Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New kid on the blog had a bunch of hits. Chinese food makes me sick.

TodayTodayToday <3
So yesterday when we had Andrew the hott client leave we were all like 'If we ever see him again, it will be destiny!' ...We saw him again today in the cafeteria!!! It was so crazy!
'Is greg short for gregory?' 'no' (office lady comes up) 'You can come back with me, greg' Me: 'It's gregory' :)
Cosmo is the freakin best :) We went out to lunch and saw the hottest piano player ever :) mmmm :)
The fact that I don't even like cats, doesn't matter at all. Just wait for these pictures.
Made some scrambled pancakes for the boyfriend :) 'do you have any orange juice?' So I gave him orange soda :)
Stranger: 'I'm brad, but my friends call me Mr. steal your girl'
Me: 'I'm pretty sure that's copyrighted'
Then I walked away.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday <3 date with Adrian :) and hopefully lunch with Nate again :)))))

Say it ain't so, I will not go.

Sooo, since you're being like me, I'll be like you.... I LOVE CATS. Ohmygod I love sublime. Catscatscats.
Grow up and be yourself... well, try to even figure out who that is.
School was fun :) Britney is like the chillest person ever! Literally the funniest person I know. Today though she gave us this awesome speech about being yourself and if they don't like it, who cares. Because at the end of the day and in the morning the person that needs to like you is YOU. Not them. So don't change for anyone else. There are BILLIONS of people in this world, you're bound to find someone else that finds the same stuff as you cool.
We had a superrr hott client today named Andrew :) ehmaaa...
Listen to your own goddamn music.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Life is short, but this time it was bigger.

Homecoming dress shopping with the sis :)

Oh that, that's just my huge ass kit

I could get a killer wardrobe, but instead I bought books


School parking can suck it easy

Singles ward is weird :)
I HAD THE BEST BREAKFAST OF MY LIFE TODAY. SERIOUSLY THE MOST AMAZING PANCAKES I'VE EVER HAD. It was this restaurant right by Jordan and it was so good :) what was it? Josephines? Jemimahs? It was really good either way :)
Today, while closing, I heard a knock on the window. It was hott rosetta stone man!!! He just knocked on the glass to wave goodbye to me! :) :) :) HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME!!! ;)
Gossiping with Emily :)
I'm too tired xxx

Answers :)

 1. What I buy most at Victoria's Secret is:
b. Be true to your school gear
The utes collection is my jammm! :) basically all I wear is red now :)   
2. One of my biggest wishes in life is:
a. To have Titanic return to theaters
Even if it was just for a week! I just want to see it on the big screen with the best audio there is! I want to cry my eyes out with the whole theater <3
   3. The poster above my bed is a picture of:
b. Eminem
Come on... if you didn't get that right.... come on...   
4. I usually paint my toenails:
a. Black
Because it covers all the other yucky bits of color on from last time :)   
5. If I could live in any time period it would be:
c. The 20's
I just want to be a flapper!!!  
 6. My future dog will be named:
c. Tugboat
And Buzz :) :) :)   
7. If I were a guy, I would be into ______ chicks
a. Tall
Those girls that are 6'4 and still rockin those heels, dayummm   
8. I would spend the most money at:
b. Barnes and Noble
I just really love reading ok....   
True or false
9. I cried at graduation.
False, I was like peace out bitches, I don't need any of you.
10. The time I've cried hardest in life is when Eric broke up with me.
False. Superficially enough it was actually when I dropped my iPhone in the toilet

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poppity pop quiz

I'll post the answers tomorrow. Best of luck, followers.

   1. What I buy most at Victoria's Secret is:
a. Push up bras
b. Be true to your school gear
c. Lacy panties
   2. One of my biggest wishes in life is:
a. To have Titanic return to theaters
b. To meet Britney Spears
c. To design prom dresses
   3. The poster above my bed is a picture of:
a. Justin Bieber
b. Eminem
c. An Abercrombie model
   4. I usually paint my toenails:
a. Black
b. Pink
c. Yellow
   5. If I could live in any time period it would be:
a. The future
b. The 80's
c. The 20's
   6. My future dog will be named:
a. Buddy
c. Tugboat
b. Tankerbell
   7. If I were a guy, I would be into ______ chicks
a. Tall
b. Skinny
c. Rich
   8. I would spend the most money at:
a. Victoria's Secret
b. Barnes and Noble
c. Buckle
   True or false
9. I cried at graduation.
10. The time I've cried hardest in life is when Eric broke up with me.

Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow.

Today was nothing special. I went to work. I got raped. I went shopping. Yeah, that's right, I got raped. By a FOUR YEAR OLD. I was on break, just chillin in the food court. When a little boy just shoved his hand up my dress. So, instinct had me hit his hand away. His mom looked at me like I was a bitch, didn't say anything, and walked away. No 'Sorry my son just raped you' no 'ohmygod I'm so sorry' just walked away...
Came home and watched Titanic <3 something different hits me every time "we couldn't find any records on Jack" Jack was completely forgotten in this world, but look at what he did. He saved Rose in every single way possible. Even though he wasn't remembered, even though there wasn't a single picture of him left in this world, he made a difference. I was always so afraid of being forgotten. I shouldn't be though. Who cares if the difference I make doesn't force me to be remembered, as long as I make a difference. When Jack meets Rose at the clock at the very end it always makes me cry the hardest. Because he told her to make it count and meet him at the clock. And she did. She made it count and he waited for her. AND I DON'T CARE THAT THIS IS JUST A MOVIE. I know that this existed. Maybe not them exactly, but that love, that dedication, and that eternal choice that made a difference. Before I die, I hope I find this love. Even if it's just a few hours before I die, I just hope to find it.
Yesterday I had lunch with Nate again. But he decided to be a douchebag and was like 'use your stalker skills to find me' So I looked like a SKETCH wandering around the cafeteria looking for a boy wearing red. IT WAS A RED HAT!!! He should have told me to look for white!!! I just wish he didn't have a girlfriend :(
Mike makes me cry. Because yesterday it hit me. That this is all for real. That he's dying. That he's not the same healthy rambunctious boy that he used to be. And I know it's hitting him too. The way he looks at the world is different now, like he's trying to take it all in and remember every second. I remember when he was the proudest boy I've ever met of his stupid hair and now it's just there. I remember he worked out so hard to have muscles because he wanted to get a tattoo and have it look good. Now he can't even do that because of risk of infection. It's like everything was taken from him because of this. I know Drake sees it too, how bad it's getting. And he tries not to act different, but he walks a little closer to Mike in case he falls, he doesn't go out as much. They're still bros, they still laugh and compete and mess with each other, but it has to be more careful. It's not fair that someone so full of life is having it taken from them. It's not fair. 'Adri, you remind me of glitter. You stick to everything like nobodies business and you look annoyingly pretty the whole time' Makin my way downtown <3
Last exorcist is not my thing :| sketchy sketchy disturbing garbage :|

Friday, August 26, 2011

The show went on... and on and on and onnnnn

We're the freaking cutest :)
'Lupe texted me, he said it isn't over!!!' .....Has he texted you saying it's over yet?!
'I just want to run my hair through his afro!'
'Just because they're black doesn't mean that they're famous!!!'
'We need to find out where she shops so we can tell her to never do it again.' Then we found out it was victoria's secret....
All I wanted to do was take care of cute little Hannah :) While Ashley took care of me :) And Ben kept an eye on everyone. Ande is like the phone book... she knows EVERYONE.
Lupe <3

You know you're trashy when you're hotboxed in a porta potty while you're trying to take a leak.
Beer all over my body

Thursday, August 25, 2011


  • I'm funnier to talk to when I'm asleep.
  • I demanded a picture involving a bunny, kangaroo, two kittens, and pikatchu in a pear tree.
  • I agreed to draw a picture of the ninja turtles.
  • I said kangaroo a lot...
  • kangaroooo
This was a forty minute conversation.... that I have absolutely no memory of... I just remember the word kangaroo. And somehow I feel like I made a poem.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Now I'm free to live the dream <3

Man, I love college :)

So I get to college and I'm just like 'bah, why is there a sign on my classroom door saying it's closed?' So I go to the office just down the hall and CAROLINE is there :) seeing a familiar face made me so happy :) and truthfully, I've missed my little receptionist very much. Annnyways, it turns out that they changed the class from noon to one. This actually made me very happy :))) you know why? Because it meant I could eat lunch with Nathaniel :) I was so excited to see him :) 'YOUR RINGBACK IS LAME! CLASSICAL MUSIC?! SERIOUSLY?' One of his friends was like 'I went to Jordan' so I was like 'Do you know Logan something or other?' Turns out he knew exactly which logan I meant. 'Harding? He's my best friend!' ....Well, this is awkward... Why do these things always happen. And more importantly why do they always happen to ME? On the other hand, Nate is effing stunning. I didn't want to jump on him or anything, but I wanted to grab his hand and let every girl in the world know he was taken. I'm not gonna lie, I felt slightly shy around him though. At first I couldn't look at him for very long because I didn't want to him to see me staring, but then I noticed a little something else. He wouldn't look at me for very long either. Possibilities why: a) he thinks I'm absolutely hideous b) he finds me attractive, but doesn't want to because he has a girlfriend c) he's just shady. I vote for b. HOPEFULLY IT'S B.
Thank GOD that I knew people in my class. Jay, Sarah, and Courteny are all in it with me so seriously I was thanking heavenly father for that one :) I'm both excited and stressed for class :) I bought my kit and more books today. The result? Over two thousand dollars. Tres sucky.
'How do you BECOME employed?' YOU ARE RETARDED. I love my mom :)
When I woke up this morning I realized that I had answered a phone call in the middle of the night. I have no recollection of this and have found myself wondering what on earth took place in those thirty seconds.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

How do I sum up the last couple of days? WORK. All I do is work work work no matter what.
Monday was a working day :) gossip with Ashley and Adrian bought me an Arizona :)
Today I had to work at five :) I told my mom to wake me up a 4:27. But she woke me up at 4:26. THE BITCH ;) work was good though :) it went by very quickly. 'don't forget your Rapture!' (later) 'Shit! we forgot the rapture!' :) The rest of my day was really rough. Hard decisions. Hard everything. I feel like death. So I bought a kiddie pool and had my own little party in it. 'That sounded like a kid then a dog!' 'That sounded like a cat and turned into a chicken!!!' Ash Kardash quit today at work :( I was seriously so sad about it... I'm gonna miss her like absolute crazy. I went homecoming dress shopping with Stef tonight. She's like my little sister now :) it's cute. She met Adrian and she really likes him, though she prefers Nate. He was really sweet to me :)
College tomorrow. Look out world.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I want to be your most precious storm

Work was so busy today :) like an explosion of EXPLOSIVES! It was crazy, but made the time pass :) I was so happy that Ashley was back today :) Thank god she didn't move to Kansas ;) I heard that Ischa is quitting though and that really bums me out because I absolutely adore her...
I already adore my friendship with Adrian :)
Tonight was crazy <3
collegecollegecollege <3

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tell me hows your younger brother?

Yesterday was a mucho gusto day :) I was helping a woman who I thought was maybe twenty three. Then I saw that she had a daughter that was probably 16. I told her she didn't look old enough to have a daughter that age she then told me about her 22 and 18 year old son. And out of habit, it just came out 'Is your son hott?' Any mother would answer yes, but she had the pictures to prove it. 'is he single?!' It just came out :| I was hitting on her son before I even knew him. She was so funny though :) one of my favorite customers by far. She does nails and one of these days I'm going to have her do mine :) Her name is Tori :)
I had another customer that heard us talking about how hott rosetta stone man is and she agreed and urged me to go talk to him 'I'm shy!' 'I know you aren't shy!' :) She was the sweetest lady ever :) I like that joined in our fun :)
I went to buckle again yesterday on my break and I felt pretty good about it because the same guy that helped me before was there again :) and he fully remembered me :) and he once again tried to hint at whether I had a boyfriend or not ;) 'Shouldn't your man be buying this for you?!' THANK YOU! Shouldn't my 'man' buy EVERYTHING for me?! ;) ;) ;) I'm just glad he was there again so he could get him commission from helping a pain in the ass like me :) And he had me fit him for a bra 38 AA ;) I love people :))
Then me and the hott sprint man started to talk again :) and he's so adorable just because he's so shy 'Sooo how are we going to talk again, Adri?' 'I dunnoooo' 'Do you have any ideas?!' I enjoyed in his shyness and embarrassment of trying to ask me for my number so I made it as painful for him as possible ;) then he texted me 'This is Adrian the guy that almost passed out when asking for your number' :)
'I always start to walk around to do my CSL duties, then I'm like hey, Adri' :) I love Ande :) I love talking to her :) So there's a new girl that works up in beauty with me and it took us like four days to find out that we went to taylorsville together. It started out weird because we knew some of the same people so then yesterday we were bra fitting a girl and I was like 'Hey you were in my ceramics class!' Then the new girl was like 'Then we must have been in that class together!!! You were the girl that always wore dresses and flirted!!!' ...I love how people remember me... ;) I thought that was pretty nifty :) then we had these two crazy guys come in 'Can you take a picture for me?' So I said of course because I'm not a douche. Next thing I know the guy plants a big old kiss on my cheek while his friend takes a picture. Not expecting that one! I love crazy stuff that happens to me :) There was a stoner that as he was leaving the store 'You look really good today!' :)) And another guy that was clearly the third wheel had his friends tease him about not asking for my number when they were leaving :) My hair was pulled back! I say it must be the buckle earrings that attract them ;) There was the sweetest lady shopping for makeup 'What lipstick are you wearing?' So I told her that I wasn't wearing any 'Oh you're just one of those girls with perfect lips! You've gotta show me that eyeshadow! With those blue eyes!' She made me feel so good about myself :) I had a lot of people like my eyeshadow and it was that easy to get them to buy it ;)
Work yesterday <3
College wednesday :) :) :) :) :) I'm so excited :) I was talking to Nate about it and eventually we're going to get lunch together :) The most exciting part is that he's the one that suggested it :) :) :) also, he gives some of the best advice ever :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

That's immortality my darlings.

Hi, my name is Adri and I think about things until they make my insides confused.

When people you don't even know hate you, that's when you know you're the best

I came into contact with the sweetest people today :) I had a group of guys come in with like two girls and the girls obviously liked them and were joking around about finding a bra for them. So after I laughed about how 'funny' they are for a minute, I then left to go spritz myself with perfume. One of the guys turned to me 'sorry to waste your time, I mean you're really pretty. Your eyes are gorgeous. And you must use Colgate to have such a beautiful white smile' No joke. That's exactly what he said. Then his friends all started to chime in and call me pretty. They made me feel good :) I officially met hott rosetta stone man. His name is Preston and he has a girlfriend. Other rosetta man apologized that he wasn't interested in me so I was like whatev 'He's not interested, but I am' You're a creep. You're 29 years old.... he then asked me to go scuba diving with him.... ....no...... I went to buckle on my lunch break to see if they had a pair of earrings that I wanted and the cutest guy ever was there. He spent forever looking for a turtle ring because he said it would make me laugh :) he was nice :) and was subtly trying to hint at whether I had a boyfriend or not ;) Work was just fun today because Ande is always just fun :)
I started this art project today and strangely I'm super excited about the whole thing :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How you handle it is how you learn from it

Today was a joke. So I've been anxiously awaiting my period the last week because every day I have a headache from hell and I knew that as soon as my period started it would go away. At work, it finally decided to show up. I'm in the bathroom and I see the blood. "YES!!!" I skip outside to get a tampon and there's Anya, my manager. Probably wondering what on earth was going on. After my excitement died down however, I was blessed with cramps straight from hell. And I NEVER get cramps, so I don't know how to deal with this... So I'm doubled over in pain while people around me shop for panties. What do I do? 'Are you finding everything ok? Do you have any tylenol?' Yeah.... I accepted drugs from a stranger. Don't be surprised if I die tonight ;) Sadly though, the tylenol didn't even put a dent into the pain. It was bad. And it didn't help that they hadn't given me a break so I was probably hungry (I say probably because the pain was so bad that I honestly couldn't even tell) What a true legit blessing it was when they decided not to use my on call. Poor me and Sarah were just dying up in Pink and Beauty. I was talking to Ischa today about her show and you know what's super cool?! Aubrilynn is dancing in the same show :) so now I'm super excited for Uncle scam on friday :)) Ande taught me how to walk like a majestic horse, Hannah burst my bubble though and said I just looked like I was walking in mud :(
I went to buckle today (it's called an addiction, honestly) Aaaand well I got some super cute earrings :)) Surprisingly, it was ben that spent $300 in jeans. I spent responsibly and only spent fifteen :) There was this super hott guy on crutches today and I was like 'You don't look like you need those crutches' It was at this point in my life that I wished I could wink and look sexy. Bahh :( Oh well because now I have some super cute earrings to wear to work tomorrow :) And tomorrow I'm gonna pop into buckle for a minute because there is a super hott guy working tomorrow ;) just kidding just kidding I actually found these awesome rock jeans :)) mmmm :) I want them :)
I'm in the mood to get super dressed up :)
Sosososososo excited for college :)) :)) :))

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You give me and asthma attack, leavin me breathless

Cute little old man from up :)))

Herriman lake is for cool kids :)

Mona lake is for non matching swim bottoms ;)

Jessica's baby show :)) Me and Megan didn't even come close to the sperm..

This is puppy love :)

Let it be.

I know I haven't blogged in a long time, so I'll try to just ram it all together in one. I personally hate when I do this because then I forget stuff and it becomes a very vague stupid blog, or I just do bullet points of inside jokes and because I was too lazy to remember/record the whole story, it later doesn't even make any sense. Lets just say I could make it rain free panties ;) On Sunday it was my last day working with Karen because she's moving to Michigan for college. I'm still slightly depressed that I don't get to work with her anymore :( But she threatened some of us, that if we aren't still working there at christmas she would hunt us down ;)
Yesterday I saw my girlfriend for a minute :) I gave her THE CUTEST dream angels bra and matching panties :) Tank came with me for the ride because after I dropped that off at Megan's I went and saw Taya :) Tank didn't seem to specifically remember his real mommy I'm sorry to say :( but we painted our nails a couple times and watched the bachelor pad. And of course caught op on each others drama ;) Somehow she still tends to have more than I do. In the end all of her drama boils down to Michelle's obsession with black guys ;) Torbear was there too and I'm making sure that he is a popular kid in highschool. He already has all the right friends ;) Ahaha He's gonna be the cutest little sophomore :) 'Take up thy mat and return when thou art victorious' Or something like that ;) After that I had a fryday with Lynnsee and we caught up on each other's lives :) ohh and of course we messed with 'Tom' "if you know what I mean" ;) I always have a blast talking to her :) Then I got my hurrr cut :)
Today I'ma go to buckle and see Logan because he said he had some jeans in mind for me that would look good :) Then I think I'll buy some new panties just because I'm in the mood :) Got my college books :) I'm a tad bit excited for college to start :) :) :) I hope I see Nate there all time time :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stuff that only happens to me, because I'm unfortunate, unlucky, and foolish.

I'm such a foolish foolish person. So I hung out with Logan (you know, buckle boy...). And truth be told I had an amazing time. It was super fun just talking to him and getting to know him. We just drove around all night and walked around daybreak lake for a while. But when I left, TEN SECONDS after I left, I knew that my phone was gone. Gone gone gone. And I KNOW I left it in his car. In the stupid cupholder! I KNOW IT. So immediately when I realized this, I turned around to find his car. It was nowhere in sight. NOWHERE. So I stopped at the nearby chilies and called my phone. Absolutely no answer. So I ran home and called it again from my house phone. SEVERAL times. No answer. So I go to facebook to message him that he has it. HE HAD BLOCKED ME. So I'm starting to freak my freaking freak. IT WAS ONE IN THE MORNING AND ADRI  DIDN'T HAVE HER PHONE OR A SINGLE WAY TO CONTACT THAT BOY. So I get on Drake's facebook (thank god his password is ridiculously predictable) and I find the kid. I message him. Then I message his girlfriend asking for his number. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. So in tears I call my best friend and tell him to call my phone and I told him what happened <3 honestly, it's thanks to him that I got my phone back back. Through some excellent creeping skills on both facebook and yellow pages, we found his address (we found his dad then confirmed his address by seeing that his mom was friends with him too, it was an excellent process in all honesty. I could BE the FBI ;) By this time it was two in the morning. I had called the cops and nothing was still happening. So me and my mom hop in the car and we drive to his house. At two thirty in the morning. Him and his dad answer. And somehow he knows exactly why I'm there before I even tell him even though he hadn't messaged me back on facebook or anything. So he let me search his car and as soon as I look in it he tells me it wasn't in the cupholder. But I hadn't even said anything about it being there so why would he say that? SUSPICIONS. So he offers to go to the parking lot to look for it with me and he keeps swearing up and down that he doesn't have it. We get there and surprisingly it's there. Another surprise though, it doesn't have a single scratch or crack on it anywhere. His car is pretty big, if it fell out there would have had to be at least one scratch on it. AT LEAST. And I would have heard it fall!!!! My phone is like my soulmate! I KNOW my phone! And when I was searching his car, I told him to call it and he said it went straight to voicemail. When I found it, there wasn't a missed call from him, and like I had predicted my phone still had a 60% charge (bro, I know my phone) So lets just say I'm still slightly suspicious about how THAT happened. And lets just say that I will NOT be hanging out with him anytime soon. But I'm just waiting for the day when bad luck strikes it's fancy at me and I see him at buckle/we're on break at the same time. Hello awkward life, why are you so silly? Really though, if that whole ordeal hadn't happened, it would have been a great night.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

And when nobody knows, nobody can care

Jess's baby shower :)

Well last night was absolutely crazy :) I stayed up until four thirty in the morning talking to Logan (buckle boy;)) and I honestly had a great time talking to him. He's really polite and honest. We talked about relationships for the majority of the night. It's weird that we talked about it so early in our friendship but it was a good conversation. I talked to Nate last night about stuff I never thought I would be able to say. Honestly I poured my heart out to him. I felt so vulnerable but he handled it perfectly. I'm so excited to write to him on his mission :)
Today was great <3 cafe rio night and a pretty great movie :) love life xxxx
Silly whores that talk to my men. No chance in hell.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nothing but sweet nothings.

At work today I got asked out by a 29 year old man. He works just outside my doors. That means I'll still have to see him almost every day. Fml.
Desperately seeking ways to send numbers to Buckle ;)
I must have looked bangin today because I got asked by three different guys for my number ;)
Talking to Jenny about fate <3 I love talking to her :)
(see hott guy) stare for a moment. (into the headset) 'Hannah, can I get a check on candy baby' 'COMING' :)
Today was good :) more later :)

How well some people know me...

Me: 'What color are my eyes?'
Monty: 'Greenish'
Me: 'Blue. What's my favorite color?'
Monty: 'Blue.'
Me: 'Yellow. What kind of music do I listen to?'
Monty: 'Indie.'
Me: 'Rap.'

I literally just spent fifteen minutes looking for my phone. It was in my bra the whole time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When you shot me at point blank range I knew you loved me.

I made a wish <3

The recent events in my life have been fabulous :) Sunday was a great day at work :)) It was the day of pink nation and it was a freaking blasty blast! All day everyone was 'shop working' where we casually decide what we're going to buy while we're working ;) me, I stocked up on the utes collection :)) We just got some brand new stuff and it's SO adorable :) I just had to buy it. And I got my mom the most adorable water bottle to match 'her' Pink puppy [that was totally my dog at one point! ;) ] Work that night honestly felt like I was getting paid to dance :) The DJ was super fun :) I wish every night could be a pink nation night! So a guy came in that day right? And I was like 'What can I help you find?' 'Actually I was looking for you' I was so stunned that all I could do was stand there stupidly and blush while customers that over heard that giggled. Sarah laughed at me while I just continued to stand there like an idiot. He left right after he said it though so in my head I was thinking that it was over. No. He comes back 'I found you again' And then he asked me if there was anything in that store for guys. So I showed him and his friends our cologne. 'If I wear this, is there a chance that I can get your number?' And honestly, I feel like the biggest asshole. 'Probably not...' (that's seriously how I worded it. Making me sound even more like a bitch) I'VE NEVER SAID NO BEFORE. I FEEL LIKE A DOUCHE. EVEN STILL. His friends were laughing at him and he just walked right out. I felt SO bad. :| But on a much happier note I had some ladies come in and I measured them and suggested some bras that may like and I sent them on their way. Then they sent me up to be a third cashier so I helped a few people and then those ladies came up and I was like 'How are you? Did you find everything ok blah blah' And without looking up the lady was like 'Oh yes! Adri was absolutely wonderful!' Then she looked up and was like 'Oh it was you! Thank you!' :))) So I made sure to take extra special care to wrap their bras up nicely as if it was a gift :) It was their first victoria's secret visit so I figured they deserved to be spoiled a little extra. Then on their way out I hear them discussing me 'Adri was so awesome!' :) :) :) They made my day! :) Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day at work. I saw a girl with the background of her phone as justin beiber and I had to stifle a giggle. I met a girl who's originally from florida and she told me that we have much MUCH cuter guys out here. She described her style inspiration as 'homeless' she was nice :) Me and Sarah tovar have matching bracelets because we're 'work best friends' :) I felt pretty good about that :) I love her :)) her, erica, and karen just make me a happy working girl :) And hannah and Ashley. Ok, pretty much everyone ;) Except ONE person. COMPULSIVE LIAR. I swear to god, I don't believe anything she says. Thank god I hardly ever work with her....
Last night was so much fun :) roses+glitter+notebook= good fabulous perfect night <3
on my way home I saw a super bad accident though and it scared me :| it was so bad. I even went to my mommy's room and had to tell her about it because I'm such a child and it scared me so bad.
Dentist today :)
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JESSICA'S BABY SHOWER :) :) :) :) <3 <3 <3 <3 I really hope Megan goes :))  I miss my girls :)

Take special care to notice that my shoes don't match.

Bro I seriously have the most gorgeous mom and the most talented father in the entire world <3 And then theres a dorkwad brother that messes a perfect family up ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

"It wasn't so much how he smelt, or the heat of the room. It was the way the light was sitting, a silvery blue. It was perfect and I'll never forget."
-Felicity <3

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So baby don't feel my pain, just smile back.

Yesterday was fabulous and today was even better <3
So yesterday I had to work at six and I had an on call that would make my shift eight and a half hours. When my mom woke me up at that dreadful hour I took a few minutes to pray and I even asked god to have them not let them use my on call. I told my friend Karen about my silly prayer and she was like 'We'll see if he was listening' They didn't use my on call. GOD DOES EXIST! I'm getting really close to Lacey at work :) she's so cute :) she has a second job at the hospital and she was telling me about the psych wards and how she's always afraid that some crazy will stab her stomach and kill her baby. She's so adorable pregnant :) So because they didn't use my call in me and Ben drove out to Yuba :) top down, music loud. It was pure summer. Then we stopped at mona and swam for a while. This is when we discovered something AWFUL. When we were driving ben had taken his shirt off. This resulted in a seatbelt tan :) It was a super fun day :)
Then today :) I had a small shift at work that was still fun and went to Tristan's wedding after :) I was all over the place at work and it was pretty uneventful but the wedding was a BLAST :) Everyone was telling me how pretty I am and how I look like a barbie and it was fun :) Tristan looked gorgeous and Amber and Tracy looked stunning :) Grandma was getting plaster on jager bombs and Jeanine was having her boobs fondled ;) Jeanine took a picture of me to show her daughter so she could tell her that she met a real life barbie and when I got home she texted me saying 'I told Hailee I met Barbie today and I showed her your picture and she said 'oh mommy, she's so pretty can I meet her?' It made my day so much :)) I love my family :) and Nathan is basically our adopted child I guess you could say :) Maybe he'll spend the night soon and it will be way fun :) Today was a day to remember :) 'Adri where did you get that ring on your hand?! Do you have something to tell us?!' (she was making an implication my my promise rings) 'Oh I got them from girls camp' 'Girls camp? I didn't know you swung that way...' GRANDMA!!! ;) After we went to the old train by the saltair and had an impromptu photo shoot :) Pictures later. It was fun :) We went to McDonalds and it was classy tonight ;) me and a bunch of other girls in their were randomly dressed up and I thought that was funny :) There was a super nice cowboy that went out of his way to open the door for me :) he was so sweet :)
Let tomorrow be good <3

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Put some panties on that little hussy ass!"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Goodnight loves <3
Sweet summertime 

Whisper these words of wisdom

Work today was actually pretty fun :) Sarah is amazing and she always makes my day :) I LOVE her :) we had fun telling secrets while restocking beauty ;) mannequins= sluts. we're going to invent a video game called 'floor sets at victoria's secret' it will involve trying to get an h rack out of the storage room :) 'Do we have any ooh la las?! What about Baby got backs?!' A woman came in today looking for a 'cute multi way' oh... sweetie, there's no such thing. 'I want the one with LOTS of padding' ....sweetheart the miraculous is the ugliest one of them all.... silly woman. There were the two cutest women shopping for bras to go with their 30th high school reunion dresses. Apparently they're going to be fifty soon. THEY LOOKED 35!!! It was amazing! I gave them such good help that they think we're best friends now ;) then there were these two adorable 12 year olds getting their first bra fitting and their first victoria's secret bra :) they were nervously giggling the whole time. They reminded me of me and Katie when we were little :) they made my day :) AND OMG the hott rosetta stone boy winked at me! 'Ande, the hott rosetta stone boy winked at me! He's so hott!' 'There's no such thing as a rosetta stone boy' So I told them to look 'But not all at once!!!' Then Ande admitted that he was hott :) And t-mobile guy :)) He flirted with me a tad on my break :) mmmm :)))) bought the show stopper bra today :) bought some more miss mes from bohme :) Cafe rio :) Climbing trees. DEADLY BUG BITES! ;) I'm happy :)
Six in the morning again tomorrow :) works gunna kill me :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tell me that we belong together.

Today has been so fantastic :) I felt so glowy and happy :) me and mumma went shopping and I got the most adorable miss mes :) it was strange though... when I was at buckle, the assistant manager basically... well, she pretty much offered me a job. I feel like jobs just get handed to me. I blew it off at first, but I dunno, maybe I'll go back. It was at south towne though. I don't know. ufff I hate decisions like this. But anyways my new jeans are adorable and make my butt look quite kissable ;)
WHY CAN I NOT STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS KID. We've never even hung out.... he invades my dreams and my thoughts almost all day. It's not cool. I'm just a loser I think :) I just want to hold his hand <3 I want to go on hikes with him and kiss at sunset. I want to write him on his mission and send him dorky care packages with pictures of me inside. I WANT TO KNIT HIM A SWEATER ;)
Work at six in the morning <3 gotta get me some sleep. I hope I work with Hannah and Shantay :)
Goodnight lovelies <3

My babys drivin me crazy.

Yesterday was Jax's last day at work. Strangely enough I'm really going to miss her. But I know that she'll be so much happier now. As soon as she gave her two weeks notice she really did just start having this happiness glow around her. I'm glad that she's going back to school now :) who knows, maybe I'll still see her :)
Ande makes me incredibly happy :) she let me go home early yesterday because it was so slow. If 'day maker' was a legit occupation, she'd be the winner of it. I told her about the first time I ever met her and how much she made my day on the exact day that I really needed it. She's such a huge blessing in SO many lives and I hope that she knows it.
Jonathan, Amy, Jared, Jerome <3 it was a good night. Good music, good friends, good ideas ;) Jonathan is the most awkward asian-ish person that I know :) I love it :) 'If I open my own store it will be open till 'around nine'' :) We're the most legit coners in the world :) 'I was about to make an asian joke, but then I realized that there's more asians than white kids here...' 'Actually there are two and a half asians and two and a half white kids'
I'm dangerously in love with someone that I hardly know. I like the funny way he walked and the way he seemed too big for the space that he was in.
'I've always believed in savoring the moments. In the end, they're the only things we'll have. I hope I have imparted this belief to those around me, though they are still stubbornly becoming themselves' I love the beautiful way some people can word things.
I was looking through my old junk drawer and I found all those old rings that Terance used to give me. The ugly cheap plastic ones, not the legit ones. Ahaha now if I could only find those friendship bracelets he used to always make me. I found all the old notes though. 'CHOCOLATE MIL SPILLED EVERYWHERE!!!!' :) :) :) I love you, Terbear.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Said goodbye to Jonathan tonight. I'm going to miss him, but he's going to be the best missionary ever.
On his last day we went to an arcade and then went coning :) WE'RE BOMB.