Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stuff that only happens to me, because I'm unfortunate, unlucky, and foolish.

I'm such a foolish foolish person. So I hung out with Logan (you know, buckle boy...). And truth be told I had an amazing time. It was super fun just talking to him and getting to know him. We just drove around all night and walked around daybreak lake for a while. But when I left, TEN SECONDS after I left, I knew that my phone was gone. Gone gone gone. And I KNOW I left it in his car. In the stupid cupholder! I KNOW IT. So immediately when I realized this, I turned around to find his car. It was nowhere in sight. NOWHERE. So I stopped at the nearby chilies and called my phone. Absolutely no answer. So I ran home and called it again from my house phone. SEVERAL times. No answer. So I go to facebook to message him that he has it. HE HAD BLOCKED ME. So I'm starting to freak my freaking freak. IT WAS ONE IN THE MORNING AND ADRI  DIDN'T HAVE HER PHONE OR A SINGLE WAY TO CONTACT THAT BOY. So I get on Drake's facebook (thank god his password is ridiculously predictable) and I find the kid. I message him. Then I message his girlfriend asking for his number. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. So in tears I call my best friend and tell him to call my phone and I told him what happened <3 honestly, it's thanks to him that I got my phone back back. Through some excellent creeping skills on both facebook and yellow pages, we found his address (we found his dad then confirmed his address by seeing that his mom was friends with him too, it was an excellent process in all honesty. I could BE the FBI ;) By this time it was two in the morning. I had called the cops and nothing was still happening. So me and my mom hop in the car and we drive to his house. At two thirty in the morning. Him and his dad answer. And somehow he knows exactly why I'm there before I even tell him even though he hadn't messaged me back on facebook or anything. So he let me search his car and as soon as I look in it he tells me it wasn't in the cupholder. But I hadn't even said anything about it being there so why would he say that? SUSPICIONS. So he offers to go to the parking lot to look for it with me and he keeps swearing up and down that he doesn't have it. We get there and surprisingly it's there. Another surprise though, it doesn't have a single scratch or crack on it anywhere. His car is pretty big, if it fell out there would have had to be at least one scratch on it. AT LEAST. And I would have heard it fall!!!! My phone is like my soulmate! I KNOW my phone! And when I was searching his car, I told him to call it and he said it went straight to voicemail. When I found it, there wasn't a missed call from him, and like I had predicted my phone still had a 60% charge (bro, I know my phone) So lets just say I'm still slightly suspicious about how THAT happened. And lets just say that I will NOT be hanging out with him anytime soon. But I'm just waiting for the day when bad luck strikes it's fancy at me and I see him at buckle/we're on break at the same time. Hello awkward life, why are you so silly? Really though, if that whole ordeal hadn't happened, it would have been a great night.

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