Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shivers run down my spine under the watchful gaze of your eyes..

Amazing lesson in seminary today! I wish I could bottle them all up and save them for a bad day :) After school seminary too (Sorry I let you walk all the way, Mitchell :)) Good lesson :) Eric's testimony gave me the chills :] I'm grateful for missionaries too. I thank Heavenly Father every night that they were brought to me and I was able to get to where I am today. Mitchell and Eric truly taught me a thing or two about prayer :) Thank you.
Running barefoot :/ Woooof. My nose was on FIYA!!!!
Playing impossible all during english with someone I didn't know I liked. I think he realized alot about me too :) I hope we can be actual friends now that he sees I'm not seriously a devil :)
Loud laughs with Mitchell. I wouldn't change a single thing about it especially not the volume!
I thought you said peaches not pineapple!
Triton's mug looks just like him! Tritonest lips I've ever seen ;)
Ask chacha if it should sink or float!!!
Mr. Kaelin is a chill guy. Still bad teacher though. I almost understand though.
So there me and Mitchell were sneaking as sneakily as we can and thinking we made it past, then we look back and OMG I was attacked! How did he see me?! He's so crazy! That kid has determination!
Soccer game :) Zak did fabuloso :)
That mood where you aren't happy or sad makes you truly grateful to the people that pull you out of it. Love slipped out. I'm grateful for friends that are there :)
My head hurts :)
Yesterday I pretended to be from England and helped a girl named Charlotte. No need to cry, sweetie. One day it will all be clear.
Time for sleep.

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