I know I haven't rightfully blogged in a long time, so I'll try my best to sum it all up in just this one post :)
Thursday was pretty crazy :) In English I learned alot about Nik that just made me like.. not lose respect for him, but definitely lose attraction for him. He's still a wayy chill kid though and I look forward to dying his hair :) that'll be good practice for sure. Halloweena palooza was pretty fun :) I met alot of new people just because there wasn't anyone that cool to dance with. I had a tonnnn of fun, but my heart wasn't quite all the way into it just because of all the stress. Kira was there and looked absolutely AMAZING! Paola was pretty chill and I think I want to get to know her more because she seems kind of lonely. Overall, I love Mitchell :) mcdonalds was amazing :) because we got free chicken nuggets ;) suck it :) Barbie and Ken. In real life.
Friday was hectic :) In seminary council I actually vocalized that we need to become closer and become better friends. And I really hope we do :) I warned them though, every time I see them, they're getting a hug. We will become a hugging council. My hands ideas are actually going to happen and the theme of this semester is going to be so amazing :) I hope that I can start not hating council as much. But me and Kayla and Heather were talking, and we have the same concerns about the cliques that are forming in our council. So I hope that somehow they go away. Then I went shopping for a little bit and that was a nice relief. Made me feel 10000000 times better about life :) Then jammin came home. And I was grumpy. Because everything was just completely focused on him, and I didn't want people over, but people came over and it was just like woof. But I let him sleep in my room and I took the couch, because I knew it would be more convenient for everybody.
Yesterday!!! Yes, it requires three exclamation points. There really was no reason for it to be so good, but it was. Mostly it was spent taking care of ben, and he's getting better by the second. Even today is much better than yesterday :) Megan needs to die though, because his name is NOT Benji!!! It's Jammin! End of story! Ben and Becca are pretty cute, but when I first saw her I just wanted to neigh :) I love my aunt Mary. I know she doesn't believe me, but she is my favorite aunt. And I'm really grateful for what she's doing for me. Mike and Drake make my life worth living :) they are amazing :) :) :) thanks for making my night, you two :) that little ginger ;) I slept on the couch again, but it's worth it making things a little easier for mi mumma :)
'I miss sending you random pictures of the number 69.' I miss you doing that too, Terbear.
That's pretty much it, the rest I'm too lazy to write about. I finished Letters to god today. And that was pretty good :) I enjoyed it. Basically though, I've been chillin here watching gossip girl all weekend. SO worth it :)
'Next time you forget that you're Blair Waldorf, remember that I'm Chuck Bass. And I love you.'
When words meet heartbeats... "The single word that everyone understands is not a word at all. It's the way that you smile or toss your hair. It's the way you sway your hips and the way you kiss. It's not a word at all, darling. It's the actions of love."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to purple rain?
Mitchell doesn't have dreams of going to state, he IS going to state. I don't care what anybody says, I know he will. Broken eardrum or not, he is going to state. Blue gold meet, he dropped alot of time. He will continue doing so. Because he is swimming for something more than himself. And he is never going to forget that.
'Have fun at school tomorrow and look pretty at your dance.' I love my brother :) I love him for remembering.
'Love is when someone else's happiness is essential to your own happiness.'
'Have fun at school tomorrow and look pretty at your dance.' I love my brother :) I love him for remembering.
'Love is when someone else's happiness is essential to your own happiness.'
Bad times of jammin.
This is pretty much our life.
'Did you rip your jeans???' 'They cut them off! I was so pissed!'
'Was your phone in your back pocket?' 'No! I was so lucky!' 'SO lucky!'
'Don't worry my key was ok too!'
'WAIT! What happened to your longboard??'
Ben: 'I'm just thankful I didn't hit my head!'
Me: 'Oh wow I didn't even think about your head. I thought of your pants, phone, and longboard, but not your head... wow.'
'The weights just bother me!'
Femur: a bone that striving engineers, who drive mercedes, break while on a moving object where a woman (old or young) screw them over and they are too busy thinking about their hair to notice. It is said to be worse than labor. Also known as: a bone in the leg.
Taya is the best sister ever. She rushed over to the hospital with hot cheetos and slurpies in hand. She also remembered gossip girl.
This was an eye opening experience for all of us.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes.
'Adri, you need to hurry. Ben's been in an accident.' I'll never forget that moment. The sudden surprise and the immediate reaction all at the same time. It felt unreal, but suddenly my heart was in my throat. And I'll never forget Mitchell's reaction. Immediately holding my hand and running through the halls with me. That is a true best friend. Holding my heels and my hand while I cry my eyes out with worry. I'm never going to forget the immediate peace that Mitchell's hand brought to me.
This is the realization of everything hitting me. For two weeks I've been yelling at Ben telling him I hate him and I wish he would die. Then at the possible second that it could have happened I knew how much I love him and how I never want him to go away from me. Right after I heard I knew Taya had to know too. She's our sister after all. And her reaction was everything I knew it would be. I know Mitchell would have acted the same for me. I know that's what true friendship is.
I'm grateful for Eric. Running over just to keep me from thinking too much. I'm grateful that he was able to be my distraction from all my problems. I'm grateful for him and I wish his family was too. I don't think that's what friendship is at all.
'I got you to smell my feet!'
'I'm stressing about stress that isn't stressing!'
'If you got fake nails then I'm wearing a top hat!'
In english we discussed ways of dying. Just a little bit morbid.
I know this is a blessing and I don't regret today in any way.
Thank you: Mitchell, Eric, Taya, Kira, Tina, Ashley, Lisa, old journals, Terance, Drake, Mike, Dixon, Mumma, Poppy, Nik, Jordan, Sarah, Aseneth, Rachel, Brian, Brother Sullivan and everyone that has remotely even made me smile. Thank you for all the inspiration.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I think of you in colors that don't exist.
This. Weekend.
Friday night was the best. Beauty treatments with Eric. He's my little doll that I can practice on. Manicure. Success. Plucking his eyebrows and showing him how mine don't match :) washing his face for him :)
Friday night was the best. Beauty treatments with Eric. He's my little doll that I can practice on. Manicure. Success. Plucking his eyebrows and showing him how mine don't match :) washing his face for him :)
I love when my friends can just sit and talk to my mom with me. And I loved that he loved doing that.
Yesterday. Was a collage of putting stickers on a page for hours and hours. Doing Katie's homecoming hair (that turned out quite nicely with the blonde) and going shopping with Eric. This weekend was a peaceful one.
They think that they can throw eggs? We'll throw more. And we'll throw harder. We're Adri and Mitchell and you can't mess with us.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mike (to Drake): You know that piece of cake on the fridge that had the note on it?
Drake: The don't eat me note?
Mike: Yeah. Now it's just an empty plate with a new sign.
Drake: (foul language is expressed) What does the new sign say?
Mike: "I don't take orders from cake"
Drake: Party foul.
I want this frienship :)
Drake: The don't eat me note?
Mike: Yeah. Now it's just an empty plate with a new sign.
Drake: (foul language is expressed) What does the new sign say?
Mike: "I don't take orders from cake"
Drake: Party foul.
I want this frienship :)
Why is love intensified by absence?
Today was good :) Me and Sydney had amazing luck dying Danielle's hair :) not only were her horrible highlights covered, but the color matched amazingly with her skin tone ad eyes :) she looked beautiful :) I know it's crazy, but I'm finding a deep love for my cosmetology girls :) For Lundon and Kercee and Meagan :) For Sydney, Danielle, and especially Cali and Julie :) a deep deep love for them :) 'Cali, I love the way you teach! It's like tough love!' 'Oh cry me a river!' :) I love you! Cosmetology left me feeling accomplished and talented. I want to feel that every day for the rest of my life :)
Robbin is my inspiration. You would think that cancer would slow her down, but it only gave her more life. Her class is even harder and she pushes us even more. But she encourages us more too :) 'Come on you can do this! Don't give up!' You have no idea how literal I take that. To be honest, this woman is saving my life.
Swim meet :) Ana taught me alot. You might be nervous about something, to the point where you are crying and throwing up, but you can't let yourself psyche yourself out. If you don't believe in yourself then who will? And just remember that this is all for fun, that your team will always be behind you cheering you on, and in the end it will be worth it. Just. Keep. Going.
Eric chose my outfit for tomorrow.. We'll see how that goes :)
I'm insanely excited for my fourth period tomorrow :) :) :)
I'm thankful for: the girls I bond with over beauty, life lessons, kiss stories, Erik letting me draw a music note behind his ear, people that inspire me, comfy shoes, vending machine runs, sitting next to Sarah on the bus, the backstreet boys and Britney Spears in aerobics, creeps that don't wear shoes ;), marykay women, long extensions, that hair dye smell, everything.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tell me what you know about dreams.
![]() |
Taya. Michelle. Jensen. Sis. |
I had a pretty great day with Eric :) it takes a true friend to pick a bug out of your teeth :| oh gosh. It was just a day for dreaming..
I'm waiting for something to get a little better. All I need is love.
My family is in ruins because of a scratch. Yeah, so worth it...
I know how to cut my hair :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Born Aydree Lynne with a restless soul.
Life would be looking just a little bit better if just one thing changed. Even just the smallest thing. I'm not even being picky. It could be something small. Like if my hair would just grow faster or my hips would just be the appropriate size. Or if it was easy to choose what to wear. Maybe if I could have my favorite jacket back. Or if I could have the approval of Mason and Karli. Even just my dad maybe saying 'I love you' without grumbling. Maybe if me and my best friends would stop fighting about unimportant things. Or if maybe my mom would offer to make me breakfast and lunch the way she does for my brother. Even the smallest thing like a stranger at the library asking me why I was crying would have been enough. I just need something to show me that there is love and hope in this world. I don't think that there is though. Because for too long I've felt an emptiness inside that just keeps growing as yet another thing goes wrong. Why can't I just have one thing that goes my way? I'm always getting blamed for everything. If something wrong goes on in somebody's life why am I the first one to blame? Even if I'm not part of the situation at all. I'm so close to just giving up on life. Because I don't believe anymore. I don't see this getting better or me getting any happier. No small thing is going to change for my favor and nothing big will either. I don't even dream anymore because what's even the use? Nothing will change. Everything being perfect is reserved for perfect people and even I know that I'll never be anywhere close to that. I'm always going to be the girl that makes people uncomfortable. I'm never going to be accepted by perfect families and they'll never stop making fun of you because of me. I'm never going to be that girl.
I just need a miracle. Not even one for me, but I need it for someone amazing. A miracle for Mike. That he can be cancer free and that he won't faint anymore. A miracle for Dixon. That he can live life without dependency and without regrets. A miracle for Mitchell and Drake. That they can overcome lost loves and find someone better. A miracle for Taya. That she'll find out what true happiness is. A miracle for Triton. That all of his big dreams will come true. A miracle for Robbin. That she'll never lose her hope. A miracle for Terance. That he'll be accepted and be able to share what he has. A miracle. A miracle. A miracle.
I'm done.
I just keep losing more hope every passing second. And nothing will happen to fix it.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Just a song and a girl who can sing it.
Today has been great :) Waking up with cute texts guarantees that it will be an amazing day :)
Dollar stores freaking suck me in and I just love it :) I got a new cookie bag, but it's my beauty bag :)
Awhhh marykay facials :) the day is joyous when your skin feels pampered :)
And I kinda sorta.. got a job ;)
Victoria's secret. :) that just says enough. How can you not feel completely happy in that store?! Underwear shopping is seriously bliss. Nothing is better than finding those perfect panties that make you feel like you should dance around in them :) seriously, just walking into that store makes me feel like a lady. Goodness I love that place!
I feel just about amazing right now. I wouldn't change a single thing.
p.s I'm wearing my favee nightime clothes :) which includes my matching Dixon boxers and Eric's shirt. I just feel all comfy inside :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Something inspirational.
I had an amazing day yesterday with the lovely miss Katie Allen :)
I party like a rock star in my sweats ;)
Yeah, that's right, I can eat one of those huge fruit bubble gum things in like ten minutes!
Despicable me was freaking adorable. And I decided that I love that movie :)
"Oh my god why they jeans so tight?!"
Sims sims sims :) Eric started out as a fat cowgirl. And Triton was the cutest kid I've ever seen ;)
'Whoa Jared's voice sure did change! It's all like deep now!'
Late night talks where she tries to explain an orgasm to me are the best. And no that doesn't sound like it would be sooo amazing! ;)
(Her freshly newly dyed and bleached hair looked AMAZING!!!)
And I practiced with that godawful curling iron today on her long locks :) and I think I'm kinda sorta getting it :)
Ben got this hectic longboard today. And now I want one too. We'll see. :)
I love my dog because he's so curious that he sets the mouse trap off and then is too much of a puss to come into the kitchen.
Gym.Gym.Gym. Phillip, I don't care about the aztecs, can I please just finish this mile??
Everything is clear <3
I lerve you. I juss lerveee you :)
I party like a rock star in my sweats ;)
Yeah, that's right, I can eat one of those huge fruit bubble gum things in like ten minutes!
Despicable me was freaking adorable. And I decided that I love that movie :)
"Oh my god why they jeans so tight?!"
Sims sims sims :) Eric started out as a fat cowgirl. And Triton was the cutest kid I've ever seen ;)
'Whoa Jared's voice sure did change! It's all like deep now!'
Late night talks where she tries to explain an orgasm to me are the best. And no that doesn't sound like it would be sooo amazing! ;)
(Her freshly newly dyed and bleached hair looked AMAZING!!!)
And I practiced with that godawful curling iron today on her long locks :) and I think I'm kinda sorta getting it :)
Ben got this hectic longboard today. And now I want one too. We'll see. :)
I love my dog because he's so curious that he sets the mouse trap off and then is too much of a puss to come into the kitchen.
Gym.Gym.Gym. Phillip, I don't care about the aztecs, can I please just finish this mile??
Everything is clear <3
I lerve you. I juss lerveee you :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's our godforsaken right to be loved.
Tank is finally getting better :) my wonderful little puppy :) I love him :)
Me and Mitchell had another fight today :( about dylan again :( But we're working things out. And everything will work out. I love him.
And I lovee cambry :) :) and I was so excited to see that gorgeous girl :) There is something about her that evens me and Mitchell out :) creates a little bit of balance between us :) Cambry is wonderful :)
Randomly seeing Eric, Mason, and Karli at the gym. Yeah.. that was awkward. If even my oblivious mother feels judged by the two of them then it's pretty serious.. They can just smd. Because my mumma's hott. And I feel that she is raising me just fine! So just SMD!
I'm quite tired. Today was a long day. I love my broski :) and miss my sister with all my heart. But Taya still really is my sister because in the end she pulls through with the important stuff.
Tomorrow holds a promise of possibility and I can't wait to catch up to it. xxxx
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I admit that I'm just a fool for you.
Dude I misssss that summer. Everything was fricken perfect. Every single day it was me ben and taya. And it was the life. I was tan, I was happy. No problems and no worries. I miss the relationship that we all used to have..
Take a dirty picture for me. Take a dirty picture.Hair color in cosmetology :) 'I just wanna be a ginger!!!' 'I'm sorry, Adri, but that just isn't going to work.'
Dancing in aerobics. Or ya know, just messing around :)
Finding out an amazing secret about little Isaac :) 'But I'm just little Isaac!' You are so fricken precious :)
Swim meet today :) :) Mitchell dropped four seconds and it was definitely the bomb dot com ;) there are going to be alot of first places this year. Yeah he's going to state.
Life is bland at the moment. Yes, I've noticed that my posts have been terribly uninformative and very just... bland.. (I tried to thesaurus that word and it only came up with 'flavorless' :| woooof!) Maybe it's because of all this rainy day gloominess that is taking place here. It puts me in a sad mood. Or maybe it's because my toes are cold. And my butt is wet. But bland nonetheless. Stress is taking over my life. It feels like this year I'm honestly experiencing real true life. But I don't know if I like that. People are changing. My own brother is turning against me. I haven't seen my fricken sister in like two months. And mothertrucking stupid english kid gives me like zero attention and it makes me want him more because I can't fricken have him! If he would just give me attention I would be over it! Woooooof!
Off to the gym I suppose. <3 x
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Everything that shines aint always gonna be gold
I don't even know where to begin.
This is about to be a dramatic episode..
I've been crying about everything these days. Eric wipes one of my tears.. yeah I end up crying. I am such a tool bag! I think my dog can sense tears because he'll become a little bit cuter.
Hey ben, sorry I'm not good enough. Or fast enough for you. Sorry I'm not going to Puerto Rico with you. Sorry our relationship has faded so much that we aren't even friends. You just use me to go shopping with. Thanks bro. I'm glad I'm so easily replaced in your life. This is just a quick fix for a simple little whore.
I would like to send a special thank you to my gym. Specifically the elliptical machine. Thanks for taking my stress away and let me release everything on you. Stress exercising works.
Stage three cancer. I love you Mike.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Look at the stars, look how they shine for you..
First things first. We tried waxing today. Me and Mitchell that is :) it didn't work too well so we ended up shaving :/
Hard day in aerobics but it felt really nice to work in that class.
I don't remember today to be honest because I'm so tired. I remember the highlights of cosmetology, aerobics, getting connor sarah's number, mcdonald's (wayy too many fries and a worker named sean :]), and the gym. Other than that it's all fuzzy. Good day though. The end. x
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Last night I tried to picture your beautiful face, but I only saw you frowning darling
General conference with Eric, Mason and his family. What a great experience :) I feel that the talks were absolutely what I needed to hear. I love hearing the prophet :)
'So if I were straight I think I would try to make you love me, I think I would try to steal your heart. Because I think your the kind of person I should try to love. I think my heart should be trusted within someone like you.' That's one of the most beautiful things that I have ever heard. And I love you so much more than I know how to say or express. I know that you will always be my best friend. I know it.
I started my style book and it's gonna be great.
Mike is going to be ok no matter what. <3
'So if I were straight I think I would try to make you love me, I think I would try to steal your heart. Because I think your the kind of person I should try to love. I think my heart should be trusted within someone like you.' That's one of the most beautiful things that I have ever heard. And I love you so much more than I know how to say or express. I know that you will always be my best friend. I know it.
I started my style book and it's gonna be great.
Mike is going to be ok no matter what. <3
Saturday, October 2, 2010
You grow, I see you sing for us.
I'm finding that I stress-exercise and sad-shop. Not the best habits, but what can ya do?
Today I went shopping with my broha. Where he found some nikes and tried on some girl jeans at buckle. That yeah, he did look good in. Doing the math my brother equivalences to a size one in girl jeans. He's the ultimate lil guy. Especially because he's so tall!
The parts of conference I watched I liked. My favorite part is still the music.
I had a blowout with my best friend. But I'm very thankful to say that he's still my best friend.
I cut my moms hair. Which ended up being reallyy hard because her hair is so crazy!
Yesterday I went to mason's to watch lion king. But instead we ended up watching I am Legend. And I cried. Of course. You know me :)
I'm starting to realize alot.
I don't want nothing from you but to sweetly hold your hand.
Today I went shopping with my broha. Where he found some nikes and tried on some girl jeans at buckle. That yeah, he did look good in. Doing the math my brother equivalences to a size one in girl jeans. He's the ultimate lil guy. Especially because he's so tall!
The parts of conference I watched I liked. My favorite part is still the music.
I had a blowout with my best friend. But I'm very thankful to say that he's still my best friend.
I cut my moms hair. Which ended up being reallyy hard because her hair is so crazy!
Yesterday I went to mason's to watch lion king. But instead we ended up watching I am Legend. And I cried. Of course. You know me :)
I'm starting to realize alot.
I don't want nothing from you but to sweetly hold your hand.
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