Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can you handle me the way I are?

Friday: senior seminary banquet. Wow. Next year is going to be so amazing :) Council is going to be so close next year and I hope we're all like best friends. Randolph the immortal (L) Erics testimony was so uplifting and exactly what I needed to hear. I enjoy him. Pie cutting is an adventure. I hope every one had a good experience at the concerts that I wanted to go to. But I wouldn't have missed that for anything. Another campfire with the fam :) I love them with all my heart. Travis drunk called me... 'Adri's hot. You know she's hot. I would take her home and do her.' 'I gave Adri my shirt today, she's totally going to sleep in it and be like omg it's Trav' Silly kid
Saturday: fugitive. Peeetaa! Slow down Peeetaa! TUCK! OOOOH YES!
Golfball injury. Don't mind me just getting tied up in math class

Golfball injury :( Me and Mitchell are going to stash baseball bats in our cars just for destructive moments. Or cricket bats :) Two hours of waiting :| Vip vip vip vip :) Without Mitchell there would have been many occasions when I would have just started crying... I'm so eternally grateful for that boy. We just chilled in the bed and slid around the whole time. Jumping in the back of the moving truck :) Shane was actually serious about the game :| sweetie, you're really bad at gossiping, no need to be so blatant about it... I need to confront someone because what they are doing is making me sad. I can't tell if I miss who I was with last year, or if I just miss who I was. But I'm going to get stronger. You just watch me. I know you guys won't let me put my 'past' behind me, but now I need room to change, and I'll get it no matter what. I know what I want and I'm going to get it. I'm a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me, and I love Him. I'm going to start showing that and carrying it around with me. I will become my calling.
Today: homework. homework. Mothers day. Grandmas. Poison salmon. Old journal reading. Bringing Dixon through it because I love him. So much more than he knows. I will always be there for him. Good story from Eric. God will qualify me for my calling. I wish I could remember that quote he told me. :) yehh. Scripture time :)

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