Sunday, May 16, 2010


Lesson on temples.
After what Eric told me about tanner I never see him the same. Or the notebook. Way to have a movie ruined. Golly!
Helped with a birthday surprise for Rose.
Procrastinated homework all day :) that's the way I roll.
Me and Drake want to send a package to Felicity :)
Put on my partypants and let Eric help me with my homework :) sorta :) Next time maybe he won't be so loud!
I need to use full sentences again soon :)
Eric and I are going to just take a day and do a ton of the things on my list. And redbox the fourth kind so he can see what all my fuss and hollabuloo is about :)
He's grateful for me. And having someone like me in his life. That means something to me. I need to live up to that title in a way and I'm going to. Thank you for teaching me.
I love my family. Pray for my brother and help him see the right decision for him not her.
thank you for believing in me and waiting for me to come back. I love you.
Dixon, I understand so much more now. I know you tripped up, but that just leaves more room for you to come back. I'm still proud of you. And I'm always going to be. It's just like high cholesterol isn't it? I'll help you if you want the help. Lets get this... not behind us, but through it. Goodnight. I love you. x

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