Saturday, September 18, 2010

I love you in all the colours you can be

People make me feel inadequate.
I'm sorry I don't measure up to what you think I should be.
I feel that people won't let me change. They don't register the new person that is in front of them.
I know I still have faults. I still have weaknesses. But do you really think you're strengthening me by saying that you're disappointed in someone because they took me to my senior homecoming. By saying that you're the one that is breaking the commandment. Love thy neighbor as thyself? Nobody has the right to judge but god? So who are you to say that about me? You aren't that perfect yourself, missy. So stop judging me for my weaknesses and my faults. You have them too. I'm sorry I'm not the average mormon and that I refuse to change for other people. You're a toolbag and I'm tired of people thinking this about me. I am a good person. I don't judge people and I'm trying my hardest to love everyone. That's the biggest thing that Jesus taught. That was highest on his priority list. Modesty wasn't. If you read your scriptures then you would see that. I do read my scriptures and I do see that. I pray. I have a relationship with god. I feel his love around me as I pray and I feel that he is proud of me and that I'm doing the right thing. I just need to carry on. I know I have a lot that I can teach other people and I'm ready to do that. I'm not going to give up because a few people that don't even know me are judging me by the way I look. I have a feeling and I'm going to follow it. And if you can't respect the decision that heavenly father made by giving me this calling, then frankly, you aren't worth it. I'm done. The only person I'm trying to please now is God. And I know he's happy with the progress I'm making.

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