Friday, May 28, 2010

My crush on Brian Williams is going too far :|

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

'Cause no one knows you like I do

Today has been too long. And I'm over it.
I got a cookie and Mitchell didn't.
When a gay guy loves your outfit, you know it's good.
'Andrea...' alright, I'm pissed, I'ma wreck and steal shite. Learn my name, lard!
No spankies :| white dress, bright yellow underwear... yeah right.
Mr. Revelli... awh bless :')
I don't want to play baseball ever again! I got all the jacked up questions so everyone thinks I'm stupid now :( I'm not though...
At least I got one of three questions correct :)
That feeling when he told me he adores me :) :) :) I missed you :)
Thomas: I can't do the heavy lifting... my asthma is acting up.
Thomas, stop lying. Becky, tell him to stop lying, he's just high ;)
Later: fb status: I feel like I'm going to die...
Comment: stop faking ;)
Lunch with Austin :) I'm the new Kim Le ;) that kid really does make me feel good though. I won't stop being childlike. Thank you. Your story about the tree was amazing.
Me: 'woo, now I feel satisfied'
Good, I always like leaving girls satisfied ;)
Hahahahahaha (fake imitation) pause... Hahahaha! I love Mitchell :)
Hey, sweetie. You can go ahead and make fun of me :) I still have him and you don't :) oh and I'm skinnier than you :) sorry... petty moment.
Got home. Day worsened. End of discussion. Don't even ask.
Cafe Rio.
I wish you would stop choosing her over me because in the end, I'm the one that will still be with, she probably won't be. I think she's just using you.. I still love you though.
I'm grateful for a special friend. Thanks, Felicity. I look up to you so much. x

Monday, May 24, 2010

I could really use a wish right now...

Once a cheater, always a cheater

We're so sly that we can sneak in :) Mitch, did you sneak in? ;) No we just buy tickets and enter from the stage...
Nobody shushes us!
find me somebody to love. find me somebody to love. find me somebody to love.
Next year me and mitchell will join them on stage :)
SHHH! I will kick you out! (glares)
Little children in front of us are evil! Touch me not!
'I should know better than to let you and mitchell go to those kind of things, you guys always come home with enemies.' :)
It's because we're best friends and we can do that :)

For the amusement of my babycakes :)

-Adri, you cant elope!
-Who are you calling a cantaloupe, you mellon head?!

You fork!
Well you're a straw because you SUCK! You suck, Adri! Pure SUCKKK!

Wow you went to prom with a super pretty girl! Lol jk she's more awkward than farting in public :)
...Drake, I went to prom with a guy.
(ten minutes later)
Adri, you're 'lady' friend went to another prom with an even more awkward man than her!
Cool beans:)

I have like every annoying skin condition there is.
... you're not black:)

Terance: I'm not gonna lie, I buy into the fantasy that women are supposed to wear high heels while lounging in lingerie. (Dirtiest thing that kid ever said:)
Drake: I wanna have nasty sex on a playground slide
Dixon: I wanna f*ck triplets.
Adri: I like it when guys kiss my hand :)

I don't remember anything else, but Drake... I love you sweetheart :)
Thanks for being my best friend through these trying times. Be mine forever?
I'm yours.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Worst day ever.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Without my bestfriend I don't know who I could act like myself with:)

So me and my BESTFRIEND (that may have mono and that Dylann has a crush on!) went to a fashion show :) :) :) First I had to wake him up from his nap though :| I just know we're infected with the disease!
Sit down right next to the cameras so that there is no avoiding our laughter on the recording :) But then we get surrounded :| and called rude! And they were black so we couldn't do anything about it ;) "who's the designer?" oh some black girl... Omg!
Whoa! The cape!!! ...They are ruuude!
Look at that hot kid... if I was wearin my hair... then I would have eventually gotten beat up by those black women because he has a mothertrucking girlfriend. No big deal.
Does she have down syndrome?! No....
Turn off your brights! Lights kill my life!
We're just little emo children. Look at the moon! Where's my poem book?!
You know when people walk past you being completely silent... YOU KNOW!
Tonight was amazing :)
We must be EMO

Monday, May 17, 2010

I feel so sick.
Please bless that tonight I can sleep well and be healthy again.
I love you. Thank you. For everything. You're doing it the best way possible.

I want to show you that my love is pure

So, no big deal, I am failing my english class. With a straight up F. No, I don't think it can get any worse. So when I came home from school, I immediately started doing my homework. For like three hours. Yeah, that's my favorite way to spend my time after school, because seven hours of learning before that just isn't enough. I sure do love knowledge.
If I don't somehow use the knowledge that I typed about endlessly today for english, then I'm going to be seriously pissed. Who am I kidding? Of course I'm going to use my knowledge on poetry every single day out in the real world! I hate you Mr. Harward. Junior year- I'm over you.
Monty is a whore. She had a boyfriend and you couldn't stop? (Guys can't just stop halfway through!) [Jeannie interrupts] Guys one of my headphones is broken, can you please stop talking about this? Please? (Silence falls. Then it just gets awkward) We don't have anything else to talk about...
We made a poster for seminary that is wayyy chill :) It's going to look so good when it's hung up :) No big deal, I was only like forty minutes late to my first period...
Mr Revelli "So what really happened in first period?!" Oh, ya know, Lee just went crazy and the substitute just got the blame. Not that you missed anything... I'm going to miss you next year. You're the only history teacher that I've actually learned something from. Thank you.
Robbin, I hope you get better. I miss you so much. I don't even like aerobics, I think I only liked you.
Today, my best friend sort of got hit on by another guy. What can I say, he likes tall guys ;)
I'm j. But I'll never be like her. I'm not going to follow in her footsteps. I'll learn from her this time. But I will not put that much sadness upon myself. I almost started crying like seven times. She might not have saved it, but I'm going to. I'm not going to be like her and look back and have that regret. I've felt alone like that before, but right when it's the worst, it's because the best is just about to happen and then it will feel even more happy.
Pull through it.
I feel inspired. And I'm grateful for everything that I am, and everything that I'm not. I love everyone that loves me, and I'm grateful that people hate me. When people whisper because I'm the 'wierdest girl ever' I'm thankful. Because that just proves that I'm being exactly who I am. And I'm not afraid of that anymore. I think today, I learned to stand on my own two feet without them holding me up. I'm still eternally grateful for them, but not dependent. There comes a time... and I think I reached it. I trust in my father and I know he won't put me through something without having the full intent of helping me every step of the way. If I ask for it. And I'm going to. That won't even be a problem anymore. I learned humility. You never know when you're heart is going to get broken, or when everyone turns on you, or even when you might die. But you have to be ready, and you have to have the faith to fall back into the arms of a best friend that you can't see. You have to have that faith...
I will have that faith.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I don't think I ever posted it, but...
I had food poisoning. :|


Lesson on temples.
After what Eric told me about tanner I never see him the same. Or the notebook. Way to have a movie ruined. Golly!
Helped with a birthday surprise for Rose.
Procrastinated homework all day :) that's the way I roll.
Me and Drake want to send a package to Felicity :)
Put on my partypants and let Eric help me with my homework :) sorta :) Next time maybe he won't be so loud!
I need to use full sentences again soon :)
Eric and I are going to just take a day and do a ton of the things on my list. And redbox the fourth kind so he can see what all my fuss and hollabuloo is about :)
He's grateful for me. And having someone like me in his life. That means something to me. I need to live up to that title in a way and I'm going to. Thank you for teaching me.
I love my family. Pray for my brother and help him see the right decision for him not her.
thank you for believing in me and waiting for me to come back. I love you.
Dixon, I understand so much more now. I know you tripped up, but that just leaves more room for you to come back. I'm still proud of you. And I'm always going to be. It's just like high cholesterol isn't it? I'll help you if you want the help. Lets get this... not behind us, but through it. Goodnight. I love you. x


Erics baptism. Oh my goodness. It was amazing to see that. I was that happy once too. And you can bet that I'm going to get it that way again.
(Sits down in wrong seat) PETTTAAA!
Ummm... no... Bishop: nod. nod. nod.
Piano up to the front! (I hope we can get the tv past the piano)
I've never felt so happy before. Even though the cookies were really small and the door opened and hid me and everyone had panty lines, I was really happy :)
Me and Mitchell were gunna be cool, but then we were lame. He wore a christmas tie to my baptism :)
Thank you for being my example Eric :) x


Zoolander with Eric :)
He beat me in checkers :/
Seminary closing social. I mingled with so many people and I'm way proud of myself :) I stayed there soooo long though! Just go home everyone! Seriously!
Whitney tried to talk to me, but I panicked because I'm not good with confrontations. I'm sorry about that.
Weird kid with the cookies. woooow. What a.. wow.
There were so many pizza boxes everywhere :) Jessie went crazy piling those beasts on top of eachother.
Talk with Zak. 'Whenever you feel stressed again call me.' 'What, so you'll make out with me?!' He's such a crazy boy :)
To be honest, I love my life and all my friends.
My baby is back home and I cried my eyes out for him.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stop just trying to fight with me.
Moods all over the place.
It's not me this time, so stop acting like it is.
Performance tonight :)
awh bless.
Lets do it for the last time x

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm praying for her, Mitchell.
I'm praying for you too.
I love you. Thank you for being my best friend.
I'll always be here for you.

Strive for the beautiful, seek for the good.

I'm so sick...
But Dixon's home.
Everything is going to be ok now.
I love you, sweetheart...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What you've got boy is hard to find :)

Sharing music with Eric :)
Ceramics is amazing :) Triton and Monty are angels.
I adore my friends, bless my family, seminary is my heart.
Text fight ;)
SO glad I'm not doing summer classes with that WENCH in it. Hairy whore is what she is ;)
I'm done. This one sucked. Please don't hold me accountable for what I used to be.
I don't feel so hot anymore. Dear lord.
Head aches.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can you handle me the way I are?

Friday: senior seminary banquet. Wow. Next year is going to be so amazing :) Council is going to be so close next year and I hope we're all like best friends. Randolph the immortal (L) Erics testimony was so uplifting and exactly what I needed to hear. I enjoy him. Pie cutting is an adventure. I hope every one had a good experience at the concerts that I wanted to go to. But I wouldn't have missed that for anything. Another campfire with the fam :) I love them with all my heart. Travis drunk called me... 'Adri's hot. You know she's hot. I would take her home and do her.' 'I gave Adri my shirt today, she's totally going to sleep in it and be like omg it's Trav' Silly kid
Saturday: fugitive. Peeetaa! Slow down Peeetaa! TUCK! OOOOH YES!
Golfball injury. Don't mind me just getting tied up in math class

Golfball injury :( Me and Mitchell are going to stash baseball bats in our cars just for destructive moments. Or cricket bats :) Two hours of waiting :| Vip vip vip vip :) Without Mitchell there would have been many occasions when I would have just started crying... I'm so eternally grateful for that boy. We just chilled in the bed and slid around the whole time. Jumping in the back of the moving truck :) Shane was actually serious about the game :| sweetie, you're really bad at gossiping, no need to be so blatant about it... I need to confront someone because what they are doing is making me sad. I can't tell if I miss who I was with last year, or if I just miss who I was. But I'm going to get stronger. You just watch me. I know you guys won't let me put my 'past' behind me, but now I need room to change, and I'll get it no matter what. I know what I want and I'm going to get it. I'm a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me, and I love Him. I'm going to start showing that and carrying it around with me. I will become my calling.
Today: homework. homework. Mothers day. Grandmas. Poison salmon. Old journal reading. Bringing Dixon through it because I love him. So much more than he knows. I will always be there for him. Good story from Eric. God will qualify me for my calling. I wish I could remember that quote he told me. :) yehh. Scripture time :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shivers run down my spine under the watchful gaze of your eyes..

Amazing lesson in seminary today! I wish I could bottle them all up and save them for a bad day :) After school seminary too (Sorry I let you walk all the way, Mitchell :)) Good lesson :) Eric's testimony gave me the chills :] I'm grateful for missionaries too. I thank Heavenly Father every night that they were brought to me and I was able to get to where I am today. Mitchell and Eric truly taught me a thing or two about prayer :) Thank you.
Running barefoot :/ Woooof. My nose was on FIYA!!!!
Playing impossible all during english with someone I didn't know I liked. I think he realized alot about me too :) I hope we can be actual friends now that he sees I'm not seriously a devil :)
Loud laughs with Mitchell. I wouldn't change a single thing about it especially not the volume!
I thought you said peaches not pineapple!
Triton's mug looks just like him! Tritonest lips I've ever seen ;)
Ask chacha if it should sink or float!!!
Mr. Kaelin is a chill guy. Still bad teacher though. I almost understand though.
So there me and Mitchell were sneaking as sneakily as we can and thinking we made it past, then we look back and OMG I was attacked! How did he see me?! He's so crazy! That kid has determination!
Soccer game :) Zak did fabuloso :)
That mood where you aren't happy or sad makes you truly grateful to the people that pull you out of it. Love slipped out. I'm grateful for friends that are there :)
My head hurts :)
Yesterday I pretended to be from England and helped a girl named Charlotte. No need to cry, sweetie. One day it will all be clear.
Time for sleep.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Drake :) nom nom nom ;)

I drink water everyday
I drink water, eat, and play
Water is so good for me,
I drink it and have to pee :)

Water songs (L)

Let the rain kiss you...

"He wanted to get fresh with Taya" ...Mumma that's not what it's called (Later) 'Hey dixon wanna get fresh?' 'yeah I'm down.' I love people :)
Awkward dancing in the car to find the guy over one staring and laughing at me :)
My fire trooper boots :)
Sluffing to iceberg :)
Moshing in library aid with Thomas :)
Dayquil (L)
Blowing my nose a zillion times and getting made fun of :)
Becky is my faveee :)
Too tired :)
Inspire me :)
Downloading apps for monty :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

I really need you in my life cause things aint right

Today was a long day. But it had some good parts and some parts that were horrible. You need to calm down. You aren't the only one thats tired. And I'm sick. So you're in a pissy mood and still act surprised when I get grumpy. You're the one that started it. I'm trying to be a better daughter, but you obviously still don't think it's good enough. No big deal, I always disappoint people.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you're made of

EFY today :)
I had to get up wayyyy to early and when I did I could smell myself :| and I REAKED of campfire :/ It was baaadddd!
I was fighting sleep for like three hours! I'm so sleep deprived :)
It's not about finding the right scripture, it's about finding yourself in the scriptures.
We will get eternal life if we want it, but only if we want it more than anything else. I need to keep the ultimate goal in mind and prioritize things more. God will come first and then everything else will fall into place. I can feel it.
Don't you think a kiss is better than a blizzard?! No.
My tent needs to face the temple. Like in Mosiah. Because that needs to be my ultimate goal right now. I need to reevaluate all my other goals and even my testimony so that I remember the ultimate goal. I want my family to be together forever. I want to live with Heavenly father again. The plan of salvation isn't just circles that you jump from, it's a circle. And here on earth is just a short little time. All the struggles and heartbreaks and pain will be worth it. The second that we see jesus we will see that we were never alone and that our time here was only temporary and part of a much bigger plan. Sorry to go all molly mormon on you ;)
Song of the south? Curiosity fired! Teri's princess doll collection :) I wanna be a princess! My sandwich was mothertrucking bomb! Best thing I've ever tasted :)
Cousins or whatever from holland :)
I love my life x

The adventures of my friday night :)

Going to my old elementary school :)
Jumping the fence by Anika's house and remembering junior high :)
Art room :)
Elevator :) I knew exploring was a good idea :)
I looked like I had dreadlocks :|
I found a new appreciation for my mom and I can't believe I took so much for granted. I'm grateful that Eric taught me how much I have to appreciate :) I love my mom. And I'm grateful for everything she does for me.
Climbing into king kong :)
The door that nobody is allowed into :)
Campfire with the fam :)
Actually knowing Ethan the whole time, but not realizing it until I actually saw him :) "What's your best friends name?!"
Listening to Ke$ha :)
All those poor marshmallows that the fire swallowed up :)
"Fire is a curious thing" POP "...A very curious thing!"
Michelle's sweats and the spot the fire tong made :)
When he finally held my hand :) :) :)
Good night :)