Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tell me hows your younger brother?

Yesterday was a mucho gusto day :) I was helping a woman who I thought was maybe twenty three. Then I saw that she had a daughter that was probably 16. I told her she didn't look old enough to have a daughter that age she then told me about her 22 and 18 year old son. And out of habit, it just came out 'Is your son hott?' Any mother would answer yes, but she had the pictures to prove it. 'is he single?!' It just came out :| I was hitting on her son before I even knew him. She was so funny though :) one of my favorite customers by far. She does nails and one of these days I'm going to have her do mine :) Her name is Tori :)
I had another customer that heard us talking about how hott rosetta stone man is and she agreed and urged me to go talk to him 'I'm shy!' 'I know you aren't shy!' :) She was the sweetest lady ever :) I like that joined in our fun :)
I went to buckle again yesterday on my break and I felt pretty good about it because the same guy that helped me before was there again :) and he fully remembered me :) and he once again tried to hint at whether I had a boyfriend or not ;) 'Shouldn't your man be buying this for you?!' THANK YOU! Shouldn't my 'man' buy EVERYTHING for me?! ;) ;) ;) I'm just glad he was there again so he could get him commission from helping a pain in the ass like me :) And he had me fit him for a bra 38 AA ;) I love people :))
Then me and the hott sprint man started to talk again :) and he's so adorable just because he's so shy 'Sooo how are we going to talk again, Adri?' 'I dunnoooo' 'Do you have any ideas?!' I enjoyed in his shyness and embarrassment of trying to ask me for my number so I made it as painful for him as possible ;) then he texted me 'This is Adrian the guy that almost passed out when asking for your number' :)
'I always start to walk around to do my CSL duties, then I'm like hey, Adri' :) I love Ande :) I love talking to her :) So there's a new girl that works up in beauty with me and it took us like four days to find out that we went to taylorsville together. It started out weird because we knew some of the same people so then yesterday we were bra fitting a girl and I was like 'Hey you were in my ceramics class!' Then the new girl was like 'Then we must have been in that class together!!! You were the girl that always wore dresses and flirted!!!' ...I love how people remember me... ;) I thought that was pretty nifty :) then we had these two crazy guys come in 'Can you take a picture for me?' So I said of course because I'm not a douche. Next thing I know the guy plants a big old kiss on my cheek while his friend takes a picture. Not expecting that one! I love crazy stuff that happens to me :) There was a stoner that as he was leaving the store 'You look really good today!' :)) And another guy that was clearly the third wheel had his friends tease him about not asking for my number when they were leaving :) My hair was pulled back! I say it must be the buckle earrings that attract them ;) There was the sweetest lady shopping for makeup 'What lipstick are you wearing?' So I told her that I wasn't wearing any 'Oh you're just one of those girls with perfect lips! You've gotta show me that eyeshadow! With those blue eyes!' She made me feel so good about myself :) I had a lot of people like my eyeshadow and it was that easy to get them to buy it ;)
Work yesterday <3
College wednesday :) :) :) :) :) I'm so excited :) I was talking to Nate about it and eventually we're going to get lunch together :) The most exciting part is that he's the one that suggested it :) :) :) also, he gives some of the best advice ever :)

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