Monday, July 26, 2010

Tonight I tried to picture your beautiful face, but I only saw you frowning, darling

Today I painted a fence with my best friend :) I thought it was soo hard at first, but looking back, when the pictures fly through my head, it's all super cute memories. And I sort of got to know his brother today, and I found out that he's a pretty cool guy. My paint glove was super cool and will be in an amazing movie someday soon :)
Oh and when I woke up this morning with a million drunk texts and phone calls from Drake, I was [sadly] quite entertained by this. Meow. Me and my mom were just talking about the mass text you sent... and she could kind of make sense of it too :) Not too shabby, Drake, not too shabby.
Mall with Dylann. No guys to be found. 'You look like this kid eric walker!! Well, my name is Deric :)'
'Dylann Bby' ummm no.. spell it right Dylann!
I went to my first and last drug deal :) how shady! I felt so sly. But kind of had the nagging feeling that all cops could see right through my little act. You don't know me!
I'm starting to talk like I'm high all the time because Drake is at a constant high and texts me all day. I hope seminary students can't tell ;)
It's going to be a good day tomorrow :)

Hold on to Hope.

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