Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love can conquer all.

My envelope is full of too much love

I made an envelope today. Beat that. Even an engineer couldn't do it, but I could. What do you think that says about me ;)
I am absolutely sure that I want to be a personal stylist. That would combine all of my favorite elements. Yep, that would be pretty fun.
I seriously can't believe she stole my face wash though.. Seriously? You could have just asked.. But instead you went behind my back- no behind my tampons- and STOLE it?! Please get standards immediately. I'm now fearful of you staying in my house where all of my things are vulnerable to your sticky fingers. I guess I have alot of cleaning to do to ensure that all of my stuff stays mine.
Last night I had a slumber party all myself. A camp out if you will. It was quite lovely. The lightening was inspiring. Maybe that's why I've been feeling so artistic today. I would like to declare august as my artistic month and I do hope that this artistic mood continues.
I hope Ben's little school buddy doesn't come over again tomorrow :|
'Aj stop checking out the girls!' Ewww. I have greasy hair right now.. and yet the checking out continues... Man I'm just that good ;)
Last day of summer seminary tomorrow! I really want everybody to come :)

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