Monday, September 20, 2010

Pretty, if the sun won't shine..

Hi my name is Adri. I get checked out at that gym while I sweat my brains out. And a twenty two year old guy will proceed to hit on me and try to ask me on a date. That, my friends, is just how good I am. I'm freaking pro.
Curling hair in cosmetology. The 'professional' curling irons are the spawn of the devil :|
Mitchell got his braces off today and it looks so good :) That's my best friend! In aerobics we sing to emminem while working on our cardio ;)
History student teacher. Woof. She doesn't even make history fun and she's the hardest student teacher I've ever had.
Swim team today :) I love it :) this year is going to be awesome :)
I got my homecoming pictures today :) :) :) they're pretty ok :) I love the group picture ahhh :)
Utah gossip girl: hey upper eastsiders guess who got married in the temple today?! guess who didn't ;)
Are they the ugly version of our friendship? No. Because they're both girls. Oh yeah, I forget yelena isn't a boy... ;)
I love when fake people talk about me behind my back then give me the biggest smile when they see me.. whore.
Today was pretty great :) happy happy happy.
Number one most said thing by Adri: oh my gosh. I cannot be bothered with this.

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