Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Man, I love college :)

So I get to college and I'm just like 'bah, why is there a sign on my classroom door saying it's closed?' So I go to the office just down the hall and CAROLINE is there :) seeing a familiar face made me so happy :) and truthfully, I've missed my little receptionist very much. Annnyways, it turns out that they changed the class from noon to one. This actually made me very happy :))) you know why? Because it meant I could eat lunch with Nathaniel :) I was so excited to see him :) 'YOUR RINGBACK IS LAME! CLASSICAL MUSIC?! SERIOUSLY?' One of his friends was like 'I went to Jordan' so I was like 'Do you know Logan something or other?' Turns out he knew exactly which logan I meant. 'Harding? He's my best friend!' ....Well, this is awkward... Why do these things always happen. And more importantly why do they always happen to ME? On the other hand, Nate is effing stunning. I didn't want to jump on him or anything, but I wanted to grab his hand and let every girl in the world know he was taken. I'm not gonna lie, I felt slightly shy around him though. At first I couldn't look at him for very long because I didn't want to him to see me staring, but then I noticed a little something else. He wouldn't look at me for very long either. Possibilities why: a) he thinks I'm absolutely hideous b) he finds me attractive, but doesn't want to because he has a girlfriend c) he's just shady. I vote for b. HOPEFULLY IT'S B.
Thank GOD that I knew people in my class. Jay, Sarah, and Courteny are all in it with me so seriously I was thanking heavenly father for that one :) I'm both excited and stressed for class :) I bought my kit and more books today. The result? Over two thousand dollars. Tres sucky.
'How do you BECOME employed?' YOU ARE RETARDED. I love my mom :)
When I woke up this morning I realized that I had answered a phone call in the middle of the night. I have no recollection of this and have found myself wondering what on earth took place in those thirty seconds.

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