Monday, May 17, 2010

I want to show you that my love is pure

So, no big deal, I am failing my english class. With a straight up F. No, I don't think it can get any worse. So when I came home from school, I immediately started doing my homework. For like three hours. Yeah, that's my favorite way to spend my time after school, because seven hours of learning before that just isn't enough. I sure do love knowledge.
If I don't somehow use the knowledge that I typed about endlessly today for english, then I'm going to be seriously pissed. Who am I kidding? Of course I'm going to use my knowledge on poetry every single day out in the real world! I hate you Mr. Harward. Junior year- I'm over you.
Monty is a whore. She had a boyfriend and you couldn't stop? (Guys can't just stop halfway through!) [Jeannie interrupts] Guys one of my headphones is broken, can you please stop talking about this? Please? (Silence falls. Then it just gets awkward) We don't have anything else to talk about...
We made a poster for seminary that is wayyy chill :) It's going to look so good when it's hung up :) No big deal, I was only like forty minutes late to my first period...
Mr Revelli "So what really happened in first period?!" Oh, ya know, Lee just went crazy and the substitute just got the blame. Not that you missed anything... I'm going to miss you next year. You're the only history teacher that I've actually learned something from. Thank you.
Robbin, I hope you get better. I miss you so much. I don't even like aerobics, I think I only liked you.
Today, my best friend sort of got hit on by another guy. What can I say, he likes tall guys ;)
I'm j. But I'll never be like her. I'm not going to follow in her footsteps. I'll learn from her this time. But I will not put that much sadness upon myself. I almost started crying like seven times. She might not have saved it, but I'm going to. I'm not going to be like her and look back and have that regret. I've felt alone like that before, but right when it's the worst, it's because the best is just about to happen and then it will feel even more happy.
Pull through it.
I feel inspired. And I'm grateful for everything that I am, and everything that I'm not. I love everyone that loves me, and I'm grateful that people hate me. When people whisper because I'm the 'wierdest girl ever' I'm thankful. Because that just proves that I'm being exactly who I am. And I'm not afraid of that anymore. I think today, I learned to stand on my own two feet without them holding me up. I'm still eternally grateful for them, but not dependent. There comes a time... and I think I reached it. I trust in my father and I know he won't put me through something without having the full intent of helping me every step of the way. If I ask for it. And I'm going to. That won't even be a problem anymore. I learned humility. You never know when you're heart is going to get broken, or when everyone turns on you, or even when you might die. But you have to be ready, and you have to have the faith to fall back into the arms of a best friend that you can't see. You have to have that faith...
I will have that faith.

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