Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How you handle it is how you learn from it

Today was a joke. So I've been anxiously awaiting my period the last week because every day I have a headache from hell and I knew that as soon as my period started it would go away. At work, it finally decided to show up. I'm in the bathroom and I see the blood. "YES!!!" I skip outside to get a tampon and there's Anya, my manager. Probably wondering what on earth was going on. After my excitement died down however, I was blessed with cramps straight from hell. And I NEVER get cramps, so I don't know how to deal with this... So I'm doubled over in pain while people around me shop for panties. What do I do? 'Are you finding everything ok? Do you have any tylenol?' Yeah.... I accepted drugs from a stranger. Don't be surprised if I die tonight ;) Sadly though, the tylenol didn't even put a dent into the pain. It was bad. And it didn't help that they hadn't given me a break so I was probably hungry (I say probably because the pain was so bad that I honestly couldn't even tell) What a true legit blessing it was when they decided not to use my on call. Poor me and Sarah were just dying up in Pink and Beauty. I was talking to Ischa today about her show and you know what's super cool?! Aubrilynn is dancing in the same show :) so now I'm super excited for Uncle scam on friday :)) Ande taught me how to walk like a majestic horse, Hannah burst my bubble though and said I just looked like I was walking in mud :(
I went to buckle today (it's called an addiction, honestly) Aaaand well I got some super cute earrings :)) Surprisingly, it was ben that spent $300 in jeans. I spent responsibly and only spent fifteen :) There was this super hott guy on crutches today and I was like 'You don't look like you need those crutches' It was at this point in my life that I wished I could wink and look sexy. Bahh :( Oh well because now I have some super cute earrings to wear to work tomorrow :) And tomorrow I'm gonna pop into buckle for a minute because there is a super hott guy working tomorrow ;) just kidding just kidding I actually found these awesome rock jeans :)) mmmm :) I want them :)
I'm in the mood to get super dressed up :)
Sosososososo excited for college :)) :)) :))

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