Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spending my money for a walk in the rain, I'm drained

Me and Drake have been playing this game where we try to sum up the 90's in five words or less.
My winners: 'You are... my fi-re'
'Have you seen that Friends??'
His winners: he never wins.

So yesterday in my esthetics class we played with essential oils and Joyce gave me an aromatherapy massage. It was very nice. It's the weirdest feeling because the massage itself is actually not that amazing, but when I got up my back just felt so.. straight. And it hasn't felt that way since my accident, it was amazing. She's better than my chiropractor. But it was funny because I could hear all of them saying how asleep I was and how I was dead to the world. I was awake the whole time... I just have really even breathing... But last night I slept amazing. I seriously haven't slept that good in so long. I'm a believer. Then we did some homemade masks (this class is literally like a giant slumber party all the time) and it was amazing :) Tessi had a chocolate mask and it smelled divine, I quite honestly wanted to munch on her face. Mine was pumpkin :) it felt like burt bees all over my face :) it was a fairly good time.

Baby Bird is coming home. Lets repeat that with caps lock on. And maybe some bolded lettering. BABY BIRD IS COMING HOME.  At the last second I decided larger font was necessary as well. 
Anyways, happy Saturday my loves. 

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