Thursday, July 29, 2010

These hands are meant to hold.

Today was the final day of summer seminary. And I thought it was a really good lesson. So much that at the ending statement I started crying. Pretty hardcore. And people noticed. This I know because immediately after the amen Eric came rushing over to give me a hug. It was a good cry though. Everything is good. I feel like today made stuff right again. Taya finally called me back. Seminary council made me happy. And someone even asked me for my number. Unfortunately.. he is a bit of a creep. First of all, he will only be a sophomore and is only 15. I can barely handle guys my own age, I don't think I could deal with a 15 year old. And secondly, he thinks I'm his 'dream girl' after one day of talking. I'm not even sure of his name.. and he doesn't know anything about me, so just grow up. And I don't appreciate being called sweetheart or sweetie by anyone that I do not like/even know. Please stop. And he could have at least had the courtesy to ask if I had a boyfriend instead of just assuming that I'm single. Oh and I wish he would stop trying to shove his death metal core into my face. Yeah I'll listen to some screamo, but only the pussy kind 'sweetheart' That's what I get for just trying to be a good nice person and a good council member...
'The world cup song made me think of you.' Every morning I woke up, listened to that song to get pumped and then watched soccer all day. I really haven't done anything this summer.' What a champ ;)
My crafty feeling did continue thank heavens :) I want to learn more about photography I think. And have my own photo shoot :)
I think my dreams are too big for me.
I just love life :)

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