Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You are my sweetest downfall...

Dear guys who feel that it is ok to hit on me while at the gym: Do not use the line 'Soo, do you come here often?' ...Umm have you seen my body?! Of course I come here often!
My bra smells like sweat and money. It's official. I'm a stripper. ;)
'Mom, smell my bra it smells like money!'
*sniffs* 'How do you sweat money?!'
'...I'm Ke$ha...'
I'm so awesome that english kid felt the need to walk very closely behind me to get to his car when it was veryy unnecessary. I can almost say with pure knowledge that this time he was checking me out and not the car.. but we'll never know for sure.
It is a blessing indeed that I did not have to go to gti today. And that I got to spend my time making weekend warrior posters instead. If I would have been at cosmetology, then our club wouldn't have been as organized I don't think. But we got three pages of kids signing up :) If you just say free food then they will come ;)
Jostens assembly :/ Ohmygosh it's expensive to graduate! 'If I don't use all of my graduation announcements I'm sending one to Ke$ha..' Mitchell: 'Lets do it!' Then we giggle and decide that if we send them Ke$ha will come :) Bahaha :)
While reading english kids mystery story, 'Wow strange cuts on her neck? That's a douchey way to kill someone... Oh it's because he was dressed like a cowboy! The spurs!!' :)
Parent teacher conferences :) Julie is amazing :) she makes me feel so good about myself :) I know that with her help I'll pass my state board exam with no problem. Sanitation. Sanitation. Sanitation!!! I still have all the time in the world to improve at things and to learn new things. I'm going to find a true talent in something and I will be successful. There are so many directions that I can go that it will be impossible for me to fail. Suck on that Mr. Harward!
Brother Sullivan means so much to me. He brings me comfort and peace in things that I doubt. I don't know why god chose me, but I have a work to do. I can't give up on that. Joseph Smith went through the same thing. On this exact date he prayed to god and asked him if he was still right for his calling. I'm going to take up on Brother Sullivan's challenge and do the same thing. Thank you for crying with me, Brother Sullivan.
Mrs. Rockwell surprisingly didn't bash on me too much to my mumma :) 'You'r energy will be an asset in this preschool.' Ok :)
Today was actually an amazing day.
Mitchell is as strong as I thought he was. He's pulling through this so well. And I'm really proud of him. He's an amazing friend and an even better example. And yes, I will have a child for him ;) I love Mitchell :) :) :)

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