Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

"I'm on my way. Should I just go to this is the place?" Oh, we just started swimming...
And I just finished getting ready!
Great. I love watching people swim :| funnily enough it will be the second time this week.
Do you have tonja's keys? (long pause) no. What do I do with my stuff? (Long pause) you can put it in rose's car... Do you have her keys? (Long pause) no.. Can you go get them? (long pause) You can come with... Errrm no. (runs. stops running. runs again.) Come on beazy!
She creeps me the whole time.
At least Torbear saved me :)
"Sorry that mine and that's mine and that's mine.. but you can have string cheese." yeah after watching you eat, I don't think I can have food again for a long time. You mannerless beast. "I want chocolate. CHOCOLATE!" I want to beat your face in :) BEAT IT!
putting my stuff in the tent even though later it would be proven as unnecessary.
Sloppy joes :/
Free Icecream! I guess I use my tongue a lot and bite ;) Torbear is my saving grace :)
Alec. You can stop touching me...
Playing a game with the lady from hale center theater :) I lost :/ (I lost the game)
I want the red cowboy!!! And got the purple lady :( Becoming friends with Tori and meeting Josue :) blisters. Fires. Infection. Death. 70% death rate. But her testimony was amazing :)
Winning the stick game and getting to the top five of 7 11
Beazy that had dress and appearance. 'Ladies! Be quiet! Oh. and gentlemen!'
Playing button button who has the button :) I want one of those cool 'I don't like him' candles! Oh how the pioneers would court ;)
Learning the secret code of how to flirt :) why did the army man have to choose me though :| Creep!
Manners at the creepy hospital :)
Finally dinner!
Dance :) "play Ke$ha!!!" next song... wake up in the morning feeling like pdiddy :) :) :) woo hoo :) Alec you can seriously stop touching me! No I won't dance with you twice... Learning the virginia reel :) and that left left right right both both both thing :)
Tylers little brother freaking me out :)
Laughing because Josue's tent was flooded then finding mine getting blown away :|
Not doing anything while everyone else was doing it for me :) Not helping pack is a good thing
Last minute testimony meeting didn't do it for me. No closure.
'My friend Triton said..' YOU KNOW TRITON?! I love when the world is a small world :)
This is gonna be a beautiful friendship :) sorry for stealing him, Tori ;)
Getting home at midnight soaking wet and freezing :)

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