god, because I can't go to a work that's as empty as it felt yesterday.
'Rapture and high leg briefs are just a joke. I bet the CEO has considered getting rid of them but then he's like 'no, that shits funny'' :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When the stars are shining I'll be outside, counting them all, with you by my side.

School is so crazy :) I love it :) I had two clients today :) one was a thirtyish year old nurse that was clearly a stud when he was younger and the other was a little black boy that reminded me of satan.
The nurse was named Brad and he was super fun :) just a typical taper haircut but we tried to convince him to get a shave in the end I think we got him to get a pedicure ;)
The little black boy was (there's no way to properly say this) an asshole. From the very beginning. While I was putting his neckstrip on he started to growl at me. Then as me and maria started to cut his hair, he would randomly twitch. He would randomly laugh. He started to mumble. And then he started to count to ten. Then the real madness started. He told us he knew voodoo. That someone was going to die tonight and he knew who it was. He told us if we messed up his hair his mom would kill us. Then he told us he would scratch out our eyes if we messed up. Then he said he was going to kill us. Of course, when his teacher was around, he was completely silent, then when she walked away he would start again. I wanted to beat that kid and his parents because they let him act like that.
Just talking about boob shapes in class ;) my stripper name will officially be PLATINUM :) It's a good one I think.
Work now xxx

Forever isn't long at all when I'm with you.

Key points:
I'M AN AUNT!!!!! <3 as of last night, I'm officially an auntie :)
Went to Colton's being home party and I forgot how much I missed him, Jordan, and Desi :)
Closing was a bitch tonight at work :/
New friends at work :)
Little rascals yesterday <3
Jessica: 'Are you Adri's boyfriend'
'Are you sure? you're giving me the scared boyfriend look'
(later) 'Adri was that your boyfriend?'
'He should be, you kids are in love' I love My manager <3

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm the kind of girl that likes to rock the beat, knocks you off your feet.

I'll stop being such a crappy blogger. Eventually. I feel like I have so much to catch up on and it's so overwhelming!!!
We'll start with my mad deal skills. It's the panty raid, meaning 7 for $25. I had a twenty dollar of coupon. That made my panties 78 and 79 CENTS each :) :) :) pro stat. 'Tight end' ;)
The night that I went out with Adrian was a bad night :| I had this huge unexplainable breakdown at around two in the morning. Resulting me in calling Terance. And resulting in him getting his dad. I can't explain it. When I was a little kid, I was terrified of a story about 'night creatures' even though I had no idea what they were. And for some reason that night all those feelings came back in this huge overwhelming way. I physically hurt thinking about it and I didn't think I was going to be ok. It was very strange but with the help of Mr. Trover I made it alright :/
Yesterday I went out with the boyfriend. And we were just driving along then he pulls off to the side of the road so I'm like 'wtf?!' and he's like 'I gotta take a wiz' Then he picks a sunflower for me instead :)) I don't think Adrian is gonna like me anymore after he saw me yesterday... oh well :)
Closing last night was great. Touching too many panties is scientifically proven to make you insane. 'Well, I just know it goes somewhere' simultaniously me and Tiff bust out in 'SOMWHEREEE OVERRR THE RAAAAINBOW!!!' 'Sing me something romantic' 'When the moon hits your eyesss...' ;) It was basically a karaoke night ;) 'it the eyeee of the tigerrr!' 'Tiff, what was that song we were singing?! the one about the beat?!' Emily: 'oh I know, I know... I get knocked down!!' ;)
This was a significantly confusing post <3

Friday, September 2, 2011

One down, a billion others to try ;)

Reasons why I'll never go out with Adrian again:
He was extremely cocky
He didn't even dress nice
I'm not attracted to him even though he's attractive
He just talks about himself
He has ADD and won't focus for even two seconds
Our conversations had no flow
I was thinking of Nate the whole time :|
he gets jealous easy
And the number one reason why: he tried to tell me I've never been in love. That is completely ignorant and untrue. At this point in the date I was over it. Free movie though ayyy. Apollo 18 was pretty legit. 
Yesterday I got tipped $5. The haircut is only $2. Am I awesome or what ;)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Love's too tough, I won't give up, no not on us.

I had two clients yesterday :)) I did my first ever taper and the teacher didn't even have to fix it :) She fixed Timmy's a little bit, but his hair was SO thick :| I don't even care :) tipstipstips :) :) :)
I can't stop listening to the 80's. Madonna just makes me smile.
Still loving college, still loving life <3