Sunday, July 29, 2012

I was born with the ability to see stars.

Does anyone remember that creepy book I read a couple months ago about the girl that LOCKED HER BROHTER IN A CUPBOARD?? Well, it's a MOVIE. On netflix!!! Naturally, I had to watch it. But I don't want to alone because when I read it I got mad nightmares or whatever. And let me just tell you how hard it is to convince ANYONE to watch a two hour movie that's completely in french so you have you read subtitles the whole time. But Eric is amazing and that's exactly how we spent our night. 'Is Anne Frank real???' This kid is my best friend. Spi'erman. I forgot to mention it, but last week when everyone went to see batman, I went and saw spi'erman. And I loved it :)) Well, that was a tangent.
So today I went to a photoshoot thing correct? And it was pretty fun. Except that Eric changed the settings on my camera and it made my memory card fill up super fast. It's ok, I was always available to hold lights. Also, it made my day when I came as a photographer and got mistaken as a model. I know I'm a child, but I really like being told that I was prettier than all the models. Anyways, so my camera was full and I was superrr bummed, but I still had fun. But then the sunset came. And I was like 'PINK AND PURPLE OH MY GOD' Literally, so stoked on life that I can hardly contain myself. But my memory card is full. Imagine me running in circles in my front yard yelling for a memory card. Because that's exactly what happened. And as we all know, sunset timing is critical you have like three minutes for prime time. And I MISSED IT. Because my memory card was full. I WAS SO MAD. Everyone knows I love sunsets and I missed a really really good one!!!!!!!! I fully blame Eric. And halfsies my communications teacher because I was inside doing homework instead of being outside enjoying nature and therefor having enough time to get another memory card. I can blame everything on my communications teacher. I tripped on a rock the other day, DAMN THAT COMMUNICATIONS TEACHER!!! DAMN HIM TO HELLLLL! See how nicely that works? ;)
Cool story, this morning I was doing my thing on the ol' FB and I was like 'Travis McCormick I remember him' and I just got to thinking about him, just little things like the time he called me when he was drunk and left me the best voicemail ever and the time that he gave me one of his old shirts, just random shit. And then later that day he called me! It was a butt dial, but I still believe in that whole 'when you randomly think about someone, they're thinking of you' Maybe he didn't think about me, but his ass did when it called me. And that's how mother earth works in mysterious ways.
You're done, Adri. Go to bed. It's been a day.

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