Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why is love intensified by absence?

Today was good :) Me and Sydney had amazing luck dying Danielle's hair :) not only were her horrible highlights covered, but the color matched amazingly with her skin tone ad eyes :) she looked beautiful :) I know it's crazy, but I'm finding a deep love for my cosmetology girls :) For Lundon and Kercee and Meagan :) For Sydney, Danielle, and especially Cali and Julie :) a deep deep love for them :) 'Cali, I love the way you teach! It's like tough love!' 'Oh cry me a river!' :) I love you! Cosmetology left me feeling accomplished and talented. I want to feel that every day for the rest of my life :)
Robbin is my inspiration. You would think that cancer would slow her down, but it only gave her more life. Her class is even harder and she pushes us even more. But she encourages us more too :) 'Come on you can do this! Don't give up!' You have no idea how literal I take that. To be honest, this woman is saving my life.
Swim meet :) Ana taught me alot. You might be nervous about something, to the point where you are crying and throwing up, but you can't let yourself psyche yourself out. If you don't believe in yourself then who will? And just remember that this is all for fun, that your team will always be behind you cheering you on, and in the end it will be worth it. Just. Keep. Going.
Eric chose my outfit for tomorrow.. We'll see how that goes :)
I'm insanely excited for my fourth period tomorrow :) :) :)

I'm thankful for: the girls I bond with over beauty, life lessons, kiss stories, Erik letting me draw a music note behind his ear, people that inspire me, comfy shoes, vending machine runs, sitting next to Sarah on the bus, the backstreet boys and Britney Spears in aerobics, creeps that don't wear shoes ;), marykay women, long extensions, that hair dye smell, everything.

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