Sunday, October 31, 2010

I wish I could be infinite for one day.

I know I haven't rightfully blogged in a long time, so I'll try my best to sum it all up in just this one post :)
Thursday was pretty crazy :) In English I learned alot about Nik that just made me like.. not lose respect for him, but definitely lose attraction for him. He's still a wayy chill kid though and I look forward to dying his hair :) that'll be good practice for sure. Halloweena palooza was pretty fun :) I met alot of new people just because there wasn't anyone that cool to dance with. I had a tonnnn of fun, but my heart wasn't quite all the way into it just because of all the stress. Kira was there and looked absolutely AMAZING! Paola was pretty chill and I think I want to get to know her more because she seems kind of lonely. Overall, I love Mitchell :) mcdonalds was amazing :) because we got free chicken nuggets ;) suck it :) Barbie and Ken. In real life.
Friday was hectic :) In seminary council I actually vocalized that we need to become closer and become better friends. And I really hope we do :) I warned them though, every time I see them, they're getting a hug. We will become a hugging council. My hands ideas are actually going to happen and the theme of this semester is going to be so amazing :) I hope that I can start not hating council as much. But me and Kayla and Heather were talking, and we have the same concerns about the cliques that are forming in our council. So I hope that somehow they go away. Then I went shopping for a little bit and that was a nice relief. Made me feel 10000000 times better about life :) Then jammin came home. And I was grumpy. Because everything was just completely focused on him, and I didn't want people over, but people came over and it was just like woof. But I let him sleep in my room and I took the couch, because I knew it would be more convenient for everybody.
Yesterday!!! Yes, it requires three exclamation points. There really was no reason for it to be so good, but it was. Mostly it was spent taking care of ben, and he's getting better by the second. Even today is much better than yesterday :) Megan needs to die though, because his name is NOT Benji!!! It's Jammin! End of story! Ben and Becca are pretty cute, but when I first saw her I just wanted to neigh :) I love my aunt Mary. I know she doesn't believe me, but she is my favorite aunt. And I'm really grateful for what she's doing for me. Mike and Drake make my life worth living :) they are amazing :) :) :) thanks for making my night, you two :) that little ginger ;) I slept on the couch again, but it's worth it making things a little easier for mi mumma :)
'I miss sending you random pictures of the number 69.' I miss you doing that too, Terbear.
That's pretty much it, the rest I'm too lazy to write about. I finished Letters to god today. And that was pretty good :) I enjoyed it. Basically though, I've been chillin here watching gossip girl all weekend. SO worth it :)

'Next time you forget that you're Blair Waldorf, remember that I'm Chuck Bass. And I love you.'

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